11-02-2017, 02:10 AM
11-07-2017, 03:57 AM
11-07-2017, 05:19 AM
"Th.the P..prof/fess.sor w.would g.ground us.s""
11-14-2017, 07:10 AM
"Well then, I think someone else should talk to her. I'm still under the lingering influence of 'the Flu' that messed with some of our minds. I don't want to accidentally fuck things up by losing my cool and freaking out on her if she gets bitchy." He looks at the other students and says, "So who's volunteering?"
11-14-2017, 07:11 AM
[OoC: I fear that we have been abandoned by most of the group. Gedeon, Katrina and Blow is MIA. So unfortunately that only leaves Malcolm and Ballista.
So I think I might wrap this thread up quicker than I planned (though not too quick.) It won't have a detrimental affect on Karma gained. It's not Malcolm's fault people just vanished. ]

11-14-2017, 07:25 AM
"I..I'll.l t.try. Sh.she kn.nows I.I'm here an.nyw.way."
He walks forward, carefully in the dark. Only able to see by the dim light behind him from Blow's flashlight.
"H.hel.lo? M.my n.name is M.Malc.colm. W.we ar.re j.just h.here l.lok.king f.for a f.friend. B.Benj.jamin? H.he c.came f.from th.the M.Morlocks."
He walks forward, carefully in the dark. Only able to see by the dim light behind him from Blow's flashlight.
"H.hel.lo? M.my n.name is M.Malc.colm. W.we ar.re j.just h.here l.lok.king f.for a f.friend. B.Benj.jamin? H.he c.came f.from th.the M.Morlocks."
11-15-2017, 05:37 AM
There's a pause after your question and then Gedeon says, "Guys, there's a wall behind us now." When you look you see the way you came sealed up by a wall that looks exactly like any of the other walls of the sewer.
Kat reaches out and runs her hand along its surface and replies, "Only it's not a real stone wall. I can't affect it with my powers." Suddenly she hears a strange insect like clicking noise eminating from beyond the fake wall. Kat takes a step back and says, "Ummm... something creepy is going on here."
From in front of you, the woman finally replies to Malcolm, "Benjamin's a popular name. Why you searching for him?"
Kat reaches out and runs her hand along its surface and replies, "Only it's not a real stone wall. I can't affect it with my powers." Suddenly she hears a strange insect like clicking noise eminating from beyond the fake wall. Kat takes a step back and says, "Ummm... something creepy is going on here."
From in front of you, the woman finally replies to Malcolm, "Benjamin's a popular name. Why you searching for him?"
11-15-2017, 05:43 AM
Ripples of energy begin to pulse from Trevor's hands. "I don't like this!" He points both hands at the fake wall and blasts it. At first he only puts half his effort into the energy bolt. If it's not enough he keeps pumping up the power until he is blasting the wall with everything he can muster.
[OoC: Kinetic Bolt= Incredible Rank ]
[OoC: Kinetic Bolt= Incredible Rank ]
11-15-2017, 05:45 AM
The wall seems unaffected by Trevor's maximum power blast.
11-15-2017, 07:17 AM
Malcolm addresses who ever is ahead of them around the corner.
"h.he d.doesn.'t.t m.mean h.harm. W.we ar.re n.not h.ere.f.for a f.fight. W.we w.were j.just l/lookingf.for our.r f.friend. H.he was r.rec.cent.tly s.sick. H.he w.wasn'tth.thinking c.clear."
Malcolm addresses who ever is ahead of them around the corner.
"h.he d.doesn.'t.t m.mean h.harm. W.we ar.re n.not h.ere.f.for a f.fight. W.we w.were j.just l/lookingf.for our.r f.friend. H.he was r.rec.cent.tly s.sick. H.he w.wasn'tth.thinking c.clear."