[OoC: Let me put this kind of in D&D terms. Malcolm was delaying until James did something. Masque was readying for James to do something. Instead of just having Masque beat James as a Ready action should, I just gave Masque +20 to his roll. James beat Masque anyways so he got to move first before Masque. But I still have to consider Masque's ready action. If he had failed his endurance then you would have went next. But he succeeded so he got to go next. Note, it would have been very easy for him to fail since even if he had rolled a green result Masque would have been knocked off his feet. So then we moved to your turn.
Also keep in mind that James' attack is an area attack and not a targeted attack. Areas in Marvel are kooky things. If you look at any Marvel map they are always fixed on the map but I choose to see them as fluid. Normally an area is 44'×44' so basically bigger than this room which technically means James' attack would have hit everyone! But since targeting Morlock children would not likely be something James would do I only had his attack effect part of the area where Masque was standing and behind him.
I hope this helps clear some of the rulings up.]
"What makes you think I have ever intended to let you go. I have an arena that needs gladiators. The two of you would make an amazing show!"
Malcolm reaches out attempting to back track through the maze of tunnels...
[OoC: Make a reason or intuition feat roll. Whichever is higher.]
Malcolm swiftly and effortlessly locates his fellow students. You can see their lips moving but not hear their conversation through your link. Trevor's facial expressions seem to be emoting that he's upset while the others seem to be trying to calm him down. You remember Trevor's aggressive behavior might be still be being influenced by the side effects of the Canker Virus.
Malcolm reaches out with his telekinetic tendril (assuming it is in range) and tugs on each of Katrina, Gedeon, and Trevor's right arms in the direction he needs them to go. Not too hard but three quick jerks so they definitely cannot mistake teh sensation.
Meanwhile he continues to talk, he needs to give them time.
"Arena? A benevolent ruler that forces his citizens to fight one another? For whose entertainment?"
He glances at Ben and then at Psi-Jack.
"Why on earth would you return to this?"
Trevor is startled at the sudden tug on his arm. He suddenly pulls back a fist pulsing with kinetic energy to blast whatever it was tugging on him. But when he sees nothing there he relaxes his arm (fist still pulsing) and looks back at the others. "What? Who?"
Another two tugs follow the first remember.
(09-09-2018, 05:24 AM)Malcontent Wrote: [ -> ]Another two tugs follow the first remember.
[OOC: Sorry, I read what you wrote as three tugs, one for each Gideon, Katrina and Ballista.]
After the first, there's two more tugs of invisible force on his arm. On a hunch Trevor holds up his other hand and takes control of Malcolm's Telekinesis. With a roll of his wrist, Ballista reverses the flow of Malcontent's Telekinesis so it tugs on him instead.
Trevor then says to everyone,
"I think it's Malcolm. Unless there's another Telekinetic that knows exactly where we are. It the intensity feels about right. I think he needs help. Just in case we should go!"
Trevor's irises begin glowing light blue and he suddenly floats off the ground. He motions toward his classmates and both of them are swept up in a carrier wave of kinetic energy. They all start to accelerate in the direction the telekinesis is tugging them.
[Intuition rolled with 5 Karma: 30 + 16 Karma to get a 46 for a Green Feat; Success; Total Karma used 21]
[Kinetic Control: Rolled 54; Needed 31; Success]
[Speed: Good Land speed while inside sewers; 60mph, 4 areas/turn]
Malcolm feels Trevors return tugs and knows help is on the way. He continues to pull all three along as fast as Trevor's power allows, guiding them the correct route.
"You have the power to make your followers love you rather than fear you. You still have time to do what is right.."
Again there is no sign of stutter.
(09-08-2018, 05:06 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Let me put this kind of in D&D terms. Malcolm was delaying until James did something. Masque was readying for James to do something. Instead of just having Masque beat James as a Ready action should, I just gave Masque +20 to his roll. James beat Masque anyways so he got to move first before Masque. But I still have to consider Masque's ready action. If he had failed his endurance then you would have went next. But he succeeded so he got to go next. Note, it would have been very easy for him to fail since even if he had rolled a green result Masque would have been knocked off his feet. So then we moved to your turn.
Also keep in mind that James' attack is an area attack and not a targeted attack. Areas in Marvel are kooky things. If you look at any Marvel map they are always fixed on the map but I choose to see them as fluid. Normally an area is 44'×44' so basically bigger than this room which technically means James' attack would have hit everyone! But since targeting Morlock children would not likely be something James would do I only had his attack effect part of the area where Masque was standing and behind him.
I hope this helps clear some of the rulings up.]
"What makes you think I have ever intended to let you go. I have an arena that needs gladiators. The two of you would make an amazing show!"
Malcolm reaches out attempting to back track through the maze of tunnels...
[OoC: Make a reason or intuition feat roll. Whichever is higher.]
Ooc - Or because the volume was condensed the pressure was increased right? :

Would blowing a Remarkable force wind into a handheld pipe increase the rank of the attack to Incredible or Amazing etc.? Just a thought.
Ooc2 - so he still has two nostrils correct? Don't even get me started on his other end because I bet he can blow some sh*t down with his power combinations!
James is totally freaked out by his now sealed mouth and the Masque's fingers still inside....
"HHHMMMMHHHHMMMMHHH!!!" He instinctively reaches up to grab his face and the hand that still resides IN it. He wants to cry. He looks around at the other Morlocks, to Malcolm, to the Morlock children. He can't keep it together though and begins to whimper.
"Mmmmm hmmp hmmp hmmmmm."
[OoC: To attempt to focus your power like that would be a power stunt. Actually, anything you want to do with your power that's different then what you can normally do is almost always a power stunt. ]
[OoC2: And yes you still have at least one nostril. Masque isn't trying to kill you, yet.

"All you have to do is say yes to participating in the arena." Masque slides his fingers deeper into James' face.
Ben balls his hands up into fists...