"He can't exactly say anything with you doing that. And fighting mutant versus mutant helps you resist humans how?"
He hopes James will forgive him later for playing for time, Masques ego is the only advantage they have at the moment.
Ooc - Human jaw muscles are rather powerful
Having no other option but to resist Masque's control of his body, James reflexively grabs Masque's hand with the flesh of his face and teeth. (Bodily Tension/Body Resistance) He attempts to break his hand completely off at the wrist or wherever like an alligator would as he bites, rips, and rolls... (Power stunt, Break People's Hand's in Your Mouth Move, Mutant Style) Karma 5 + ...
Bodily Tension[1d100] = 70]Bodily Tension[/url] Green Result +25 for Red Result
Ooc - Technically speaking, James has just agreed to Masque's proposal... he's fighting another mutant

At Masque's touch, flesh, bone, teeth, sinew and whatever else makes up the human body becomes almost like soft clay. The area touched offers no resistance and just flows around his hands. James' attempts to use the muscles and the bones of his face are useless as both just ooze around his fingers like he was squeezing clay.
"This is a feisty one," Masque chuckles. "He will fight well in the arena."
"C'mon," Psy-Jack says from the crowd.
"Let him go! You're hurting him!"
"My powers do not hurt, my dear. Not unless i want them too," Masque replies. "Ask Benjamin. He didn't feel anything when I molded his face to look like a grasshopper."
"Masque, STOP!" Another female says over the crowd of Morlocks.
"They are just children!"
Looking over toward where the woman is speaking, you both are horrified to see a woman with a mass of tentacles for arms.
"Callisto, you would do well to mind your own business! I'm only offering entertainment to our fellow Morlocks." Masque withdraws his hands from James' face, returning it to normal, and allows him to fall to the ground. "Maybe you want me to further mold you. Perhaps also giving you tentacles for a head would suit you well."
"I do not understand why you want your only family to hate you. If morlocks are your family you should be protecting them not bullying them. You are sick."
The whole time he is speaking Malcontent is pulling Ballista forward through the tunnels at breakneck speed.
"I don't mind if they hate me, boy. The reason? Because they fear me even more. That keeps them from doing anything stupid! Look at her," Masque says while motioning to the woman with arms made of tentacles. "Her name is Callisto. She use to lead the Morlocks until Storm kicked her ass. When Storm left she placed Callisto back in charge. But that was a long time ago. Storm hasn't come back to check on us and things have been getting worse and worse. Callisto changed and she wasn't willing to do what took to protect the Morlocks. She was always worried the X-Men would come back. She lost her nerve. If it weren't for me taking over, the Morlocks would have disbanded and splintered off into smaller cells. They would have lost the strength of the group. I doubt someone like you could understand that while living in your ivory tower."
"Ivory fucking tower?!! Are you fucking joking? You've no fucking clue.. " Malcontent is shouting now, all sign of reticense or stutter gone. All the while Ballista is being pulled faster.
"Ask Psi-Jack.. we went through hell!"
James is utterly terrified of what has just happened to him. His face and mouth molded and shaped by the will of another. He felt violated, ashamed, and powerless at the same time. Then the others began to speak up for him. They spoke for Masque to stop. Even Malcom spoke with an inner strength and his confidence buttressed James from falling completely into despair. But all he could do was whimper and cry as he lay on the ground. "Mal..com." He says through tears and reaches out to him.
Malcom moves to stand between Masque and James. His small frame taut with fury.. his hands balled into fists at his side.
"It must be so horrible, being hated even by those who take in the most ostracized. It has made you an evil bully."
While you're talking you suddenly hear noise coming from beyond the door you entered. Masque looks past you at the entrance and grumbles, "What the fuck?"
[OoC: I'm giving you both 1 round of action to do something while most of the Morlocks are distracted. Or you can just wait to see what happens and then react.]