Malcolm closes his eyes and sends his telekinetic 'hand' up into the air for an overhead look at the alley, where everyone is positioned and if there is anything unattended he can use to cause a distraction..
[How tall are the buildings? anything theat Malcom could shove off a roof perhaps into the alley but away from where we and the man-hole cover are? Without injuring anyone of course? I don't need large and destructive, but something that would make people eirther look at it or look up to see what caused it to fall. Potted plant? Garbage? even a hunk of eavestrough itself? anything]
"W..when I s..say g..go."
Katrina goes back to looking her normal self, with all trace of cracks and glow disappearing. She shakes her head and follows after the others, having trouble thinking of a way to help in the situation. Filled with uncertainty, she steps up by Malcolm's shoulder, leaning over toward him slightly.
"Ummm... If we found somewhere nearby, out of sight... I could make a tunnel into the sewer...? Maybe... I've never done it in concrete..."
Gedeon shakes her head at Malcolm. "I know nothing of the Morlocks. If we are at all similar, they would be isolationists as well."
Realizing the others are unclear of his intentions, Malcolm, having not actually done anything yet, explains what he had intended.
"I..I w..was j.just.t d.dist.tract th.the b.byst.tand.ders w.we c.could get.t th.the q.quick.kly, l.less to M.Morlocks th.than d.d.digging a t.tunnel"
In his nervousness at having to explain, his stutter becomes more pronounced even than normal, making it hard to understand him amidst the regular city noises.
(03-19-2017, 07:51 AM)Malcontent Wrote: [ -> ]Realizing the others are unclear of his intentions, Malcolm, having not actually done anything yet, explains what he had intended.
"I..I w..was j.just.t d.dist.tract th.the b.byst.tand.ders w.we c.could get.t th.the q.quick.kly, l.less to M.Morlocks th.than d.d.digging a t.tunnel"
In his nervousness at having to explain, his stutter becomes more pronounced even than normal, making it hard to understand him amidst the regular city noises.
He looks at Katrina, and is about to nod in acceptance of her plan when Malcom stutters through his plan. James is at a loss now of what to do, really though, he would go along with anyone.
"Uh, okay. Just say when.... How do you get a sewer lid off though?" James goes along with Malcom, despite what appears to be a lack of confidence in speech, he seemed to have confidence in his powers. He stifles any question as why they aren't looking for another entrance, he really didn't know what he was doing after all. He pats his jacket pocket to make sure the flashlight was still there. He was thinking about what might actually be in a sewer when he had the brilliant idea that they all be wearing waders, however it was too late for that. James looks down at his shoes. Poor shoes.
Malcolm sends out his telekinetic eye to search the roofs of nearby buildings. There doesn't seem to be a lot to throw off the top to create a diversion. At least not without causing some property damage in the process. If he did want to create property damage there are some pipes he could likely rip out or knock over a fire escape.
[OoC: The red Squares are people. The Bullseye is the manhole cover. The dots in the blue circle are you guys. The map isn't perfect but it will work. ]

Malcom frowns at what he sees.
"I.I n..noth.thing up.p there to unl.less I a h.heating u.unit off a r.roof."
He looks at Katrina.
"H.How q.quiet c.can you d.dig?"
"Uh..." She glances at the others. "Well, I think the noisiest part of that would be getting through the concrete. Otherwise, I could make a sinkhole straight down, then dig from there. But there's a chance... I could try to melt the concrete. That would be pretty quiet, I think."
"W.we n.need.d to it out of s.sight. An.nyone th.that w.walks p.p.past the al.ley w.will see d.dig."
Malcom looks around for a dumpste,r or parked car, or even a recessed doorway in the alley, anything.