[OoC: I can't seem to locate Belladonna's character which makes it difficult to figure out what she can and can't do with her current powers. Can you please link your character to your signature so I know what you can do.]
(The sheet link is in my Sig as requested)
(08-15-2017, 07:20 AM)Belladonna Wrote: [ -> ](The sheet link is in my Sig as requested)
[OoC: Thank you. After reviewing your powers I do not believe you can create "plant golems" without some kind of a power stunt. You can increase the size of plants with Plant Growth and impart limited movement with Plant Control but you cannot exceed normal limits on the plant's shape. Also, mold is a fungi so it is not technically a plant and has more closely related to animals than plants. But controlling fungi would also be an ability I would allow you to develop as a power stunt. You could certainly make a vine creep though toward the light if you wished.
What do you want to do? ]
(Okay we will use a Vine golem then... A mass of vines twisted and grown to look like a humanoid.)
[OoC wouldn't making the 'vubne golem' actually walk, move like a humanoid be a power stunt still, whereas just making a vine grow and reach for my cell phone out of the darkness, while less 'cool' be just as effective?]
(08-23-2017, 02:19 AM)Belladonna Wrote: [ -> ](Okay we will use a Vine golem then... A mass of vines twisted and grown to look like a humanoid.)
[OoC: Malcolm is correct. At the moment you can only make vines move. Not reshape them into golems.]
[OoC: If I don't hear from soon, I'm going to NPC her until she returns and then carry on. ]
[OoC: Well it appears that Belladonna's player has disappeared from the site.

So that kind of makes this entire encounter to introduce her a little pointless.

While Malcolm uses his telekinesis to carry the phone down the tunnel, a whip-like tendril smashes the phone, putting out the light. [Attack roll made privately]
"You've come too far," states a hollow feminism voice.
"Go back now and the sewer monsters won't have to eat you!" Suddenly there's a growling sound coming from up ahead.
Without even thinking Malcolm attempts to throw up a force field around himself and his friends. Well back from the corner, where they are standing.
[Remember phone was hovering in mid-air well ahead of the group]
[Power stunt Force Field = -100 Karma
Telekinesis: Force Field [1d100] = 29 Fail - white result]
"H..hey!! Th.that was my phone!!" he yells angrily.
[OoC: I'm sorry for not giving my Marvel games much love. Don't be afraid to give me a poke if I start lagging.
So I don't delay any further I will assume everyone is still here and post. ]
[OoC2: OUCH! That fail cost you 105 karma. Declaring the use of Karma is your friend!]
Malcolm concentrates on stiffening the air to protect his friends but seems to be distracted by the loss of his phone and fails.
"If you don't leave," a female voice is heard saying from up ahead. "You'll be screaming, Th... That was my face or Th... That was my ass!"