Malcolm is bewildered by Masque going on about some random Storm person [she was not at the school in the time that he has been there due to the holiday if I recall].
"I don't need my appearance changed. I.I look like my parents, sorta, and th.that's all I have left of them thank A.and my stutter h.has nothing to do with confidence. Being b.bigger won't change that. Maybe if I w.were dumb.ber, but no one w.wants to be dumber."
"B.Ben is this what w.want? Kat.trina lives with us j.just f.fine despite l.looking d.different."
(05-28-2018, 04:21 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (05-26-2018, 08:04 PM)James Carter Wrote: [ -> ]James recoils at first until he realizes that the monster before him was just another kid like him. He clinches his fists tight. This wasn't right. "You better not try anything! We have friends that will stop you!"
"Who? Storm?" Masque replies with a chuckle. "She hasn't been back to the tunnels in years. Not since she defeated Callisto for leadership of the Morlocks and then failed to protect them during the Mutant Massacre. But now I'm leader of the Morlocks and Callisto along with Ben will be a couple of my greatest champions. Wouldn't you like to be worshiped? I can make that happen. I can change your appearance to anything you wish." Seeming to ignore Malcolm's question, Masque looks at him and says, "Wouldn't you like to be taller and muscular so you could have more confidence to remove that stutter?" Then looking at James he adds, "And you, you could lose all your fat and have model good looks to be attractive to the ladies?"
"If you can change the way people look then why don't you use your powers to help others?!" James asks naively.
"Then no one would have to live here."
Ooc - how much is James aware of the Mutant Massacre or Storm or Callisto?
"Even if you made us good looking or ugly I wouldn't stay with you here. You are just a bully! One day, the people you pick on will fight back and you'll be sorry!" While Masque seemingly ponders their words, James leans over to Malcom and whispers, "Let's grab Ben and make a run for it."
Malcolm does not answer Ben verbally, but only with a slight nod.. hoping Ben can see in the dark.
Ooc - "Ben" see in the dark? Did you mean James?

Ooc2 - Who/how many is standing near Masque?
James slowly sucks in the surrounding air as he gives another speech.
"There's a place for all of us.. up above.. if we stick together.. and help each other out. You don't have to live here.. if you don't want to!" He lets out a blast of air at Masque and his minions.
[1d100] = 44]Hyper Breath[/url] Green Result
[OoC: Malcolm has likely met Storm. It is unlikely that either of you have heard anything about the Mutant Massacre or Calisto.
When Malcolm asks Ben if this was what he wants, Ben replies, "No. I didn't know Masque was going to change me into an actual Grasshopper." It's impossible to decipher Ben's facial expressions but he seems to bow his head in shame.
"And why should I help others with my power? I'm not able to use my powers on myself. If I made everyone beautiful so they could leave then I would be all alone. Why would anyone want to be alone?"
[OoC2: There is about 25 people in the room. Some have obvious physical enhancements (or powers). Others just look really ugly but could have powers that aren't apparent. Malcolm is aware of Ben's powers (shrinking, hyper leaping, high strength) but James does not since he's never met Ben.]
[OoC3: Are you sure you want to make an attack? ]
Ooc - Me? No I'm not sure I want to do this, but James? As a teenager, I don't think he would even know better. James is targeting Masque specifically. As an area attack I'm not sure what that will do in tight quarters but the desired result is at least a distraction for Ben to run away with Malcom and James. Now, after re-reading the posts, Malcom nods to Ben?? I think I read that days ago as Malcom nodding to James. Was I wrong? That boost of confidence from Malcom encouraged the attack, but maybe I'm mistaken and that would change things.
[OoC nope you read it right.. it was a nod to James and a go ahead.. Malcolm was going to attempt to shield us while we run.]
Ooc - I'm calculating/hoping Ballista and Gideon will help us escape
Ooc- - Is it too late turn the attack into a power stunt? Using the natural environment to blind/impede his enemies in some way so Ben can run away with them? I can't remember/find my file on how power stunts work