[OoC: I hope this will help.]
James says to Malcolm, "Ummmm... if you knock Masque out then won't it be hard for him to turn Benjamin back to normal?"
![[Image: E9EriaC.png]](https://i.imgur.com/E9EriaC.png)
Malcolm gnashes his teeth. "Fine.. he doesn't deserve any leniency, but Ben does."
[OoC nice map, but am I really standing on the edge of a pit.. if yes I would have MOVED]
[OoC who's turn??]
[OoC: There is a metal grating over the hole to allow water to drain and to keep children from falling in.
It's Malcolm's turn.]
Malcolm will telekinetically grab Masque by his right arm and lift him several feet off the ground .. Malcom does not squeeze or shake masque to cause injury, merely holds him there while backing up a few steps out of reach.
Telekinesis RM26 Grapple +karma [1d100+5] = 69+5 = 74 = 69+26 Karma =
Quote:· A Full Hold indicates the
attacker has placed the
target in a position where
the target is fully restrained
from action, and may
damage the target. The
target is considered held
until the attacker releases
the target or the target
escapes. The attacker may
perform one action in
addition to maintaining the
hold, and may inflict up to
the Strength level of damage
to the target (subject to Body
"Let go of me!" Masque yells. "Or I'll order everyone in this room to attack. Most of them are regular humans and if they get killed then it's on your head!" The two large mutants take a step toward you.
A bolt of energy suddenly shreds the canopy covering the entrance. Ballista suddenly flies into the room. The sound of combat can still be heard from outside.
Ballista flies into the room and says, "Malcolm, you need some help, buddy?"
One of the giants turn to face Ballista, growling.
The Giants prepare to fight.
Initiative: [1d100+4] = 76+4 = 80
Initiative order:
111 Malcolm
80 Giants
37 James
30 Masque
18 Ballista
The giants move next. They normally would wait for Masque's orders but they've been itching for a fight. So the both of them move toward the center of the room. One grabs James in a bear hug [
Initiative: [1d100] = 91 Unmodified (Red)], holding him tight, while the other gives the young man a punch to the gut [
Attack: [1d100] = 46 Unmodified (Green)]. James doesn't seem phased by their initial assault but is still held and unable to move. The giant holding James forces him to look toward Benjamin.
"Go ahead, blow yer face off. You'll hit yer friend too!"
"Dis guy has tough skin. Brute hit harder next time!" Says the Giant who just punched him.
James struggles to get free and to both giant's surprise, he succeeds!! [
Strength: [1d100+8] = 71+8 = 79 (yellow)] Dropping to the ground, James yells, "I don't know if we'll be able to take everyone on! I've never fought with my powers before!"
Masque tries to escape Malcolm's telekinetic clutches by grabbing hold of low hanging pipes but fails. [
Escape: [1d100] = 15 Unmodified (White)]