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Oh wait he did get to second level. I am willing to start him over from scratch but will share his character sheet here so you can see the concept.. I will basically just remake him as a character concept to suit your rules on character creation.

Yeah, it's fine. I put the kibosh on gunslingers primarily because I don't believe it fits the AP.
(06-14-2016, 04:10 AM)dougfan Wrote: [ -> ]Kingmaker is a sandbox-style AP that takes players from level 1 to level 20ish.  It takes place in an area known as "The Stolen Lands."  Players are granted a charter by the Swordlords of Restov to tame the savage lands of the wild beasts, vicious ruffians and neighboring kingdoms, and, ultimately, forge a new kingdom of their own from the fertile ground.

There's a lot of other stuff in it, but the most basic part of it is clear the baddies and make your own kingdom.
I am 100% in!  This sounds right up my ally. What does AP mean?
Adventure Path
I apologize for not being around.  I've not been feeling well.  I called in sick to work on Tuesday but whatever it is, I've been having trouble shaking it off.  But I'm finally feeling a little better so I hope to post either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Get well soon! RL comes first, though, so don't force it on our accounts.
Guess you were infected by Toot's bidirectional nausea caused by bathing, spiced up with Unreth's poison and possibly got a few bonks on the head from kobolds' thrown rocks, eh?
Nah, seriously. Glad RL hasn't pull you out of this neat community.
Selina be all like "I'm gonna f*** up that damn spider."
Can I get a final show of hands of who will be joining my Kingmaker game? I know I've asked this a bunch of times, so I appreciate your patience.
(06-19-2016, 05:57 AM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [ -> ]Can I get a final show of hands of who will be joining my Kingmaker game?  I know I've asked this a bunch of times, so I appreciate your patience.

Sure. I'll bite. As long as we're abiding by the "life happens" principle.
We'll need some character creation rules, since, if my memory serves, this is vaguely... noblesse oblige. So maybe not systemic, but certainly in background...