Nightingale looks over the pillars to see if she can identify what they were or why they were here. Looking for any writing or pictures or any details that might identify them.
1d20+2 4
Leloth looks around taking in all she can.
1d20+2 17
There was no apparent danger anywhere around the area that anyone could see. As several of the group studied they Rope, it seemed relatively new and sturdy enough to use. The other detail that stood out was that the broken pillars were covered with graffiti.
(DM - If anyone speaks Goblin, or knows Dwarven, they will recognize the graffiti. Outside of that, Roll Investigation and/or Survival to study the surrounding area in more detail.)
"Can anyone read these squiggles?" Nightingale raised her voice so the others near the rope could hear her, "There's graffiti all over these pillars."
Athos walks over and checks the scrawling words, "Something that uses the Dwarven script, but not the Dwarven language. Sounding it out sounds like gibberish."
---Athos and Nightingale---
(DM - Both of you roll Investigation.)
Arius continues to study the depths, as well as how well the ropes are tied off, trying to decide how safe rthe rope will be to use. He cannot read the graffiti at all, knowing neither dwarven nor goblin.
Investigation [1d2+1] = 2+1 = 3
1d20+2 22
OOC: Arius, you rolled a 1d2 in your last post, not a 1d20.
---Athos and Nightingale---
Both of them quickly realize this is goblin script.
The rope leading down into the citadel is surprisingly strong and looks relatively new. It is very well tied off and safe to use. It was Likely left here by the last group of adventurers.