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"What kind of disguises did you have in mind? Many of us are not skilled in deception, so masks and prosthetics are not really a smart option, as they will slip. And you are talking about going to a place with a lot of people, in order to bavoid being recognized. Isn't that counter-intuitive?"
"Well, we're wearing the exact same clothes as we were when that droid put us on camera.  So changing the style and color would be a good start.  A mask wouldn't be a bad idea either.  If we all bought Breathing or Vacuum masks to cover our faces that should prevent anyone from recognizing us.  Alternatively, you could add a helmet package to your armor, if you wear any."
Korstyn, still wearing the helm of her beskar’gam, couldn’t care less about the plight of the not-so-merry troubadours…but still she opines “Sometimes the best disguises are the simplest.  Like cutting your hair shorter or adiik growing his out some.”
Shunna produces a small tube shaped item from one of her pouches.  A 5cm long blade pops out of one end and suddenly begins to buzz and thrum while quickly becoming amber hot.  Pulling her long hair back into a ponytail, Shunna grips the mane of hair in one hand and then with the other hand she slices the length of hair off above the hand holding the ponytail.  Shunna the presents her hair to the group, asking, "Anyone need a wig?"
[[Remembering my previous mistakes in this regard, I’m going to assume that’s a vibroshiv and not the smoking gun, er shoto.]]
(08-18-2021, 06:59 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [ -> ][[Remembering my previous mistakes in this regard, I’m going to assume that’s a vibroshiv and not the smoking gun, er shoto.]]

[[It's a personal Personal Multitool.  Like a Swiss Army Knife.  Except with a mini vibro-blade.]]
"I just need a set of light armour with a helmet, I need to cover my arm more than anything."
"I will need a different colored coat and some sort of helmet or hat perhaps?", says Ubi
"This all sounds good," Shunna replies.  "When we get there, perhaps only two or three of us should go down.  Someone good at negotiating and one or two accompanying them to help out in case anything goes bad.  Any volunteers?"
Jendu's heart sank.  He knew negotiation wasn't high on the list of priorities with this lot.  Shunna was obviously suggesting he go down to pick up the disguises.

"Fine," Jendu replies with a heavy sigh.  "But I nominate Korstyn to be one of the people who come down with me.  I worked with her before, and no offense to anyone here, I'd feel more comfortable with someone I'm familiar with watching my back.  Maybe Captain Sunt would also like to join us?"