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[OoC:  I was going to suggest taking 10 but it appears the dice roller read my mind! ]

Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 10+10 = 20
There they are! You finally spot them as they come within 30km of you (20 squares).  Flying in formation behind you is a group of starfighters. Now that you have spotted them you can make a use computer check to identify them. The only weapon that has a rear firing arc is the twin laser cannons controlled by Dez. 

No one else has a firing arc unless Dez turns the ship.
[OoC: I am abit new to Starwars, is there anything that Capn Ubi can do right now to assist right now?]
Ubi is currently in a Gunner seat, from that position he cannot help Zero with any Use Computer checks unfortunately. Only somone in a Commander poistion can do that and this ship is too small to have such a position

Positions/roles are detailed here https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Vehicle_Com..._Positions

Right now Sez is pilot
Njon is co-pilot (you could swap with Njon.. you have the same +9 Pilot skill)
Zero is system operator and Engineer
Callie and Ubi are in Gunner positions
abnd Shunna is on babysitting duty with the captive imperial pilot
[OOC: I tried to use Unseen Servant but it's down.  Can you make the Computer 10 roll? ]
With a take 10 you recognise three distinct ships.. there is a Y-Wing and two z-95 headhunters

Then Ubi remambers something... he was supposed to meet up with an Atrivis Resistance Group cell here, to hand off his 'cargo'... but they were expecting his XS-800 light freighter.. not this Lambda shuttle.. They were as anti imperial as it gets.. if they got itchy trigger fingers...
[OoC: Umm... Ubi?  You going to let us in on that little bit of information you remembered? ]
(11-19-2020, 09:47 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: [ -> ]With a take 10 you recognise three distinct ships..  there is a Y-Wing and two z-95 headhunters

Then Ubi remambers something... he was supposed to meet up with an Atrivis Resistance Group cell here, to hand off his 'cargo'... but they were expecting his XS-800 light freighter.. not this Lambda shuttle..   They were as anti imperial as it gets.. if they got itchy trigger fingers...

[OoC: oh shit sorry I missed that]  Ubi says "I was supposed to meet with an Atrivis Resistance Group Cell here, to hand off my cargo. They where expecting my XS-800 Light Freighter.. not this Lambds Shuttle..They are Anti-Imperial as it gets..If the get itchy trigger fingers.."
What do you guys do?
(11-23-2020, 11:59 AM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-19-2020, 09:47 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: [ -> ]With a take 10 you recognise three distinct ships..  there is a Y-Wing and two z-95 headhunters

Then Ubi remambers something... he was supposed to meet up with an Atrivis Resistance Group cell here, to hand off his 'cargo'... but they were expecting his XS-800 light freighter.. not "Lambda shuttle..   They were as anti imperial as it gets.. if they got itchy trigger fingers...

[OoC: oh shit sorry I missed that]  Ubi says "I was supposed to meet with an Atrivis Resistance Group Cell here, to hand off my cargo. They where expecting my XS-800 Light Freighter.. not this Lambda Shuttle..They are Anti-Imperial as it gets..If the get itchy trigger fingers.."

Ubi says "Lets try and take her easy, no sudden moves unless we have to, we don't want to tempt thier itchy trigger fingers!"