Ghtroc 720 Freighter Statistics (CL 6)
Colossal Space Transport
Initiative: -1; Senses: Perception +5
Reflex Defense: 16 (Flat-Footed 12), Fortitude Defense: 25; +12 Armor
Hit Points: 110; Damage Reduction: 15; Shield Rating: 15; Damage Threshold: 75
Speed: Fly 12 Squares (Character Scale), Fly 4 Squares (Starship Scale); (Maximum Velocity 1500 km/h)
Ranged: Laser Cannons, Double +1 (See Below)
2 x Double medium blaster cannons (see below)
Fighting Space: 12x12 Squares (Character Scale), 1 Square (Starship Scale); Total Cover
Base Attack Bonus: +0; Grapple: +35
Attack Options: Autofire (Laser Cannons, Double)
Strength: 40, Dexterity: 18, Constitution: -, Intelligence: 15
Skills: Initiative -1, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6
Ship Statistics
Crew: 2 + 2 gunners (Normal Crew Quality); Passengers: 10
Cargo: 85 Tons; Consumables: 2 Months; Carried Craft: None
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup Class 15), Navicomputer
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 223,500 (53,000 Used)
Emplacement Points Used:/Available: 13/- (reduced cargo space by 50 tons
Weapon Systems
Laser Cannons, Double (Gunner) (Forward)
Attack Bonus: as crew +2 (-3 Autofire), Damage: 4d10x2
2 x Fire linked, double medium blaster cannon turrets (2 gunners) (dorsal)
Attack Bonus: as crew +2 (-3 autofire) Damage: 5d10x2 (6d10x2 fire-linked)
Other systems
Manuevering Jets (+4 Dex) (3ep, 25,000cr)
Combat thrusters (1ep, 10,000 cr)
Sensor array computer (+2 Int) (1ep, 25,000cr)
Sublight Drive 4 squares (5ep, 50,000)
2 x Fire linked double medium blaster cannons (3ep, 15,000)
Net cost: 223,500cr
The increased sub-light speed and combat thrusters means this space transport can dogfight as if it is a starfighter instead of a transport.
The two added turrets are not shown on the below map. They are on the 'shoulders' of the ship above the engine rooms (5, and 7), accessed by ladders. This makes the ship a very effective 'gunship'