Shunna pauses a moment, wondering why this man would think she wanted to trick people to join a resistance cell that her group had not even agreed to join yet. "I apologize if you thought I was considering bullshitting innocent people into joining your resistance. I was strictly speaking of our own groups own need to sometimes have to bullshit our way past things like Imperial patrols. I don't even remember being formally invited by your resistance to join, let alone had a chance to speak to my companions. Right now we simply want to trade this ship then find Ubi's ship. The Mandalorian seems to need assistance too though I'm not sure if she has formally asked for it either, so who knows what our future holds."
(12-17-2020, 03:03 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]Shunna pauses a moment, wondering why this man would think she wanted to trick people to join a resistance cell that her group had not even agreed to join yet. "I apologize if you thought I was considering bullshitting innocent people into joining your resistance. I was strictly speaking of our own groups own need to sometimes have to bullshit our way past things like Imperial patrols. I don't even remember being formally invited by your resistance to join, let alone had a chance to speak to my companions. Right now we simply want to trade this ship then find Ubi's ship. The Mandalorian seems to need assistance too though I'm not sure if she has formally asked for it either, so who knows what our future holds."
"Oh you asked if we had work for persuasive people,was why I thought.."
[OoC yes he essentially rolled a 1 on his perception lol, hence why he also misunderstood what you meant by persuasive completely}
"No, I was not asking if you had work FOR persuasive people. I am looking for someone skilled in persuasion who is looking for work. That could work WITH us. Basically, we need someone who's really good at lying but also trustworthy with his allies. Like a skilled spy or something. You must have spies."
"Not that we can or would send out with an unknown band of band of mercenaries. You'd want to do your hiring somewhere other than in an ARG base. Not saying we don\t have spies, even saboteurs, but they are part of the ARG, not free agents."
"That's fine," Shunna replies. "Deception is not something I feel particularly comfortable in using but I suddenly realized it would come in handy when we were attempting to escape a Star Destroyer. Having no one that can bullshit them, nearly got us vaporized."
Shunna will then sit close to the others and wait for the jumping to finish.
I actually have to make Njon's use computer check for astrogation, solo since no one took a position that can help
Talz gives several frustrated hooting sounds, and hits the nav computer with both hands, then gives several whistling hoots and waves his arms in agitation. You have not yet made the jump to hyperspace. Only Zero can understand Talz, so only Zero can translate.
For Zero:
[OoC Thankfully translating is a free action. because if he stops working on disavling the transponder, he will have to start over at that step of the process.]
While continuing to work on the transponder, Zero's single bright red eye swivels to point at the passenger seating area, and says, "If you are finished lounging, would one of you who know how to operate a computer care to make the necessary calculations for astrogation so we can plot a safe course through space? The Talz has been attempting to do it himself but he knows about as much about computers as a Rancor knows about manners."