(04-09-2018, 02:09 AM)Ubi Sunt Wrote: [ -> ]Ubi watches Shunna help the Stormtroopers and was about to say something but bites his tongue. Instead, Ubi runs over to F0G's fallen body. He wasn't good with computers and he wasn't about to waste time bringing potential prisoners back to life, but he was good enough with mechanics and droids. Maybe there was something useful left on the annoying droid. Maybe he could access security codes or comm systems through F0G. "I'm no good at slicing but maybe this droid has something left we could use to access communications."
Ooc - Can Ubi make a mechanic check to assess the damage to F0G to see if he could Jury-Rig it's communication systems to transmit a message to Long?
[url=[1d20+8] = 3+8 = 11]Mechanics[/url] Eww
[url=Force Point [1d6] = 1]Force Point[/url] I feel the universe is against me :
Should've just took 20! lol
Ubi is unable to reach FOG as the shield is still in effect across that entryway to the arena.
Shunna is able to stabilize six of the fallen troopers. While she does so she can hear that the troopers comm-links built into their helmets are no longer giving just static. With whatever jamming FOG was doing lifted, there sounds to be sporadic conversation going on, though she cannot make it out.
Callie was left scratching her head at Shunna's actions. They were stormtroopers, after all. Upon hearing the faint noise of restored communications over their helmets, she grabs one and holds it close to try and hear what they were saying.
Through the helmet's earpiece Callie can just barely make out what sounds like a tense conversation between the Imperials and the station security forces.
~"Lambda shuttle Barthierum, this is control tower Delta, you are requested to deactivate your engines and shut down, you are not clear for departure."~
~"This is the Barthierum, any action taken against us will be seen as treason against the Galactic Empire. YTou are to release Commander Kratos to us unharmed. Failure to do so will result in harsh repercussions."~
~"We are not holding your commander prisoner.We do not have contact with him or his security team, they were last heard assisting our security teams in quelling an escape attempt by the inmates of the mines.~
~"Bantha-shit!! We all saw that broadcast, your security team attempted to assault our troopers."~
~"We saw the holo-stream, your troopers cut our men down..~
"Ooh, sounds like a fine pickle. Hopefully the slavers and Imperials will wipe each other out." She suddenly gets an idea and holds the helmet out towards the nearest male. "Quick! Scream and panic into the comm about the pirates killing Kratos!"
The nearest male would now be Ubi standing in S12 (forgot to move his pog, assuming he kept moving while trying to contact Long. He is five spaces from Callie.
Ubi realizes thats him. "Oh, uhh... AHHHH, THEY JUST BLASTED KRATOS, HE'S DEAD, THEY KILLED HIM!"
Callie grins as Ubi follows through. That ought to stir up the hornet's nest.
Immediately after Ubi's charade is shouted into the comms, the conversation on the open comms ends in the sound of blaster fire...
A moment later the voice of the other Stormtrooper comes through the comms
~"All remaining troopers fall back to the shuttle. You have one minute until we are blasting our way out. Stragglers will be left behind."~
"Ummm... is it possible someone uses or fiddles with one of the radios in the helmet to use it to contact your friend out there?"
(04-16-2018, 08:02 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]"Ummm... is it possible someone uses or fiddles with one of the radios in the helmet to use it to contact your friend out there?"
"I might be able to but what about that Imperial shuttle? Shouldn't we try to get to it just in case? The Stormtroopers were fleeing that way." He points down the corridor.
"I saw a shaft leading up and another set of doors worth checking out."
(mechanic +8 to adjust comms)
Ooc - DMPC Ubi if you need to keep things moving, Posting will be difficult for me the next few days.