(10-20-2018, 03:50 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I thought this computer controlled the shielding around the base. So this reactor controls all the power in the base and mines? Does it control the power for anything else? ]
It is the main source of power, including life support , for the base. Individual sections do have emergency generators/batteries in varying states of functionality. If it controls power for anything else, you would not be aware. This is not in control of the shields for the base, unless you consider shutting down EVERYTHING being in control of shields.
As the rest of the group moves to catch up to Dez and Shunna. Dez looks at Shunna and says "Watch him, let me try" and takes the tablet from Shunna to see if she can gain access.
[sorry for the DMPCing..]
Use Computer + Force point [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8, plus Force Point [1d6] = 5 Failed with an 8, she would know not to waste the Force Point at that point]
She elects to try the direct route
"Unlock this data pad or you get a blaster bolt to the base of your skull!"
![[Image: jpWyYxtm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/jpWyYxtm.jpg)
"Do threats generally work for you," Shunna asks Dez.
"I can be very persuasive and could have tried just asking him to help us."
[Full Round Action: Search your feelings
- DC 15; Result Automatic success
- Effect: Determine whether an action will yield favorable or unfavorable results to you in the immediate future (10 minutes or less).
Shunna searches her feelings to know if it would be favorable for them if the Droid (Zero) shuts down all the power in the base.
Has Zero communicated to the group his possible intent. All they see is the droid S-jacked into the control console.
[OoC: Nope, but Shunna knows Zero is with Dez. Ubi seems to know Dez. This is a slave mine. Dez seems to want to get out of hear as much as everyone else. So much so that she willing to blow someone's head off get them to turn on a data pad. Zero took out the techs. Now he's connected to the computer that has control of the power to the base. Shunna wonders if turning off the power would be a good idea. Thus the, "search your feelings," question. Shunna doesn't want the droid to get them killed before they can get off the base. ]
[OoC: What does Zero know of where the base is? The Rock was a big asteroid, isn't it? Is the base on The Rock or is it another asteroid? What kind of shielding does the base have? An energy shield can be passed through but a particle shield can't, right? What kind of defenses does the base have, if any? How close is the private ship? ]
(10-24-2018, 06:16 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Nope, but Shunna knows Zero is with Dez. Ubi seems to know Dez. This is a slave mine. Dez seems to want to get out of hear as much as everyone else. So much so that she willing to blow someone's head off get them to turn on a data pad. Zero took out the techs. Now he's connected to the computer that has control of the power to the base. Shunna wonders if turning off the power would be a good idea. Thus the, "search your feelings," question. Shunna doesn't want the droid to get them killed before they can get off the base. ]
Searching her feelings Shunna sense that deactivating power to the station has different outcomes depending on decisions Zero has yet to make. Depending on those decisions about how the power is shut off range from beneficial to catastrophic. The decisions are about how the power gets shut off.
(10-24-2018, 06:38 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: What does Zero know of where the base is? The Rock was a big asteroid, isn't it? Is the base on The Rock or is it another asteroid? What kind of shielding does the base have? An energy shield can be passed through but a particle shield can't, right? What kind of defenses does the base have, if any? How close is the private ship? ]
The base is on the Rock itself, deep in an asteroid field called the Minefield, in the Atrivis sector, but out of the way of the hypwrspace lanes, as the Minefield is too dangerous to skirt too close in hyperspace.
The base is always protected by a particle shield to keep asteroids from colliding with the base infrastructure, but if need be several ray/energy shields can be raised above kry sections of the base as well.
The base is spread out in a great big circle around the rim of a crater about a kilometer across, but most of the base is underground in tunnels underneath the crater. The main docking facility is in the center of the crater with underground tunnels connecting it like spokes to the rim. Also in the center is 5 Holon Veil's tower where his luxury apartments are located, and below the docking facility is the cantina and central 'market'. This reactor room and the medical facilities are below that. The 'secret' docking facility is about halfway to the rim of the crater through deep tunnels accessible beyond the door Dez and Shunna are standing beside, perhaps 300 meters away. There are other ways to get there through more public tunnels but they require going up to the market level and exposing yourselves to a LOT more people as well as taking longer. The station has 4 double laser cannon emplacements spaced around the rim of the crater, plus one on the docking facility tower along with a tractor beam. there may be other defenses but Zero is not aware of them.
Zero does not know what ship the Imperials have docked there, but since they were headed that way they must have something.
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Awaiting instructions.."~
Zero was an interrogation/medical droid and he knew very little about these types of mainframes.
"Dez! This computer controls the power throughout the base. What do you suggest I do? Currently the computer and I are Sympatico."