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Full Version: Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
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Shunna looks at everyone and assuming there is no objection she says, "There's no time like the present!"

Stepping to the side of the door (to avoid possible blaster fire) Shunna readies herself to fly into action, then turns to the Aqualish says, "Open the door!"
The aqualish turns and opens the door.

"Please, let me stay here.. I will not alert guards. i would only slow you down"
The aqualish pleads. Obviously not wanting to become a hostage.

[Image: Xht8tqlm.jpg]
While the door is being opened Dez quickly pulls up the currently open files on the datapad to see what the aqualish was doing, and maybe who he is.

[Use Computer [1d20+4] = 7+4 = 11]
Dez finds out that the aqualish is an engineer and technician named Vonlu Skanag.

The last program open on the tablet appears to be a monitoring program with a list of remote devices being monitored, about a dozen of them, by serial number. each highlighted green or yellow. One device in the list of approximately 20 devices is marked red.  Beside each serial number in the list are three options to click. 'Biometrics', 'Shock', or 'Terminate'.
After starting the shutdown, Zero flies flies over to Dez and says while extending a hand appendage, "If you don't mind..."  If there's no resistance from Dez, Zero will take the pad and will begin quickly moving through the menu to decipher what all this data means.
Shunna says, "C'mon, we have to move!"

She then runs down the hallways, using corners as cover along the way.  

[OoC: I don't know if the stairs slow movement or not, so I will trust the DM to decide where Shunna ends up. ]
(12-30-2018, 11:12 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]Shunna says, "C'mon, we have to move!"

She then runs down the hallways, using corners as cover along the way.  

[OoC: I don't know if the stairs slow movement or not, so I will trust the DM to decide where Shunna ends up. ]

The stairs are too shallow to slow you down, just the corners interfere with running. Will calculate distance tomorrow when not exhausted and also advise Zero what he finds out (Zero make a Use Computer roll)
[OoC:  I believe Shunna can move to the spot that's 8 squares above the number 33 on the map.  It's the square against the first north wall and at the top of the stairs. ]
(12-31-2018, 05:16 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [ -> ]Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 14+10 = 24

Zero examines the data pad while the others hurry to follow Shunna, trying to keep her in sight as she could easily utpace them if she wanted to.  Zero has no trouble examining the datapad while keeping pace with the slower biologicals.

The program the datapad is running appears to be a monitoring program, and suddenly he makes a heuristic cross-reference. The serial number marked red is the serial number of the exploding collar that he removed from around Dez's neck. It appears that the aqualish was monitoring slave collars.