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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
Ooc - Nice  Cool
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Enough of this, Shunna, delete him... Hehehe
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Shunna lifts her hand towards FOG and focusses. At first nothing seems to happen then with a crunching noise the communication dish sticking out of his head suddenly flattens .

FOG manages to turn his head towards her, "Wait, wait! What are you..." And suddenly his entire head implodes like a crushed beverage canister. His arms flail wildly as sparks shower from the mangled remains of his robotic head...

Immediately  a <crackle> is heard from Ubi's comm link.. followed by a brief message, in Long's distinctive emotionless deadpan.

~"Captain, this message has been set to repeat. And is being replayed by the docking facility computer on a scrambled channel.  I have had to retreat beyond the Rock's defensive guns, I will be out of range of your comm link, unless you can find a way to broadcast on the stations communications array. If I do not hear from you within one hour I will have to jump the Wildcard to hyperspace once clear of the Minefield. I can only avoid the Imperial light cruiser that is waiting outside the Minefield for so long."~
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"Long, Long come in!" Ubi yells excitedly.  "Long, we're still alive, don't take my ship! We are somewhere in the lower levels of the Rock.  I found the pilot, now we are trying to find a way out. Long can you hear me?" He listens as the broadcast plays again. "Darnit, it's playing on a loop!  We have to find a way to broadcast back or we're all trapped here!" Ubi thinks hard. "We have to get back to the main part of the station.  If there's a way to transmit long range it might be in the control tower of the docking bay... it'll probably be crawling with security though. If only Dez were here, she would know where to go."
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The stormtrooper grumbles something into his helmet, low enough that it is barely audible.

"This is LS-748, I have been taken captive. They have agreed that no harm shall come to me. The station security forces have betrayed us. Kratos is deceased."
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Ooc - Are we still in combat?  If not, Ubi shoots the stormtrooper Smile

[url=[1d20+8] = 4+8 = 12]Attack[/url] Sad or not...
[url=[3d6+1] = 7+1 = 8]Damage[/url]

"Stop him!" Ubi shouts as he lets off a snap shot at the stormtrooper.  After all, he never made any promises not to harm him.
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OoC you were out of combat]

Ubi snaps off a shot at the trooper catching him by surprise, but missing completely.

Rolling initiatives for the group as this will be over fast, lol.

Stormtrooper LS-748: Initiative [1d20+9] = 20+9 = 29
Zabrak: Initiative [1d20+9] = 18+9 = 27
Callie: Initiative [1d20+9] = 11+9 = 20
Shunna: initiative [1d20+9] = 7+9 = 16
Njon: initiative [1d20+9] = 2+9 = 11
Ubi: Initiative [1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10


Trooper lS-749 - 29!!
Zabrak - 27
Callie - 20
Shunna - 16
Njon - 11
Ubi - 10

Trooper IS-749's Turn

Snapped out of his force induced revery the trooper attempts to flee towards safety as fast as he can. Since the only way out he knows is the north passage his run leads him straight into Callie. [W10]

[Image: arena2-round-1.jpg]

Zabrak's Turn

The Zabrak turns, flips a switch on the E-11 Blaster in his hand and opens fire with an automatic burst [W10:V11]

The already injured stormtrooper is cut down under the Zabrak's hail of blaster fire, falling at her feet.

Combat is over: again
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While they decide what to do, Shunna will attempt to stabilize any Stormtroopers that look like they may die.

[Treat Injury 5]

"Does anyone know how to get to this Long person who has this man's ship? Maybe one of you have skill with computers to find a map?  I could try but computers aren't really my thing." [Use Computer 3]
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Ubi watches Shunna help the Stormtroopers and was about to say something but bites his tongue.  Instead, Ubi runs over to F0G's fallen body. He wasn't good with computers and he wasn't about to waste time bringing potential prisoners back to life, but he was good enough with mechanics and droids.  Maybe there was something useful left on the annoying droid.  Maybe he could access security codes or comm systems through F0G.  "I'm no good at slicing but maybe this droid has something left we could use to access communications."

Ooc - Can Ubi make a mechanic check to assess the damage to F0G to see if he could Jury-Rig it's communication systems to transmit a message to Long?

[url=[1d20+8] = 3+8 = 11]Mechanics[/url]  Eww
[url=Force Point [1d6] = 1]Force Point[/url] I feel the universe is against me :Sad Should've just took 20! lol
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