(04-25-2017, 02:48 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]Shunna listens to Bothan's plan and then reaches out to the force to, search her feelings. [DC15; Result 26!] She searches the force to determine if leaving these slaves to defend themselves will yield favorable or unfavorable results in the immediate future (the next 10 minutes.)
[OoC: See Attachment - FYI: I didn't see any Errata for this talent.]
If the the Force does not warn her of any danger, Shunna will hesitantly nod. "Please be careful. And if this day does turn against you and you somehow do get recaptured, I promise to return here and set you all free! I made a promise to the child and I keep my promises." Shunna gives the child a hug and says, "Be strong. You'll be free soon."
While on her way out, she stops and searches for some clothing in the guard's station. Shunna will then quickly rip it up to make face coverings for herself and others. She did not know who if anyone had actually seen her use her powers but with the guards mind tricked into forgetting about her; there were no cameras inside the room where the fight happened; and hoping the slaves listened to her to get into the cells to hide so they didn't stupidly stick their heads out to get shot off, there was hopefully a good chance no one has any real evidence. If one of the slaves did somehow think she used the force, Shunna hoped they would keep her secret since she pretty much single-handedly defeated the guards so they could escape.
Shunna will then, Search her feelings one more time. [DC15; Result 15. (That was close)] If everything still seems favorable she will leave with the others.
OoC - The Use The Force skill allows you to take 10 on those abilities because they aren't considered game breaking. If I am aware of a check or ability that allows it, I will correct bad rolls that allow the players to take 10 in the first place.
Searching her Feelings, Shunna closes her eyes. After a moment of seeing only the backs of her eyelids, hearing the tense conversations of the many freed slaves around her, she feels the humid air on her skin then slips into another state of conciseness. All her troubles seem far beneath her and she feels like an open hand ready to sense the ebb and flow of time itself. The hairs on the back of Shunna's neck rise as a tingle runs through her body. For a fleeting second she senses that a balance in the Force has been achieved... then just as quickly it slips away and she comes back to reality.
On their way out The Captain looks at Shunna like she's crazy when she starts ripping up the guard uniform then realizes the cleverness and purpose of her actions. The others take the masks except the Captain. "Too late for me, I'm probably wanted across the system."
Exiting the slave pen, the group consisting of Shunna, Captain Ubi Sunt, Dez, Theda, a Talz called Njon, and a certain Zabrak, make their way through a short corridor, where several guard bodies lay, and into another larger guard room that's been blown to bits. A lone guard drapes over a console. There are several doors that lead off from here, presumably a barracks and galley area for the guards. Captain Sunt points the way to a different set of larger doors bearing the marks of blaster fire.
(04-27-2017, 07:09 PM)DM Nerdred Wrote: [ -> ]On their way out The Captain looks at Shunna like she's crazy when she starts ripping up the guard uniform then realizes the cleverness and purpose of her actions. The others take the masks except the Captain. "Too late for me, I'm probably wanted across the system."
Shunna wasn't sure if the fact the Captain was wanted across the system was a good thing. The Empire was surely evil but not every one of their laws were corrupt. If they were, the galaxy would descend into chaos. Shunna frowns slightly then nods in understanding.
Quote:Exiting the slave pen, the group consisting of Shunna, Captain Ubi Sunt, Dez, Theda, a Talz called Njon, and a certain Zabrak, make their way through a short corridor, where several guard bodies lay, and into another larger guard room that's been blown to bits. A lone guard drapes over a console. There are several doors that lead off from here, presumably a barracks and galley area for the guards. Captain Sunt points the way to a different set of larger doors bearing the marks of blaster fire.
While following the Captain's path, Shunna will Use the Force when she can do so without alarming anyone to 'Sense Surroundings' and to 'Search her feelings.'
[Using the force...]
[OoC: Sense Surroundings DC15: Swift action to ignore effects of cover and concealment when making perception checks to detect or observe targets. Increase DC to 20 if this power is used on targets with total cover.]
Search her Feelings DC15: To determine if an action will yield favorable or unfavorable results in the near future (10 minutes.)
Sense Force: See Pg 77 (bottom Left); Just making you aware that this form of the talent is Automatic when detecting disturbances. This talent may also be actively used (DC15 and a Full Round Action) to locate distance and general direction to the disturbance. Also can sense other force users within 100km, and make a (DC15 and Full Round Action) to find out how many, distance and general direction of the force users and whether I've met them before or not. Another force user can try to conceal their presence by making an opposed UTF check with a DC equal to the roll made to Sense the force user.]
OoC2 - Not sure what action Shunna is trying to get a feel for? Is it following the Captain out of the slave pen? If so, because it only takes a moment, she feels both good and bad things may result.
Shunna does not sense the presence of other beings hiding in the immediate area of the guard room nor Force users nearby or within 100km.
The Captain wastes no time here insisting that they keep moving. Exiting the guard chamber, you follow the main corridor to an opening which reveals a large crack in The Rock. There is nothing but darkness beyond what light sources can penetrate looking up down or left or right. A retractable platform bridges the gap to another long corridor which you all take with a slight jog, sensing a need for haste to leave. The further along she goes, Shunna begins to feel relieved to be away from the underground slave pen operating here. The others fill her in on the details of The Rock, the Wildcard, Holon Veil, etc. The party stops for a moment when they reach a closed door. It is here that Shunna begins to feel worried, but not through the Force, just an innate sense of something gone wrong. The Captain approaches the door while laying curses at some droid named Fog, or Fogger, or Fogging piece of junk, when the door opens for them...
They rush into a dark open chamber, lit only by the light of the corridor they just exited. Shunna stops to sense her surroundings.... and feels the presence of... Spot lights turn on one by one revealing white helmets and white armor. At least a dozen Storm troopers stand ready, spread out among the stone seats surrounding a sand floor arena. A lone figure stands in the middle of the arena, he is human, balding with thin strands of grey hair, black battle armor, and a grey cloak.
A light shines down on an almost comical droid with whirring sensors and antennae protruding from it's head. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the main event of the evening. Who will emerge victorious in a battle of life and death? Will it be a motley band of vagabonds or the hardened fist of the Empire?"
"Shut up Fog, you talk too much." The lone figure says venomously. "Did you think you could escape the Empire that easily Captain Sunt? Don't you know we have spies everywhere? No matter where you run to, we will find you, and destroy your petty Rebellion!" The hiss of a red lightsaber echoes through the chamber.
Roll Initiative!
OoC - The Sense Force skill is a bit ambiguous to me. It says it's only a DC 15 to notice another Force user but also says there are opposed rolls. I rolled for you both, Shunna got a 27 and the other force user got a 30. I want to look into the skill more in-depth to understand how it's supposed to work. Here we are now.
(04-29-2017, 02:28 AM)DM Nerdred Wrote: [ -> ]OoC - Uh-oh I hope I'm not becoming predictable!
OoC2 - Not sure what action Shunna is trying to get a feel for? Is it following the Captain out of the slave pen? If so, because it only takes a moment, she feels both good and bad things may result.
Shunna does not sense the presence of other beings hiding in the immediate area of the guard room nor Force users nearby or within 100km.
The Captain wastes no time here insisting that they keep moving. Exiting the guard chamber, you follow the main corridor to an opening which reveals a large crack in The Rock. There is nothing but darkness beyond what light sources can penetrate looking up down or left or right. A retractable platform bridges the gap to another long corridor which you all take with a slight jog, sensing a need for haste to leave. The further along she goes, Shunna begins to feel relieved to be away from the underground slave pen operating here. The others fill her in on the details of The Rock, the Wildcard, Holon Veil, etc. The party stops for a moment when they reach a closed door. It is here that Shunna begins to feel worried, but not through the Force, just an innate sense of something gone wrong. The Captain approaches the door while laying curses at some droid named Fog, or Fogger, or Fogging piece of junk, when the door opens for them...
They rush into a dark open chamber, lit only by the light of the corridor they just exited. Shunna stops to sense her surroundings.... and feels the presence of... Spot lights turn on one by one revealing white helmets and white armor. At least a dozen Storm troopers stand ready, spread out among the stone seats surrounding a sand floor arena. A lone figure stands in the middle of the arena, he is human, balding with thin strands of grey hair, black battle armor, and a grey cloak.
A light shines down on an almost comical droid with whirring sensors and antennae protruding from it's head. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the main event of the evening. Who will emerge victorious in a battle of life and death? Will it be a motley band of vagabonds or the hardened fist of the Empire?"
"Shut up Fog, you talk too much." The lone figure says venomously. "Did you think you could escape the Empire that easily Captain Sunt? Don't you know we have spies everywhere? No matter where you run to, we will find you, and destroy your petty Rebellion!" The hiss of a red lightsaber echoes through the chamber.
Roll Initiative!
OoC - The Sense Force skill is a bit ambiguous to me. It says it's only a DC 15 to notice another Force user but also says there are opposed rolls. I rolled for you both, Shunna got a 27 and Kratos got a 30. I want to look into the skill more in-depth to understand how it's supposed to work. Here we are now.
[OoC: From my understanding, you only need a DC15 to sense another force user. If you're successful and there is another force user that person can try to make a roll with a DC equal to whatever the first person rolled. So if when sensing the force my DC15 result was a 27, the Force user I'm sensing can try to block me by rolling at least a 27. If he does then I don't sense anything. But that's for sensing another force wielder, not sensing danger.
As for what danger Shunna was trying to sense for, it was mainly things like, "We are following this passage, will going in this direction be favorable or unfavorable." Or, "If we open this door will it be favorable or unfavorable." She was just trying not to get ambushed, like I think she just was. ]
Shunna abruptly stops and takes in what's going on... [Perception +10 =14] but she was still preoccupied with why the Force lead her to this place.
(05-01-2017, 07:16 PM)DM Nerdred Wrote: [ -> ]Arena Map attached. I'm gonna be fluid with the distances until I figure out how to insert grids. The distance between Ubi and Kratos (red circle) is 6 squares.
[OoC: There are very quick tutorials on Youtube for how to insert a grid. Basically you just click on a corner of the grid on your map (which there doesn't appear to be any) and then highlight a 3x3 set of squares. You may have to guess using the tokens as a guide for how big you want to make each square.]
"You might be simple slaves, but you have caused no end of grief. Not my problem, the Mining guild can have you back when I am done. You must have some value for Sunt to waste so much effort to find you. Now drop to your face and I may not kill you all. NOW!"
In the dull red glow of the lightsaber held at the ready you can see the heavy blaster he holds in his other hand aimed in the direction of the four of you in the entryway.
Four? You realize both Dez and Theda ar not behind you as you hear the sound of blast doors slamming shut behind you.
"Ultimatums and orders, oh my!! Will they surrender, or will they perish...? If I were a betting driod, oh wait I am! Place your bets foklks, 2 to 1 odds on the Empire!"
As he vocabulates this over whatever broadcast he has going FOG quickly moves as ide up the low steps to teh sout, hopping uip and down seemingly gleeful at the 'contest' he is broadcasting.