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"Aye! Aye! Sir! Madam!, Private Dunndero is ready and awaiting your orders!".
Lead the way Leftenant, and lets go see what these lizards have to say.
The Party moved into the prayer room and to the doorway, everyone getting into position to see into the room. A 10' diameter pit occupies the center of this chamber. A low 1' high ledge circles the pit. Directly over the pit, a long chain feeds through a complex pulley system before disappearing into the depths. Ahead a red scaled Kobold wearing a Purple Tunic with a Dagger on its belt, sits across the pit. A white Rat sits on the ledge in front of him, looking as Toryn and Kallista step into the chamber. Besides the  kobold wearing the tunic, a battered Kobold Warrior stands next to him, a look of terror in his eyes. This was the Kobold who escaped and went for help from the attack lead upstairs in the Monastery.

The unhurt kobold calls out in Draconic I wish to parlay with you. No need for violence.
Lucian listened to Toryn's description of the situation and nodded in consideration. "Alright people, lets stay on our toes."  
The wizard moved inside with Kallista and Toryn, though he kept his energy shield primed. He took note of the gathered Kobolds and focused on the one speaking. He responded in Draconic, "Talking is preferable to bloodshed. We mean you no harm as long as you extend us the same courtesy." He nodded to the Kobold who addressed them, "So, lets talk."
The more intelligent Kobold grinned, if you can call what kobolds do grinning, He nodded. I am pleased you have learned the true tongue. Yes let us talk. I am Kerrdremak, Humble Servant to my people. I wish to keep from getting closer to death so I am able to continue to serve. and you?
Ah yes, the tongue of dragons! Toryn piped up with some basic, but serviceable draconian of his own. They say it is one of the oldest languages in the world. Older than Sylvan even, despite some vigorous assertions to the contrary from some of my cousins...

Oh where are my manners? I am Toryn, a humble salvager. Salutations!
Toryn spoke in a cheerful manner as if he was meeting a new acquaintance in a bar instead of a potentially dangerous stranger in a crumbling ruin.
Lucian smiled down at Toryn. The little guys enthusiasm was almost contagious and the wizard couldn't help but smile. Once his friend was done introducing himself, he turned his eyes back to Kerrdremak and did the same, "My name is Lucian Blackwood, Battle Mage third class, of the Andoran Republic." 
The Kobold inclined his head in a nod saying Well Met Lucian of The Blackwood and your allies as well. Obviously we are on opposite sides of the table at this point. How can I get us to be on the same side of this table?
"Tell us everything you know of the wizard Drazmorg for a start, or see what a 'true' inheritor to this tongue can do."

Oriana's eyes blazed as she spoke in perfect draconic. To those that could understand, her words were far better formed and articulated than her common tongue had ever been.

She seemed to tower over the room without moving, an aura of intimidation radiating outwards from her.

Quick Coerce. Can coerce in one round of conversation instead of 1 minute. 1d20+6=18.
As Oriana strode into the room and stepped to the left to make room for others her presence seemed to fill the room as she spoke with venom and danger dripping off every word. The Little Kobolds eyes widened and fear was evident. The rat jumped from the ledge to the shoulder of the kobold and peered over his head.

In a quaking voice Kerrdremak said He ...He came here about a week ago. Said he was searching 'The Third Lesser Seal of Gallowspire' Wanted to know if we knew where it was. Of Course we didnt. He had a dozen mercenary types with him. I could Tell The King was scared of him, even though he didnt say anything. The King and he argued and a fight broke out. Drazmorg lead his people further into the Depths of The Ruins, down where The King found his crown a while back. But we never saw no seal. But a few days ago, bad things started happening Thats when those Ghouls came to life that you just fought. Thats all I know. Really.