(11-19-2016, 08:15 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: updated roll20. Now both skeletons are surrounded almost completely by summoned monsters, one tripped, other cowering. Also applied all damages Toot and beasties mustered (notes to dire wolf: bite is P+S+B, wow... and I think it gets 1.5 str bonus on damage so it's d8+13)
OoC1: The bite damage was the only really good roll. I rolled maximum as seen
I checked your suspicion about the bite damage being x1.5 and it is x1.5 as long as the attack is its only attack. Dire Wolves only have a bite so they would get the x1.5 strength multiplier.
Quote:An attack with a primary natural weapon uses the creature’s full attack bonus, and its damage includes its full Strength modifier (1-1/2 times its Strength bonus if the attack is with the creature’s sole natural weapon).
So the Dire wolf's bite should have done 21pts instead of 20pts.
OoC2: Oh and I forgot to include the attack and damage bonuses from Portho's Inspire Courage. I don't think it will matter much for the Thoqqua but the Dire Wolf would inflict
22pts instead of 21pts.
OoC3: Also, did anything happen when my I had one of the Thoqqua drill down through the circle on the ground?
OoC : The dire wolf was not yet suymmon ed when Portho was still performing, ao qouls not gwt the courage bonus.
(11-21-2016, 12:35 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]OoC : The dire wolf was not yet suymmon ed when Portho was still performing, ao qouls not gwt the courage bonus.
Lugar was adding up all my 1st Thoqqua's bonuses and he included the bard song, though he might have been just referring to Boo getting the bonuses from the song. I said, I didn't think my Thoqqua could benefit from the Inspire Courage because the critter didn't hear the song. But then Suranno posted and said, "Together with the bard's song (which I'm not sure should apply to elementals but they are not mindless after all) it's AC19 which is... still insufficient..." This sounded like his only issue with the Bard Song was that he wasn't sure if it should effect Elementals NOT that they weren't around when you were singing.
The conversation started
>here<. Lugar mentions the bard song in the 1st post. I reply in the second about doubting the Thoqqua benefiting from the song. Then Suranno replies in the third message.
So, like I originally said, I doubted they should get the bonus but this is Surrano's game and I'm not going throw away a perfectly good +1 attack and damage bonus if he's giving me one.

(11-21-2016, 07:48 AM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ] (11-21-2016, 12:35 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]OoC : The dire wolf was not yet suymmon ed when Portho was still performing, ao qouls not gwt the courage bonus.
Lugar was adding up all my 1st Thoqqua's bonuses and he included the bard song, though he might have been just referring to Boo getting the bonuses from the song. I said, I didn't think my Thoqqua could benefit from the Inspire Courage because the critter didn't hear the song. But then Suranno posted and said, "Together with the bard's song (which I'm not sure should apply to elementals but they are not mindless after all) it's AC19 which is... still insufficient..." This sounded like his only issue with the Bard Song was that he wasn't sure if it should effect Elementals NOT that they weren't around when you were singing.
The conversation started >here<. Lugar mentions the bard song in the 1st post. I reply in the second about doubting the Thoqqua benefiting from the song. Then Suranno replies in the third message.
So, like I originally said, I doubted they should get the bonus but this is Surrano's game and I'm not going throw away a perfectly good +1 attack and damage bonus if he's giving me one. 
[OoC I wasn't sure of the order when the thoqqua were summoned.. just knew I had already stopped singing before the wolf was around, that is why the wolf cannot benefit.. he could not have heard the inspiring speech, just means i know what my next action should be. b If the thoqqua were around when I was singing, then they would get the +1 no question (whether the +1 applies to their damage because of the '+1 to weapon damage' wording was the debate.. he rules they do which I like , makes my buiff that much more effective when i can buff the summoned creatures and Boo's damage ]
(11-21-2016, 08:47 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ][quote pid='15685' dateline='1479714492']
(whether the +1 applies to their damage because of the '+1 to weapon damage' wording was the debate.. he rules they do which I like , makes my buiff that much more effective when i can buff the summoned creatures and Boo's damage ]
Well that's good. Without Words of Creation, or some other feat or spell which you don't have access to, Inspire courage kind of sucks.

OOC - my oversight. Bardic performance is quite clear about one thing:
Quote:The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter.
(in contrast to: "as long as the bard sings and for 5 rounds thereafter") i.e. if a summoned creature hasn't heard him singing it doesn't apply. That said, I will keep it as we used it so far, up to the next rest. Then there will be other changes as well... more on that in some OOC thread (maybe a rules clarification thread)
(Round six continued; Portho may still speak up as a free action anytime)
The armorer fishes through his pockets to see what else he could use in the current situation but comes up with nothing. Shrugging, he kneels next to the piles of bones and starts poking one of them. Excited, he retrieves a teak wand and examines it closely. His face brightens as he raises its blunt tip towards one of the warriors...
Torin's turn! (please notify me if you still want me to dmpc you)
Torin starts - with not too graceful dance steps - to Lugar. He stops in front of him and asks:
Do you want to dance?
OOC - The MCaE aura on Toot was set to 9 feet.
(11-21-2016, 08:34 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]@DM:
Torin starts - with not too graceful dance steps - to Lugar. He stops in front of him and asks: Do you want to dance?
OOC - The MCaE aura on Toot was set to 9 feet.
Ooc - might be out of turn but it seems like the cloaked figure/mist isn't doing anything. With all the changes/clarifications, I don't see any reason how Lugar would be able to tell if Torin was being mind-controlled. Is there anyway he can? Sense Motive?
Lugar looks at the bladeless hilt then tosses it to Portho.
"Bah! This doesn't work for me!" (not sure if that's a reflex save to catch?)
When Torin approaches doing a dwarven jig, Lugar gives him a queer look.
"Are you daft fool?! This isn't the time for jokes! Kill the dead things!"
Lugar rushes past Torin to bash the skeleton with his shield.
7 bludgeoning
"I don't understand, that should have worked great. As far as i know it was just the command word and focussed thought that activated it. I'll grab one of the weapons we found below from my pack in a moment, I would have tghis round but you had the hilt and Silent Giant went all teh way oveer there past the bison."
OOC - Last round the bisons kept attacking the warriors because Torin cannot communicate with them (correct me if I'm wrong). Thus, they attack the "nearest opponent of the caster" (I treat it as "nearest opponent it can reach" otherwise they would've just stood beneath Cloak's feet)
OOC - Negative, the aura is 10 feet if you treat it with a zero-size point of origin. Roll20 calculates aura from the outer edge of the token, i.e. a one square token needs to be set to 7.5 ft to have a 10ft radius.
OOC - The cloaked mist will do something but I don't think it would alter Lugar's turn.
OOC - tossing the hilt at someone is a std action (ranged touch attack I believe) or a move action (to hand it over to someone next to you but then you can't shield bash... so feel free to drop it on the ground instead...)
OOC - This eloquent speech is a bit more than a free action; as a rule of thumb try to keep it no more than 12 words per round (two words per second). You can speak so much in about five rounds (as a series of free actions).
Back IC--
As Torin dances towards Lugar the spiritual rapier returns to hover above his head. He stops short of the duergar and blinks twice. (OOC - we can assume MCaE affects him) since he effectively all but grappled Lugar...
Two of the bisons tear at the still-cowering warrior. The third one fails as does the fourth one that could not approach the prone one but readied for its approach, just in case.
Round seven
The cloaked mist floats roughly northeast and dissipates through a thin crack on the dome.
Lugar drops(?) the hilt to the ground and makes some unfriendly comments on Torin's idea of a dance while dashing in a zigzag towards the prone warrior. Torin feels an urge to grab him by the collar and show him how deep dwarves dance but realises that it was a past compulsion and lets the duergar go.
Lugar bashes the prone skeleton hard which is comical considering how low he has to bow to use a strapped shield for such a purpose but he eventually succeeds.
The prone warrior stands up nimbly and avoids three of the five incoming blows. Still, the dire wolf tears at its bones mercilessly and one of the thoqqua burns it as well. Stepping out of the ring (to Torin's place) it swings at Lugar with an unexpected move and its finely crafted scimitar slashes deep through the surprised Lugar's defenses (AC 40 crit confirm AC 40 -17hp)
Giant's turn!