Giant goes into rage (AC23->21) and attacks the nearest undead (full attack)
first attack: AC:22, dmg:17+2(undead)-DR(?)
second attack: AC:24, dmg:14+2(undead)-DR(?)
5ft step -> left
ooc - he has IUD, so they can't flank him
Lugar will heave Maul the Gray up into the shaft then immediately follow behind. "Alright, in you go old fart!" He says to the priest of Pelor.
Ooc - do we hear the battle going on in the chamber above? Giant going crazy and Portho singing?
OOC - Yes, Giant going crazy for sure. Torin booming a voice in the name of his goddess. Portho singing; now I'm not sure. I took the mediocre attack in his name because I failed to notice that first action goes for singing.... but yes, I am willing to modify prev round accordingly.
OOC - Giant, where did the second 10hp damage come from? I believe it was 1x10 only. I also adjusted for rage so after your turn you have 66/91 hp (but see below...)
(Round two continued)
Giant generates quite some satisfying sound of crushing bones, even though a blunt weapon would be more effective.
Two of the skeleton warriors "flank" the barbarian and three of four attacks hit (8+9+7hp total)
The last skeleton abandons Portho for the benefit of attacking the priest and manages but only once (AC28 hp 11 minus DR3 = 8hp)
Maul utters a few words and a shimmering, huge bee appears above Torin's head!
It starts flying around like crazy, drawing a forest of scimitars after its wake. Three of the four scimitars hit and the giant bee disappears.
"Move your arses!" the grey cleric bellows.
Portho's turn! (to be followed by Murkatos who will effectively do nothing of interest, and then Torin. Meanwhile, Lugar and Toot may still add some std actions retroactively for prev round)
Torin casts a Spiritual Weapon which tries to hit the boss, but misses. (ooc - if there is some successful aoo, then please roll the con. checks for him)
After that he will go to left (CW). I marked his moving in the map (ooc - his speed is 30ft at now).
Lugar will load his belt pouch with alchemist fire, thunderstones, and tanglefoot bags. He will sling his shield and climb up the silk rope, all the while shrinking back to his normal size. "Better not be more undead." He grumbles.
[OoC: How much space is there in the room they are fighting in? Is there a new map? It's difficult to target spells when I'm not sure where to place the effect.

Toot will call out,
"Remember sword of light that was found. Maybe that have an effect on those vile creatures!"
[OoC2: Toot would like to spontaneously cast a SNA4 to summon a Unicorn. It has a permanent Magic Circle against Evil which would keep the undead from entering the area or attacking with natural weapons.]
[OoC3: If that doesn't work then he will target a flamestrike where ever he can hit the most creatures.]
(11-03-2016, 08:24 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]OOC - Yes, Giant going crazy for sure. Torin booming a voice in the name of his goddess. Portho singing; now I'm not sure. I took the mediocre attack in his name because I failed to notice that first action goes for singing.... but yes, I am willing to modify prev round accordingly.
OOC - Giant, where did the second 10hp damage come from? I believe it was 1x10 only. I also adjusted for rage so after your turn you have 66/91 hp (but see below...)
ooc1 - then +1/+1 att/dmg from singing?
ooc2 - first 10hp from electric trap, second from undead.
ooc1 - waiting for Portho's feedback on singing but I lean towards "yes". That makes your two attacks 1hp more effective each.
ooc2 - so... I failed to cheat in your favour.

10hp subtracted, leaving 42 (28 without rage)
ooc3 - BTW is it intentional that you use two 2H attacks with the axe instead of right-left-right?
[OoC1: When Torin blocked Boo's Overrun attempt, Toot jumped off and cast Barkskin. But I must have sent you a PM about casting Barkskin because I can't find the post where Toot cast the spell. All I can find is you replying to Torin in a spoiler, saying Toot cast Barkskin, found
>here<. I even did a keyword search in all the game threads but this is the only mention of the spell in game. Barkskin lasts for 10 minutes per level (70 minutes). I doubt I extended the spell only because I think Toot cast the spell the same round that he jumped off Boo's back to avoid the Knockdown which is a move action and summoning an object from his HHH is also a move action. So how long has it been since the overrun attempt? If the spell is still active, both Toot and Boo have +3 natural armor bonus.]
[OoC2: Someone with Knowledge (religion) should be identifying the undead and relaying the information to everyone else. Using a Knowledge skill doesn't take an action. You either know what something is or you don't.]
[OoC3: Even people without Knowledge skills can still yell out what it looks like they are fighting to give the people below a heads up.]
[OoC4: Since Toot can't see anything yet that limits what he can do. So he will be listen [+6] for any spellcasting to identify with Spellcraft [+11]. He will begin to make a tiny grumbling noise while motioning at the ceiling.
Action: Spontaneously casting Summon Nature's Ally 2. Toot will summon an Earth Elemental to come out of the ceiling. In the Terran language, Toot will order the elemental to Attack anything not living (because I believe you stated he could hear Torin trying to Turn something), to flank when possible and avoid AoO. The creature's Toot summons are affected by his Augment Summoning Feat which gives them an additional +4 strength and +4 Constitution. So the elemental has 15hp's instead of 11hp's and has an Attack: Slam +7; Damage: 1d6+6 ]
Initiative is 12]
(11-04-2016, 06:57 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]ooc3 - BTW is it intentional that you use two 2H attacks with the axe instead of right-left-right?
ooc3 - yes