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The Old Sycamore.  A landmark and true wonder of the Stolen Lands, this tree has withstood the tests of time and weather as it has grown over the ages, unimpeded by the steady advancement of society.  Easily hundreds of feet tall and as wide as a tower, the old tree has somehow withstood gusts of wind that would have felled other trees of its size over time.

Recently, the tree has become the home of a nest of mites and their pets.  The rotten smell having drawn them in over time as surely as a moth to the flame.  But this flame did not singe them, and instead has given them a stable home and foothold in the Kamelands.

And it is this tree which the group finds itself slowly working towards.  A Silent Image of a wounded veteran slowly limps its way towards the singular bole that looks as though it would fit a caravan.  Suddenly, a tiny bolt arcs its way through the air, wobbling a little (it's not very sturdily-made) and impacts the ground some feet from the feet of the Silent Image.  Andra, closer than the others to the tree, thinks she hears the accompaniment of hideous giggles coming from inside.

[[Happy Holidays!  Apologies for taking so long to get this going.  If you are still interested, I'm ready to resume the game.]]
Nexendia has the image immediately drop to his knees then tumble to the ground as if unconscious from the various wounds displayed upon its body.
Andra hears the giggling stop for a moment, then there is the sound of a raspberry being blown followed by more insane, evil sniggering.
Valdi looks at Nexendia and whispers.
"Well that answers the question of whether we can approach without getting shot at.
(12-30-2019, 03:20 AM)Valdi Wrote: [ -> ]Valdi looks at Nexendia and whispers.
"Well that answers the question of whether we can approach without getting shot at.

"I'm a little bewildered.  Our investigator saw no one on watch.  The arrow did not hit the illusion so they have had no reason to disbelieve that it is authentic.  And at this distance the lack of sound should not matter.  I am not one to give up easily but I don't relish becoming a pin cushion for some side quest that for at least the moment has nothing to do with us.  After all we were guiding the Kobolds back to their lair to find out what's caused the them to get all riled up.  But I can hold the illusion for as long as I maintain concentration so lets wait a little more to see if they're just being childish or actually do see through the illusion." 
A few more bolts spring out from the massive hole in the base of the tree in the general vicinity of Nexendia's Silent Image, followed by the same hideous sounds as they seem to be taking a perverse pleasure in, what appears to them to be, tormenting an injured, dying human.
Vidar speaks:
"Think we could control the grass fire if we set fire to the tree? If we can keep the whole prairie from going up, we could burn and smoke them out?"

Valdi replies
"Nay brother, we do not know if these creatures deserve such wrath. Nor do I think we could control such a fire adequately"
"I think we got our answer regarding if these creatures are good or bad.  Firing arrows at an injured man does not seem to me to be a virtuous act."  After pausing for a second, Nexendia adds, "The bolts are coming from the base of the tree.  The mites must have opened their door to shoot at the illusion.  Andra is close to them..."

[Ooc: What does Andra see?]

"The mites are firing out of a hole so their field of vision is compromised.  With their attention firmly drawn to the illusion, we might be able to sneak out of their limited field of vision and then flank them on either side of the entrance.  What do you think?  Feel free to offer better suggestions then burning down the forest."

Nexendia continues to concentrate on the illusion.
(01-27-2020, 04:08 AM)Nexendia Wrote: [ -> ]"I think we got our answer regarding if these creatures are good or bad.  Firing arrows at an injured man does not seem to me to be a virtuous act."  After pausing for a second, Nexendia adds, "The bolts are coming from the base of the tree.  The mites must have opened their door to shoot at the illusion.  Andra is close to them..."

[Ooc: What does Andra see?]

"The mites are firing out of a hole so their field of vision is compromised.  With their attention firmly drawn to the illusion, we might be able to sneak out of their limited field of vision and then flank them on either side of the entrance.  What do you think?  Feel free to offer better suggestions then burning down the forest."

Nexendia continues to concentrate on the illusion.

Or we can reveal ourselves and negotiate with them without any tricks. Then we will see their true nature.
[Ooc: What does Andra see?]

I'm sorry I completely missed this question!

Andra sees a dark hole in the tree on a slightly elevated plane from the field.  Every few minutes, another arrow comes flying out of the hole, wibbly-wobbling it's way through the air (they seem to be very poorly-made)t the illusion.
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