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Full Version: The Old Sycamore
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The creature, all 4 feet of it, jumps to its feet and hisses at you, growling in a language none of you recognize and backing up towards the relative safety of the tree's interior.
Nexendia points at Valdi and Vidar...

[Message Spell:  Range 120'; Targets: 1 per level = 2; Duration: 10min per level = 20 minutes; No Save Throw.  Not that they would try to resist; Effect: When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range.  To speak a message, you must mouth the words and whisper.]
Vidar tries to move North and East as to get into a flanking posistion.
The creature does not seem to care and keeps moving away from you.

[Decide if you want to make an AoO or let him go because this isn't combat and he has, literally, no chance against any one of you, let alone all six]
Vidar will let him go for now, andwill hold his attack, and inquires "Do yuo speek common?"
You seem to be letting him go, so he disappears into the darkness of the tree's interior.
"They seem to be cowards. We can maybe use that to our advantage. If they keep running, do not engage. Our objective is the kobold idol"

Valdi advance, bardiche in hand.
[[Need to redo the next map. The one I have looks terrible. Working on it...]]
Donèt kill yourself some of the best maps are just the good old fashioned line drawinbg.. As long as we can make out what we need without getting our positioning confused. example we had no idea the entrance to the tree was almost 30è across without the map.
Moved Valdi 30è forward.
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