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Tushou is approaching the back of the tree from opposite side.
As the party approaches under the cover of Nexendia continuing to maintain her image, they start to notice things they hadn't before: the ground is not just alive, it teems. Cockroaches, ants, centipedes, critters of all sorts mass in the filth underfoot, almost as if drawn to the massive tree. They do not seem to be aggressive, nor do they seem to make any attempt at crawling onto any of you...yet. Still, there they are.
Nexendia continues to concentrate on her spell.  She will have the image react to any shots fired from the mites.  Such as weakly dodging or having her image recoil and exhibit damage from an attack that might hit or graze the image.   The image will hold up it's hands to show it's unarmed.
The mites continue to use the Image for target practice as the group approaches the opening.
As he approaches the hole Valdi switches weapons to his  hammer, reassured by the weight of the cold-iron weapon.
Vidar spreads out from his half brother, as the approuch the hole, placing his shield to catch any arrows that come his way.
The mites, apparently having terrible sense of hearing, continue to take great pleasure in torturing another apparently living being. They seem to take no notice of your approach.


Nexendia continues concentrating.  She will have the illusion be visibly and emotionally affected by the mite's attacks and taunts.  Tears streaming down the illusion's face.  Reaching out to them pleadingly.  Flinching from their missed attacks and visibly wounded by the attacks that happen to hit.  Hearing that they are very much enjoying torturing the illusion, she will do whatever she can to emotionally satisfy that need of their to inflict harm upon others.
Vidar tries to sneak to one side of the hole, Move Silently = [1d20-6] = 12-6 = 6, and wait for the signal to commence thier attack on the mites.
As Vidar stumbles his way up to the hole, there's a sudden rushed conversation between the two, then a hiss...then nothing.

[[Quick reminder: in Pathfinder, Move Silently and Hide are combined into one skill: Stealth. Also, Listen, Spot, and Search are combined into Perception.]]
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