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Full Version: The Old Sycamore
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Vidar's marker represents all of you, bottlenecked at the entrance. What you see is an odd scene of a pair of mites taking turns directing a crudely constructed catapult of bone, branches and bits of debris at each other. The catapult, which they seem to have nicknamed "The Destructionator" is being used by one to fire caltrops into the other's mouth. They see you and turn The Destructionator at you.

Initiative Order:
Nexendia: 30
Tushou: 17
Vidar: 18
Valdi: 14
1: 7
2: 6

[[You have all won initiative over them by a considerable margin. Feel free to post as you wish. Remember, all attacks made in the entire lair come at a -2 penalty.]]
Like Valdi I can see it fine
Tushou has readied his cold iron kama but doesn't want to harm the small creatures at fist attack. Perhaps we need one of them alive.

So he will chargeĀ and kick the mite on the left except Nexendia hasĀ killed them all earlier Smile

Tushou's unarmed strike + charge: [1d20+7]=10+7=17, damage: [1d6+5]=1+5=6 (nonlethal damage)
If either are still standing by his turn Valdi will move forward and attack that one (if both are standing he will attack the one his brother did not attack);

cold iron hammer attack (w/ -2) [1d20+4]=5+4=9; damage [1d8+3]=7+3=10
Vidar will rush the other creature and stab it with his cold iron dagger.
Cold Iron Dagger Attack (with -2) = [1d20+3]=17+3=20,
Cold Iron Dagger Damage =[1d4+4]=3+4=7
I don't know why my post is not posting correctly
Vidar will rush the other creature and stab it with his cold iron dagger.
Cold Iron Dagger Attack (with -2) = [1d20+3]=17+3=20,
Cold Iron Dagger Damage =[1d4+4]=3+4=7
Your first post was fine, you did not need to repeat it.
I can see that now, but it will not allow me to delete my extra posts
Don't worry about it then.. Dougfan can tidy it up if he cares later.
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