(05-22-2017, 07:11 AM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ] (05-22-2017, 06:30 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]So the two people tied into the background with the wookie can translate. Everyone else has to make a roll.
Yeah, just want to specify that this is 1st edition. Playing a Jawa is fine, but there are no special abilities. You'll only need the mechanical skills listed in the 1e book. I guess you could include walkers, too. I just want to keep it simple.
There is no willpower skill. Just use Perception. It's not like you'll be facing any Sith lords. 
Weird my lines were blank also
Still no answer on the intimidation skill, i suggest command
Sorry about doubble posting somethin went amiss
Yeah, I always thought it was a little bit strange that Intimidation was under KNO in 2E, though with specializations in there for brainwashing techniques, blackmail, torture and what not, it makes more sense that you'd "know" how to torture someone, but I always felt like it still fit better under PER.
Speaking of skills and attributes, I was looking at 1E Tatooine Manhunt and Adar Tallon has "starship tactics" under MEC. I've now listed that in MEC for Nova, as she studied at the same hotshot academy Wedge did in Rebels S3, before ditching a potential starfighter posting for transport due to her internal conflict.
You guys good with about a year or so with the Rebellion? In Nova's backstory I have it at about a year ago that she defected. Gives us former Imperials mission-time to gain Alliance trust and gives us 3 a year to "bond" haha
Good for me, continuing to add to Garlon's background/personality. I left off last night right where we met.
Works fine with me i add on and off to my background as well, i guess next is meeting Garlen as he has enought medecine to place a medpacks on Rahullu, then something about spec forces traing where they meet again
Btw I think tactics is under Know
(05-22-2017, 04:59 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ]Btw I think tactics is under Know
Yeah! It's weird though, I know that in 2E, tactics and its specializations are under KNO, but in 1E, I've seen some wacky, inconsistent variations. Like, I've seen "Battle Tactics" under KNO, but first saw "Starship Tactics" under MEC for Adar Tallon in Tatooine Manhunt, but then also under KNO for Admiral Ackbar in 1E RotJ sourcebook. I can totally move it over to KNO, depending on how MIB rules -- or will remove it for now until GM weighs in.
Will you be using command like Intimidation? With Intimidation under KNO in 2E, am glad that you'll be able to use PER here, just makes more sense for a Wookiee to be more intimidating that a human with 2D KNO.
Speaking of command: there are no "combined action" command bonuses in 1E, right? If you made your command roll, the troops did what they were ordered to do is all, yes? All that command bonus stuff came into play only in 2E?
Tho I do like how they handle 1E combined actions in some cases -- I like that, say if we're all repairing something, you can knock points off of the difficulty, if you roll close but don't quite reach it. Roll an 18 for a 20 repair roll team up? It's only 2 more next time. Nicely done 1E!
(05-22-2017, 03:48 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]Good for me, continuing to add to Garlon's background/personality. I left off last night right where we met.
DS-4791! Your background was totally giving me Imperial Academy flashback PTSD. Well written, sir.
The interweaving for you, Rahullu and me has been going great, imho. Looking forward to the game,
and to seeing how the Jawa joins the party.
(05-22-2017, 07:01 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-22-2017, 03:48 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]Good for me, continuing to add to Garlon's background/personality. I left off last night right where we met.
DS-4791! Your background was totally giving me Imperial Academy flashback PTSD. Well written, sir.
The interweaving for you, Rahullu and me has been going great, imho. Looking forward to the game,
and to seeing how the Jawa joins the party.
I could not agree more, very well written, poor guy and i thought Rahullu had it thought with the empire.
So command doubles for intimidation. A wookie commanding wookies is pretty intimidating. Just use tactics as a catch-all for all tactics.
I do use combined skills per the rules companion. It's been awhile so I'm going over the rules to remind myself what did an did not work.
Okay so this is Mark II done in first edition.
Tiktuk | Alien Student of the Force (Attributes Traded)
Race: Jawa
Height: .9 m 3' 11 1/2”
Weight: 15.8 Kg
Sex: Female
Age: 16 (Adult)
Physical Description:
Move: 10
Size: 0.8-1.2 meters tall
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Force Skills:
Was the Java the last one we were watitng for? Its hard to tell with all extra accounts flowing around
(05-23-2017, 07:35 AM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ]Was the Java the last one we were watitng for? Its hard to tell with all extra accounts flowing around
I know of one more player yet to join,
said he planned to join, just hasn't had time yet