(05-28-2017, 09:39 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2017, 06:06 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2017, 06:04 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]I saw the throwing troopers note in your history. Just so you remember, I am not ammunition.
Never toss a dwarf..eg trooper
You guys could do the Wolverine / Colossus "fastball special" though
– if Veir is wearing his armor of course, otherwise... splat.
Also! Yikes, Rahullu is 8+ feet tall! Taller than Chewie's 7'6" !
Fun fact: Chewie is actually 5'9" They used the same tricks that made people think Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone were tall. It's true! Look it up!
(05-30-2017, 05:28 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2017, 09:39 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2017, 06:06 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ] (05-28-2017, 06:04 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]I saw the throwing troopers note in your history. Just so you remember, I am not ammunition.
Never toss a dwarf..eg trooper
You guys could do the Wolverine / Colossus "fastball special" though
– if Veir is wearing his armor of course, otherwise... splat.
Also! Yikes, Rahullu is 8+ feet tall! Taller than Chewie's 7'6" !
Fun fact: Chewie is actually 5'9" They used the same tricks that made people think Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone were tall. It's true! Look it up!
What Peter Mayhew is 2.21m about 7"3 i think, he was at a gaming convention in Stockholm once and i saw him there he is tall.
Fake news!
See, this is why I haven't attempted a career in comedy. :p
So I was wondering if Tiktuk should be pregnant and expecting a litter of baby jawas. Since shes a rodent and all they should have like 2-8 babies all at once... Thoughts?
(05-31-2017, 07:54 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]Fake news!
See, this is why I haven't attempted a career in comedy. :p
Jude Law is also 5'9" (by his own admission, in some magazine interview, somewhere), though he is billed as taller. Their height difference is supposedly the reason that he and Nicole Kidman never appeared in a full body wide-shot together in their civil war movie
Cold Mountain, so as to avoid her towering over him.
(05-31-2017, 08:48 AM)Tiktuk Wrote: [ -> ]...
So I was wondering if Tiktuk should be pregnant and expecting a litter of baby jawas. Since shes a rodent and all they should have like 2-8 babies all at once... Thoughts?
YES. I vote yes 2-8 times for each of the potential babies. It's too bad there's no wild die in 1E, since that would make for an excellent and potentially hilarious complication. Roll a 1 on your security lock-picking check? Uh-oh, looks like Tiktuk's water broke.... Too silly, MiB? Or just right?
I really think this thread is starting to diverge, may the game begin soon so that we might have another outlet of our creativity
(05-31-2017, 04:49 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ]I really think this thread is starting to diverge, may the game begin soon so that we might have another outlet of our creativity
Haha, agreed. Since the new guys are already under way w/ character creation, hopefully it kicks off soon!
Yes, please hurry before we are infested with Jawas!

Ok so can I be any race or should I remain a human? At the moment I'm going to be a male, Quixotic Diplomat. I figured I was tricked into coming along. The senor senator sees me and anyone else as a threat to his position. So he says, "if only there was someone brave enough to enter the prison... He would but he's much too old." Then young, nieve, idealistic, me, really wants to impress the senor senator so he decides it shouldn't be too hard to get this done... right? The senor senator says, "of course it will be easy!" He then gives me heaps and heaps of praise.