(05-23-2017, 08:16 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-23-2017, 07:38 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ]I dont know the trem of a male female fatale in english (is there one?) as you might have guessed english in not my native tounge. So sometimes i really cant get what i want down i the best words but i think you get my point anyway.
I don't think I know quite the right term either... a "lothario" or "gigolo" are similar, but not exactly.
I think your point definitely came across! I didn't mean that to come off as a knock on you just in case it did, as your English is very good -- especially for a Wookie ;-)
I used google, homme fatale, never heard it before. I used to be a lot better at english, but i have been learing more and more german the latest 10 years or so and often i rememeber the a german word and not the english one nowdays. But i feel this is more occ so lets drop it now.
So Tiktu you been just in the way/around for almost a year in the alliance sounds unlikely, i think that you would have been noticed and put on some kind of techical duty.
(05-23-2017, 10:05 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-23-2017, 12:42 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ] (05-23-2017, 03:59 AM)Tiktuk Wrote: [ -> ]Okay so this is Mark II done in first edition.
Nice fit with our skills, looking forward to seeing how she fits our backgrounds.
Agreed! I like that the background paints Tiktuk as kind of a tag-along, who just kind of accidentally winds up coming along on the mission after following us around for long enough.
And once the bureaucrat-maybe-dancer/spy signs on to our socially inept group, it'll be an even motlier crew.
Hey who are you calling socialy inept i have a higher Percption than any wookie i have seen and a least one social skill, thats mor thats more than normaly, but then i never play a fac type of charachter.

I think I would go for the quixotic Jedi here. Good perception and Dexterity and the Sense skill. He could be a Jedi fanboy who sees the senate going nowhere and goes full-time rebel.
So since Rahullu will be undrestod by a few of the party and i have dice in command i nominate him to second in command for this ragtag team.
Do what the wookie says and no one gets hurt
I was going to say I nominate either Veir or myself as command due to experience w/ prisoner lock-up, BUT I actually think the Alliance might nominate the... "Quixotic Politician?", if GM Marvel goes that way. Maybe he/she bluffed his way in? Or maybe the Alliance appointed a willing politician to keep an eye on us, for PR purposes as well. Even though the mission is top secret, if Saw Gerrera is running around at the same time making Rebels look like terrorists, I can see that being a possible rationale.
PS: I second Rahullu's nomination as Second in Command!
(05-24-2017, 04:41 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]I think I would go for the quixotic Jedi here. Good perception and Dexterity and the Sense skill. He could be a Jedi fanboy who sees the senate going nowhere and goes full-time rebel.
Who were you addressing this post to?
(05-24-2017, 02:38 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ]I was going to say I nominate either Veir or myself as command due to experience w/ prisoner lock-up, BUT I actually think the Alliance might nominate the... "Quixotic Politician?", if GM Marvel goes that way. Maybe he/she bluffed his way in? Or maybe the Alliance appointed a willing politician to keep an eye on us, for PR purposes as well. Even though the mission is top secret, if Saw Gerrera is running around at the same time making Rebels look like terrorists, I can see that being a possible rationale.
PS: I second Rahullu's nomination as Second in Command!
I think I would like to be a Senator rather than the Assassin. Like someone pointed out, we seem to have enough combat oriented characters in the group.
Languages were brought up earlier and I thought that might be an interesting approach but I'm not sure if it would work with this game's rules. Perhaps the Senator is particularly good with languages which would assist in diplomacy and bluffing.
(05-24-2017, 04:29 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ] (05-24-2017, 04:41 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]I think I would go for the quixotic Jedi here. Good perception and Dexterity and the Sense skill. He could be a Jedi fanboy who sees the senate going nowhere and goes full-time rebel.
Who were you addressing this post to?
(05-24-2017, 02:38 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ]I was going to say I nominate either Veir or myself as command due to experience w/ prisoner lock-up, BUT I actually think the Alliance might nominate the... "Quixotic Politician?", if GM Marvel goes that way. Maybe he/she bluffed his way in? Or maybe the Alliance appointed a willing politician to keep an eye on us, for PR purposes as well. Even though the mission is top secret, if Saw Gerrera is running around at the same time making Rebels look like terrorists, I can see that being a possible rationale.
PS: I second Rahullu's nomination as Second in Command!
I think I would like to be a Senator rather than the Assassin. Like someone pointed out, we seem to have enough combat oriented characters in the group.
Languages were brought up earlier and I thought that might be an interesting approach but I'm not sure if it would work with this game's rules. Perhaps the Senator is particularly good with languages which would assist in diplomacy and bluffing.
Sorry to say there are no special abileties in 1 ed, for good and for bad. Everything is open to everyone its just a matter of where you start (high skill/attribute or low skill/attribute or a mixture thereof.) SO if you are to be a good diplomat you need the attributes and the skills for it
(05-24-2017, 04:29 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ] (05-24-2017, 04:41 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]I think I would go for the quixotic Jedi here. Good perception and Dexterity and the Sense skill. He could be a Jedi fanboy who sees the senate going nowhere and goes full-time rebel.
Who were you addressing this post to?
I think MiB was suggesting using the attribute distribution of the Quixotic Jedi character type to you as a compromise between the concepts you suggested. You'd get the uninformed Force use angle, combat skill and reflexes (3D+2 Dexterity is excellent) and some presence/charisma/insight (3D Perception is good), plus the 1D in the "Sense" Force skill.
(05-24-2017, 04:29 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]I think I would like to be a Senator rather than the Assassin. Like someone pointed out, we seem to have enough combat oriented characters in the group.
Languages were brought up earlier and I thought that might be an interesting approach but I'm not sure if it would work with this game's rules. Perhaps the Senator is particularly good with languages which would assist in diplomacy and bluffing.
As Rahullu said, in 1E it's so straightforward that you just add your starting skill dice to the skills you want to be better at, +2D maximum to any one skill. So if you have a 2D Knowledge attribute and want to reflect the knack for languages, use 2 of your 7 there. Diplomacy works as the Bureaucracy, Bargain and Con skills in 1E Star Wars, depending on what area you want to focus upon, but a separate high language roll could certainly help, tho there aren't really any synergy bonuses.