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(05-25-2017, 04:57 AM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-24-2017, 04:29 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]I think I would like to be a Senator rather than the Assassin. Like someone pointed out, we seem to have enough combat oriented characters in the group.
Languages were brought up earlier and I thought that might be an interesting approach but I'm not sure if it would work with this game's rules. Perhaps the Senator is particularly good with languages which would assist in diplomacy and bluffing.
As Rahullu said, in 1E it's so straightforward that you just add your starting skill dice to the skills you want to be better at, +2D maximum to any one skill. So if you have a 2D Knowledge attribute and want to reflect the knack for languages, use 2 of your 7 there. Diplomacy works as the Bureaucracy, Bargain and Con skills in 1E Star Wars, depending on what area you want to focus upon, but a separate high language roll could certainly help, tho there aren't really any synergy bonuses.
Son since you have decieded more or less for a senatorial you need to say yes or no to the force
Dex 3D
Know 4D
Mech 2D
Perc 4D
Str 3D
Tech 2D
Con 5D Bargin 5D Byrocracy 5D Dodge 4D Blaster 4D and 2D to incease skills or add to new skills if you want the force i say dropp Str or dex to 2D and add sense 1D
Or the more all rounded but worse politican
quixotic Jedi here (probably a minor politiccan)
Dex 3D+2
Know 2D+1
Mech 2D+2
Perc 3D
Str 3D
Tech 2D+1
Force sensitive yes
Sense 1D
Skills: Con 4D Bargin 4D Byrocracy 3D+1 Sense +1D Dodge 4D+2 add +2D to skills and you are done
The background for the Quixotic Jedi when elected to the senate might act like Shunna has described her Senator type character. Though they would likely not want to advertise their Force sensitivity or Jedi fanclub membership considering the current political climate.
If Shunna goes the Quixotic Diplomat route, do you think s/he should flip the DEX score to either KNO or PER, maybe even them out between the 3 attributes, or keep as is?
I think keeping things as is will be fine. It's not a big enough change to make a real difference. Wookie style diplomacy will be more useful in the beginning of the adventure anyway.
Let the ripping off of arms commence!
(05-26-2017, 02:53 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]Let the ripping off of arms commence!
Rahullu is more partial to tounges..

(05-26-2017, 03:03 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ] (05-26-2017, 02:53 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]Let the ripping off of arms commence!
Rahullu is more partial to tounges.. 
lol. the innocent wookiee.
Do you guys usually do 1 post per day? (I sometimes get carried away, so I didn't want to overdo it).
MiB, what pace do you usually run?
(05-26-2017, 06:39 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ] (05-26-2017, 03:03 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ] (05-26-2017, 02:53 PM)Garlen Veir Wrote: [ -> ]Let the ripping off of arms commence!
Rahullu is more partial to tounges.. 
lol. the innocent wookiee.
Do you guys usually do 1 post per day? (I sometimes get carried away, so I didn't want to overdo it).
MiB, what pace do you usually run?
That depends actually, just waiting for the action to start so i guess i to get carried away

It really just depends on life. Some days I might get like 10 posts in, others none at all.
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