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Tiburon watched as the dog boys freed Corde. After what he had seen what they had done to the man. He was impressed with imaginative Enginuity. But was thinking of what Cord might do to the dog boys for their transgression. He continued eating his seeds as if they were popcorn to watch the show.
Marcus didn't bother with the situation much beyond mild amusement. Cord was sandbagging it quite a bit, but hey, he could have one of Marcus' coffee energy drinks if he wanted. Marcus just strolls over to the APC, climbs in and takes his seat. From the looks on the Lt and Sarg's face, they were about to move out anyways.
Viego shook his head at the dog boys his tone sad. "I can't say I am surprised that they had you do this boys but... I am disappointed you did it."
Watching the antics unfold, Khayman simply muttered something along the lines of Animals, then shook his head.
Nolan smirks and shakes his head. He isn't bothered by the antics. It's better they let off steam in a safe environment, then letting it affect them in the field, "Once Cord is up on his feet again, let's get ready to move out."
Ripping the ball gag free as he got free and sitting up. What the FUCK is going on, he roared out as the gag came free, looking around with rage written across his face as he tears the gag in half.
Nolan grinned and didn't bother looking over at Cord, "Apparently you were caught napping and the psi stalkers thought you should be tested." He casually walked up to the ATV and climbed in, taking his seat. "You missed the snack run."
Then he buckled his seat belt and cracked open an cold coffee. "Everyone load up!"
Marcus smirked a Cord, "Might want to find some pants before we head out." Then he jumped into the front passenger seat before anyone else could claim it.
Viego gets on board happy with his snack selection. Keeping it held tightly, ironically like a dragon with its horde.
Tiburon was in the middle of slamming a beer before getting in the ATV. He saw Marcus Open the front passenger door he chucked his beer can into the trash can next to him and made for the front seat. Shot! Is all he got out as Marcus climbed in. He just shook his head and started climbing into the back of the ATV. Dam Marcus, you bet me to it again!
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