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Tiburon chuckled at the dog boys. You boy's need training in the art of subterfuge. Then threw a handful of sunflower seeds in his mouth and walked up to the atv and leaned against it until sarg and the Lt arrived with the intel.

[Image: BVyzGZQ.png?1]

Bisquit just stands there with his salute, slightly shivering. "It's just cold."  He is obviously a terrible liar considering its the middle of June. 

[Image: Vz4aTLh.png?1]
Bones shook his head, "Hey, the guy got what he got.  Maybe he shouldn't sleep so hard."

[Image: 7WP30YT.png?1]

Momo twerked his left ear and seemed get lost in thought for second, "He sleeps a whole lot.  I checked his pulse and smelled his breath.  He's alive, but I don't maybe he he's got a disorder or something?"

[Image: nOW4cv3.png?1]

Franz chuckled, "YOU Have a disorder."
Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Ah shit...I forgot about sleeping beauty. An idea popped into his head. Aaron leaned in close to the others and whispered Hey check this out.

Alright Dog Boys, SNAP TO FUCKING ATTENTION! Suddenly Aaron's voice boomed across the lot, sharp as the crack of a bullwhip. The young man looked each dog boy straight in the eye like a drill sergeant eying new meat for weaknesses. Am I going senile or did I just hear you boys insinuate that you pulled some type of prank on a SUPERIOR OFFICER? A wicked smile played across Aaron's features, though he was trying his hardest not to burst into laughter in the middle of his routine. Maybe you wanna let us in on the joke, hmm? Or maybe we can pull a little prank of our own, like NO TREATS for two weeks?

Intimidation 97%: 1d100 86
Tiburon continues eating his seeds as Aaron was lets the Dogboys have it. He couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's deviance. He looked through the window of the ATV to see what they had done to Cord.
Nolan smirks but tries to not give it away.  Aaron seemed to have things well in hand, so he silently watched things play out.

[Image: BVyzGZQ.png?1]

Biscuit outright faints.

[Image: 7WP30YT.png?1]
Momo pees right where he's standing and starts shivering.

[Image: nOW4cv3.png?1]
Franz snapped to attention but remained quiet.

[Image: Vz4aTLh.png?1]
Bones slowly but eventually went to attention. "No sir! We simply testing his fortitude!"
Viego practically growled in response. "Well undo it. Now!" 
Tiburon chuckled at the whole situation. He knew this was a tough world and the boys were relieving some of that tension in their own harmless way. Tiburon bent down and gave Biscuit a tap to wake him back up. Wake up biscuit and it looks like you need a uniform change, Memo. Maybe next time you feel the urge to do something like that stick to your peers. Tiburon then went back to eating his seeds. waiting on the report.

The dog boys dart into action, climbing up into the rafters with a service ladder.  Once up there, all of you notice a perfectly wrapped human sized sleeping back hanging upside down from one of the suspension hooks.  Quickly they lowered it to the ground with a soft thud. 

[Image: 7WP30YT.png?1]
Momo rushes over and starts to untie and unwrap the bundle. "They told us to ..they." He barks a yelp and covers his mouth with his hand for a moment. Then silently and quickly goes back to untying what is very likely Cord. 


Cord feels himself moving, though its hard to tell exactly what direction.  Soon he feels a surface press against him and he is fairly certain he is getting lowered to a floor.  After a bit of pulling about and tugging whatever is keeping him held, he suddenly feels himself come free!  With a gasp he opens his eyes and jerks up as the blindfold comes free.  

To his annoyance.  There appears to be a ball-gag in his mouth.
Aaron decided that the Dog Boys had been stewing long enough and let them off the hook. He put a reassuring hand on Momo as he brike out into a grin. At ease Boys, I'm just fucking with you. You're not in any trouble. It's Cord's own fault that he sleeps like a drugged cat, but we couldn't let you pull a fast one on one of our own without a little turnabout, right?

After giving the Dog Boys a minute to catch their breath and unpucker their buttholes, Aaron eyed Momo after his verbal slip up. Yeah, I should have figured somene put you up to this. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it was the Stalkers. Am I right Momo?

Don't worry, nobody will do anything to you for tattling, not if they know what's good for them. Aaron added with a wink and another reassuring pat for Momo.
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