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---Marcus, Tiburon and Viego---

The three walked into the commissary and started perusing snacks.  Tiburon got quite a few astonished stares as he clanked down the isles just behind Marcus.  It was a little different that what Tiburon was used to, but in the field and on the other bases up North, he suspected a full conversion borg was more of a common sight. 

Viego made his way to the candy section and was happily surprised to see they had a respectable selection of chocolate.   

One of the girls behind the counter stared wide eyes at the three, not even trying to hide her astonishment. 

---Nolan and Khayman---

Nolan strolled up to what looked like a briefing room and was promptly let in by an fully armored guard.  Two men in uniforms and one in a shirt and tie with the sleeves rolled up sat around a table.  The man in the shirt motioned for the two to sit down. "Welcome Lieutenant." He nodded, "Sergeant."  He gestured to the files two files on the table next to two empty chairs.


The Dog boys were following behind in their own transport as well as the Psi stalkers.  So all in all there were three vehicles, though Aarons APC was by far the most advanced.  The Dogboys vehicle was a standard coalition transport, but the psi stalkers had a sleeker, smaller hover vehicle, meant for speed.  Aaron had upgraded both vehicles with more armor and nuclear power supplies for traveling distances. The Coalition couldn't afford to do many of their vehicles like this, but being in an elite special forces unit had it's perks.  

So, here was that he watched the Dog boys get out and file toward their mess hall. Then the Psi Stalkers got out and stretched drawing the eye of nearly every male pulse in viewing distance. Then as if to bring it all to a cresendo, the new guy Cord let loose a rousing snore from the back of the APC.  He had apparently fallen into a sound sleep underneath Viego's SAMAS.  How that hell that was comfortable Aaron couldn't imagine.
Nolan saluted the three men, "Sir."  He noted one was a colonel, likely the base commander, one was a major and the other guy was intelligence.  With that formalities done took a seat and flipped open the file to look through the contents.
Marcus found himself some beef jerky, some cheesy crunches and a sixer of beer.  He gave it an appraising smile, "Looks local." He nodded to himself in approval and strolled toward the counter.
Following suit, Khayman saluted both the colonel and the major, but simply nodded to the suit, before taking a seat and sliding on of the files closer to him.
Tiburon walked through the store and grabbed his sunflower seeds and some slim Jims. He then noticed Marcus grab some beer. Hell yeah breakfast of champions. As Tiburon grabbed a twelve pack. He looked at Marcus noticing the stares and rubbed where his noes should be and in a serious tone aske. Do I have a bugger or something? Everyone is looking at me funny. Then in a jovial tone stood up straight. Just kidding man. Then as he walked up to the register and a patron walked by staring. He looked at him and started barking like a dog. Ruff Ruff Ruff. Then looked around the room at everyone looking at him as he set his items on the counter to pay for them and as the clerk range up the items. Thats right people cybernetics at its best. Take a good look at the perfect specimen. Tiburon than paid for his items and walked out with a chuckle and threw a handful of sunflower seeds in his mouth and slammed a beer. Hell yeah love this stuff.
Viego's selection of snacks was. Well a kid left alone in a candy store with a hundred dollars, would have been a good start. Honestly he got too much for one person, but he was getting for Aaron, and Sarge at least that is how he mentally justified it. He once loaded with an unhealthy amount of snacks, including beef jerky, and almost every form of candy and chips they had walked up to the counter as well. He winked at that girl staring at them wide eyed. A broad grin  on his face.  "Hey gorgeous." he says trying to be smooth.
Once Aaron finished cleaning the APC, he ducked back inside to wake Cord up (with the hose if need be) and went off to join the others in the mess hall.
---Aaron, Marcus, Kord, Viego, and Tiburon---

(DM - You can freely move about the base, roleplay, train, etc.)

The girl turns her wide eyes to Viego when he addresses her. She smiles sheepishly, "High." She waved meekly.  She was the girl behind the counter.  She wore a military uniform, though that wasn't too strange. The Coalition military didn't outsource to civilians.  This girl despite her outward shyness, could just as easily pick up a plasma rifle and use if effectively.   Every Coalition soldier regardless their job or rank was fully combat trained.  She glanced from Viego to Tiburon to Marcus, and back to Viego, "You guys are special forces from up north?"

---Nolan and Khayman---

After a moment of going through the files and reading the rather horrific reports of attacks to the south, the two officers are relatively up-to-date on the situation.  About fifty farms along the southern border have been completely razed to the ground.  

[Image: 8sA3xDO.png] 

Razed by a vicious group of unknown Alien Rift raiders. Video footage shown on the data pads that accompanied the files captured conventional bullets bouncing off the raiders bare flesh as if they were wearing armor.  This indicated that the things were virtually invulnerable unless heavy or advanced weapons were in play.  Armaments  the farmers clearly did not have.  Watching footage of the creatures murder pretty much everything in their paths with absolutely no mercy for man, woman or child, puts both Nolan and Khayman's stomachs on edge.  Whether it was revulsion, rage or a bit of both it didn't matter.  By the end of the videos and reading the briefings, they knew these things had to be stopped.

[Image: 1HWSTGi.png]

The Base Commander meet both Nolan and Khayman's eyes when they were done with the briefing.  His voice barely contained his suppressed rage at the situation. "So, now you see why you're unit is here.  These Deebee bastards are in dire need of killing.  We brought in heavier weapons but the cowardly pieces of shit keep using hit and run tactics and they don't fight anything they think can put up a fight or hurt them. 
Viego smiled at the girl. He put his best I would fuck you good smile on in fact, and said. "Yep down from Chi Town. You from here?"
Khayman's visage went completely blank as he watched the videos and finished the file, his mind already forming plans, not to mention more then a hundred different tortures for these Rift raiders, when the base commander mentioned them needing to be killed he simply nodded his head.
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