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Full Version: The Stirrings of War - (Chapter 2)
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Tiburon couldn't help but chuckle under his breath when Vigo mad his move. He didn't say anything as he made his way back to the ATV to wait for the others. When he got to the ATV he drank his beer and munched his sunflower seeds as he waited.
Nolan closed his file almost in unison with Khayman. "This will take a while to hunt them all down and make sure they are completely neutralized.  I will give you daily reports on our progress and enemy troop movements so that you can give early warning to any settlements that we might drive them towards."  With that he collects his file, stands and salutes the men at the table waiting to be dismissed.

(DM - Roll to Charm/Impress)

---Nolan and Khayman---

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The base commander, a Colonel John Mays, stood and returned Nolan's salute before adding. "If there are any resources that we can provide while you are in the field, please don't hesitate to request it. Our resources are at your disposal.  Good hunting gentlemen."
Marcus smirked and set his snacks on the counter.  He leaned in toward Viego and said in a low yet humorous voice, "We are on a mission shorty. No time for that sort of thing."  Then Marcus brightly smiled at the counter girl and paid her, "Thank you ma'am." 
Aaron smacked his brother on the shoulder as he materialized behind the group, bag of beef jerky in hand with a strip of dried meat already hanging off his lip like a cigarette. Truck's clean. He casually remarked in greeting, then smiled wickedly. Can't wait to dirty the shit out of it again.
Nolan stood up and saluted, "Thank you sir. And don't worry, we'll send this bastards back to whatever hell they crawled out of in pieces."  His voice wasn't angry, it was cold and to the point, as though he were simply commenting on a statement of fact.
Rising from his chair, Khayman nodded in agreement with the L.T., then saluted the other officer and said simply, Sir, before walking out.
---Everyone ---

With snacks and provisions in hand, everyone that went to the commissary makes their way back to the ATV.   The Captain and Sarge come walking up about the same time, though they are wearing significantly grimer expressions. 

(DM - Everyone roll a 1d20 + your Insight bonus, Twice as everyone meets back up.)
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