[The blaster is set to stun already. Zer realized he has one empty bacta tank theat would keep someone nicely sedated and healthy]
When Dez puts on the helmet she hears a constant stream of chatter on the comms. It is hard to make out but it sounds like the guards are engaged in multiple battles, spread then by the battles on multiple fronts, and in complete chaos.
She hears several different conversations at once.. all in varying degrees of panicked chaos:
- the primary docking facilities are in hard vacuum, still being repressurized, a process that takes several minutes.
- A guard station on the docking ring access tunnels was attacked and it's stock of vacuum masks stolen.. the culprits of the attack have fought their way INTO the docking facility, which is currently still in hard vacuum.
- Contingents of guards have been dispatched to assist the mining guild guards, who seem to be dealing with a full scale prison revolt.
- Holon veil and his bodyguards are apparently on the move, though their destination is unknown
- A contingent of guards is prepping to assault a a group of Stormtroopers and a shuttle at Platform delta.. Dez has never heard of any other landing platform on the rock besides the main one.. she has no idea where Platform Delta is.
[OoC: I guess I should mention this but Zero has an internal ComLink. Wouldn't Zero likely be monitoring the Com Channels, at least when he has nothing else to do? But if he hasn't been doing so, he will begin now.]
Zero's red eye focuses on Dez. "Where would you like to go?"
Zero would not normally be on the security teams channel, he'd be monitoring the public channels and emergency alert channels. Which are goig off like crazy, wounded will be coming. So far there does not sound to be any major treatable injuries, blaster burns mostly, but no major physical trauma. the ones that were hit directly by blasters are just dead, there isn't much to treat.
(07-04-2018, 12:45 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I guess I should mention this but Zero has an internal ComLink. Wouldn't Zero likely be monitoring the Com Channels, at least when he has nothing else to do? But if he hasn't been doing so, he will begin now.]
Zero's red eye focuses on Dez. "Where would you like to go?"
"Get me off this blasted rock. If I stay, sooner or later Holon will get his way!"
She starts heading for the doors.
Zero does not move. He simply swivels his red eye back and forth from Dez and the Guard as if deciding what to do. The Droid was a Medic not a soldier, at least not any more. It had not accessed those files and circuits in a long time and Zero wasn't sure if they were still acti...
Zero Shoots the Guard
[OoC1: Attack +4; Result 18; Damage: 15 Stunning]
[At work so I can't link rolls.
http://www.unseenservant.com/default.asp...88&macid=0 ]
[OoC2: Possible Feats:
- Dastardly Strike: Whenever you make a successful attack against an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, the target moves -1 step along the condition track. (Surprise Round!)
- Devastating Attack (Blasters): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target using such a weapon, you treat your target’s damage threshold as if it were 5 points lower when determining the result of your attack.]
The guard staggers from the force of the blast [-3 steps on the condition track] but doesn't go down. Unfortunately Dez was also caught ff guard so does not act in that surprise round.
Roll initiative.
When the guard is hit by the blaster bolt, Zero's red eye dilates with surprise. It peers back and forth from gun to guard and back. The droid's eye shrinks to a pinpoint to inspect the blaster. Shakes it a bit and... PEW!
[Initiative +8; Result 22; Note: I'm at work so I can't link rolls to text.
[Attack: +4 (Rolled 10); Damage: 3d8+1 (Rolled 15); Note: I think I'm suppose to add my level on to damage too (+4)]
http://www.unseenservant.com/default.asp...88&macid=0 ]
[OoC: Does condition penalties also affect Initiative?]
(07-14-2018, 07:24 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [ -> ]When the guard is hit by the blaster bolt, Zero's red eye dilates with surprise. It peers back and forth from gun to guard and back. The droid's eye shrinks to a pinpoint to inspect the blaster. Shakes it a bit and... PEW!
[Initiative +8; Result 22; Note: I'm at work so I can't link rolls to text. http://www.unseenservant.com/default.asp...87&macid=0]
[Attack: +4 (Rolled 10); Damage: 3d8+1 (Rolled 15); Note: I think I'm suppose to add my level on to damage too (+4)]
[Rolls: http://www.unseenservant.com/default.asp...88&macid=0 ]
[OoC: Does condition penalties also affect Initiative?]
You add half your level.. +2
Apparently my last post was lost to cyberspace.
Dez blaster bolt hits the guard squarely in the chest, sending ionic energy coursing through his body. [initiative 23, -2 steps (total -5 steps)]. Then before he even has a chance to fall, Zero's second blaster bolt hits him square in the face. blowing him off his feet. [Initiative 22, -3 steps (can't go below -5 steps on condition track but the added physical damage kinda hurt. 0 Hit Points now too.]
Dez then continues her journey to the med bay doors only to find them closed. She does not know the passcode for the heavy blast door.
(Everything in a mine colony seems to be heavy duty, maybe it is because the ore they are mining is explosive)
![[Image: medbay5.jpg]](http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/vitkyng/medbay5.jpg)