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Dez condition continues to improve [now only minus two setps on condition track]
Theda replies.
"That is exactly who I am TRYING to reach. Get me Holon on the damn comms. He is gonna pay me or he isn't getting his precious slut."
"I will certainly contact him for you once I am finished my diagnostic of her condition which will take less than 20 seconds. Please wait..."
[OoC: Droid Talent; Dull the Pain: As a full-round action you can make a DC15 Treat Injury check on an adjacent living creature to move it +1 step on the condition track.; Treat injury +16; Result Automatic ]
[OoC: Since a round is 6 seconds the Droid can completely patch her up in 12 seconds, giving them a round to prepare for whatever is to come...]
Theda fiddles with the control panel more, trying to get the computer controls to respond, but it is obvious she has only succeeded in locking herself out. [Use computer result was a nat 1].
[Dez +1 step due to Zero]
Snarling in frustration at the control panel, Theda stomps over to the nearest guard.
"Give me you damned comm-link! Useless poodu... "
The guard hesitates, but then unstraps his helmet and hands it over to Theda
[Dez +1 step due to Zero], while still injured Dez now has no condition modifiers]
Putting the helmet next to her ear and twisting the small boom mic around Theda snarls into the comms
"Holon if you are listening, and I know you are, this is Theda. You promised me 3000 credits for this bitch, you are going to pay up or you can forget delivery. I am not sticking around to deal with whatev4er mess you've made with the Empire."
Dez make a Deception check with a +5 to maintain your bluff of being immobilized.
The Droid's eye focuses on Dez then on the guards and back to Dez. The sphere makes a slight tilt up and down as if to nod in understanding and says, "Scans are complete. The patient has been sufficiently stabilized for the procedure. Please assist in transferring the patient to the operating lab to the south."
The two guards move up to the south side of the exam table to grab Dez, prepared to haul her off the table if they have to. Theda stays where she is, still listening for a response in the helmet comms.
As the guards approach Dez steadies herself.
[OoC Swift action to Catch a Second Wind = +12 hitpoints]
Quote:Second Wind [/size]
If you are reduced to one-half your maximum Hit Points or less, you can Catch a Second Wind as a Swift Action. This Action heals one-quarter of your full Hit Point total (Rounded down) or a number of points equal to your Constitution score, whichever is greater. You can Catch a Second Wind only once per day.
As soon as one of the guards is within reach she is going to lunge and attempt to grab his blaster. (Assuming the guard has holstered the blaster in order to grab her)
Surprise Round
Dez and
Zero roll Initiative to see what order you go in, but the guards and Theda are caught flatfooted and do not get to act this round.
![[Image: medbay3.jpg]](
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