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Spotting Boo's pale nose, Toot immediately reaches back into his haversack and summons his Rod of Extension which suddenly appears in his tiny hand. Then sitting up on his tiny saddle, which is wrapped around Boo's head and ears Toot begins to chant. [Subbing Resist energy for SNA]
After a few moments, a single Earth Elemental appears. [Str & Con +4; Duration: 14 rnds]
"You earth glide as fast as you can, up to the surface. Peek and see where sun or moon is in sky den return to me as fast as you can and tell me what you saw. Go now!"
When/If the small elemental returns, Toot listens to what the Elemental says it saw and if there were no problems with learning the position of the suns or moons he says, "Ok now, need you to swim through rubble and scout ahead. Then come back and tell me what you saw before times up."
Toot realises that most earth elementals don't have a firm grip of what celestial bodies are (there are probably no proper words for them in Terran) so Toot had to form a clever description and do it quick. The elemental rushes through stone (OOC - 80 feet per round) and returns in a few rounds, stating:
"There is red light close to earth.". Toot realises this may mean sunset of the red sun, sunrise of the white or even a red moon.
(OOC - Toot may have experience with lunar eclipse that may produce a red moon but I leave it up to you. If you can't decide from your role, roll a DC 10 Planes check (can still roll if untrained but cannot take 10 in that case) )
The elemental then scouts ahead in the rubble and returns a few rounds later, reporting:
"Building, collapsed. Rocks crushed many metal men. One softskin female sleeps in bed."
Knowing well how poorly educated these earth elementals are, Toot deciphers the text as metal men being armored and softskin female probably means unarmored but how reliable the terms "man" and "female" are, is hard to tell. Maybe the men are any bipedal creatures, and maybe female only means "no beard" which can be virtually anything, barring dwarves.
There are still two rounds left from the summoning.
OOC - Boo's condition is not poisoning, Toot knows that, just in case you considered this option as well. With another DC 10 Planes or Religion check Toot must have heard about negative energy attacks (be it ability damage or energy drain).
[OoC: We spoke about how much knowledge Toot would have about this world and I decided upon that Toot is a native of this world. So he would be aware of the lunar cycles. As for the Elementals not knowing, Toot will just point his body north (which shouldn't be hard to figure out since he is only a few minutes from where he dug the hole). He will tell them to stay facing that direction and then come back when the Elemental sees the large round light in the sky, to tell Toot at where in the sky the light is located. Also, wouldn't lunar cycles be knowledge: Nature, not Planes? Druids, even in the Real World, have an intense connection with the lunar cycles.
Knowledge- Nature: animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants,
seasons and cycles, weather, vermin)
The main reason Toot wants to know this information is so he can be as close as possible to the 24 hour point to cast his Fortitude increasing spells. If you're saying that Toot now has to make a Knowledge check to know what energy drain is then Toot would have no reason to send the Elementals up to check where the sun is in the sky.
In any case he made planes and religion checks.]
(OOC - Lunar cycles, Nature, certainly. And eclipses maybe. What I wrote about are eclipses, not cycles, and given his time span Toot hasn't necessarily experienced such a thing. Add to this that old Landgrave was almost blind, so do you think Toot knows what an eclipse is? If you think so then he does. On the other hand, Toot knows that the different light emanated by the two suns influence the color of the moon and whether it can be fully red is beyond my (as real life person's) capacity of astronomical computations
On the other hand, for blood moon to set in, there should be a total eclipse, meaning the planet is between the moon and both of the stars and it will not happen, ever. So no, Toot hasn't ever heard of a lunar eclipse
As for negative energy in general (and not necessarily energy drain) Toot has heard of it and knows how unnatural it is and he knows that it may be what affected Boo. He cannot tell for certain, though.
[OoC: The druids were famous for their huge knowledge of celestial bodies and cycles, passed down through oral tradition. An old blind druid would still have those teachings in his knowledge nature (stars and cycles are part of the natural world , planes are other planes so they have other stars).
Lunar Eclipses were seen as a sign of fertility. There is evidence that they observed the solar festivals of solstices and equinoxes, and especially the summer solstice. It's also true that the Druids’ most sacred plant, mistletoe, was associated with the sun. The moon was of far greater importance but you can't have a Solar Eclipse without the moon.]
[OoC: The DC 10 roll you asked me for was to know about "Negative energy attacks. (Be it Energy Damage and Energy Drain.)" I succeeded in two checks even though you asked for one. But then you changed what I was rolling for to be about Negative Energy and "not necessarily energy drain..." So I'm kind of confused.]
Toot sighs. "While quickly moving rocks, tell me how far does collapsed tunnel go." After listening to the Elemental grumble it's answer, Toot closes his eyes and says a little prayer to the animal spirits.
[OoC: Toot Casts Speak with animals. Duration: 7 minutes.]
Toot turns to Boo and asks, "So old friend. You want to stay down here or go back up and wait for this sickness to pass. I can get us there if you want. I just need one or two of those lava worms to drill the holes and a couple of earth elementals to earthglide up through it."
Ooc will explain the later.
"Building hundred by hundred feet, tunnel leads west" the elemental reports while moving rocks for Toot and Boo to be able to pass. (Ooc did I get your intent properly?)
Boo looks scared of the unknown. "I feel weak and clumsy like a cub", he answers the druid's concerns. "I stay safe with you."
[OoC: Yes you did.]
Toot gives Boo a toothy grin and replies, "Silly bear. Toot go with you, up top. Less dangerous. Places to run and hide. Toot knows more about world, up top."
Boo replies to the best of his intelligence, "I like trees better than caves. Trees have dangerous animals. Caves have dangerous men. You are alpha. I follow you to caves. I follow you to trees."
With so little time left with the elemental, Toot watches the creature vanish and then assesses the situation.
"Well Boo, Toot not know if moving stones make ceiling fall. And Toot and Boo can't go back. So I not know what left for Toot and Boo to do. Doodid's powers almost all gone for day. May not have choice but to go up. Sorry friend. Me think Toot make bad decision to come down here. Curiosity nearly killed the Jermlaine and Boo Bear."
Toot scratches Boo's fur and continues, "Could use fire worm to drill up top or drill around fallen stones. Hmmmmm..."
[At work. More to come.]
As far as the earth elemental got in two rounds the ceiling did not collapse; apparently it knew how to do this kind of job. However, there's much more to move if Toot is about to get through the rubble this way.
Just as he finishes his talk to the bear Toot hears movement beyond the rubble; steps quick and nimble but not silent enough for the survivalist jermlaine to pick up the noise. (OOC - natural 20 on Listen vs an otherwise pretty stealthy figure

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