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[OoC: Actually its been two months since Toot was digging though the tunnels. Most recently you had said the Unicorn traveled North-east from where the rope was hanging. Then when we surfaced you said the hut was south which would be back tracking back toward the original hole. Where that would put Toot? I haven't any clue.
Personally, I thought that retrieving rope was such a trivial and insignificant matter that it wouldn't be a big deal. I mean, I could have wasted more time flying to a village. But then you might have said it didn't sell the right type of rope. Then Toot would have to fly some where else to look for the rope. After he found one then Toot would have to fly back, meanwhile that clock is counting down toward the undead apocalypse. Also since casting the spell and sending the Elemental was done purely for fun and role playing purposes, I thought I would be cut some slack. So I'm sorry if you found my reasoning, 'sad.']
[But in that case...]
If the woman doesn't happen to have a 100' knotted, silk rope with a grappling hook laying around, Toot will excuse himself from Kiera. Then he and Boo will back track to the original hole. Even turning into a small, sharp eyed, Eagle and searching for it from the skies [Speed 80]. If found, Toot will fly into the hole and retrace his steps as quickly as possible to find the rope. If he finds it, the eagle will grab the grappling hook in his talons [Strength 10] and fly back to the surface.
Eagle Toot finds the dire badger tunnel quite easily. The eagle manages to crawl through the tunnel and finds the rope. Grabbing the hook he wriggles through the tunnel back to the surface.
Toot will fly back to the hut with Boo running close behind. Toot wasn't sure if the woman would stick around. But she did offer to help Toot get back into the caves so he hoped she would keep her part of the bargain.
As they get back to the hut Kiera is nowhere to be seen. Toot finds a piece of dry bark on the moss bed, a few words scribbled in black. "Checking around, will be back in a few hours. Rest well."
Ooc - due to the unusual location of the planet native creatures sleep less and spellcasters need only four hours of sleep, Toot included.
Toot reads the bark then tosses it away. 'Typical,' he thinks to himself. Then looking at Boo, Tweety-Toot chirps at him then flies over to a tree and lands on a branch and waits for Boo to follow. When his companion arrives at the tree, Toot flutters down and lands on the bear's exotic saddle and then transforms back to his normal form.
"Time for bed, Boo."
The bear lays down at the base of the tree. When he's comfortable, Toot will fluff up some of the Bear's fur then curls up to sleep for 4 hours while Boo watches for any attacks.
In about two hours Boo stirs and Toot registers half-asleep that their hostess arrived. She shakes her head, smiling, and tiptoes into her hut as silently as she can.
Note- this event has not interrupted the rest but wise little Toot will be aware of her whereabouts when he wakes, whenever he decides to wake.
Toot sleeps for the rest of the four hours required to return his spells. He then wakes up with a big yawn that practically makes his face disappear. After giving Boo a scratch around the ears as thanks for watching his sleep, he says, "Ok Boo, now it's your turn to sleep. I'll be back to wake you." Toot then slides down his back and sits down on the ground. He pulls out his mistletoe and begins the hour long prayer to the nature spirits.
Once his mind is refreshed with new spells he stands up and begins foraging for food for him and Boo. Toot didn't really require much but Boo made up for it. He also has the typical Jermlaine gut that let him survive on practically anything. Even things that could kill a human or a bear. But he couldn't feed his companion something that would make him sick. So while Toot searches, he munches on whatever he can find such as berries, old animal carcases and especially protein packed bugs. 'Mmmmmmmmm!'
[Using Survival Skill (8). A single Survival check may represent activity over the course of hours or a full day. If I can take 10 that will be an 18. A roll of 10 gives me enough food for one person plus another person for every 2 pts over 10. Which would be enough food for 5 people. Survival also states that if you have 5 ranks you can automatically determine the direction of True North.]
After about 3-4 hours, Toot returns to wake up Boo and feed him. Toot will save some leftovers to feed Boo throughout the day. Then Toot will go visit Kiera again. As soon as he sees her, Toot asks, "Where go?"
Boo rested with Toot just enough to keep him going the next day. Kiera actually meets Toot shortly after he wakes. She offers a healthy plate of dried meat, berries and roots that suit most of the less picky humans and probably a black bear well.
"I have news" she says. "The scrags retired for now and probably won't get back in an hour, so you have time with Mother Nature but then it would be best to embark on your journey without further delay. I can stay up with you and prepare whatever else you may need while you are praying. Food, water and a bag of herbs and bandages. Need something else?"
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Toot raises an eyebrow questioningly and asks, "Retired? Common Toot's second language. What exactly mean retire? Where retire too?" After the brief conversation Toot considers what he would need on this journey under the earth. He wasn't a Cave Doodid. He wasn't even sure if there was such a thing. [I think in 3.0 there's a prestige class in Masters of the Wild] So he wasn't sure what he and Boo would need. Toot certainly wasn't going to turn down food, herbs, bandages and water. But he doubted that she would have many objects available in his size which was why he had to go back for his rope.
He will ask for a ball of string, A coin with continual light cast on it and (then put inside) a scroll tube for directional light, empty vials, sealing wax, small bag of pebbles or marbles, candy, caltrops, hammer, pickaxe, shovel, iron spikes, ink, a 10'x10' tarp, and some extra sacks. He knew she wouldn't have all of these things but there is no harm in asking. The continual light coin he could create himself but why waste a spell when he might need it to swap for more Summon Nature's Allies.
"They waited for something for some reason at the cave entrance but got tired of it and went back to their underwater... nest... to feed on some fish I... well... helped them catch to eat their full."
OOC - my druid concept (RP wise) is from 2Ed. So in my aspect there may be a druid for every ecology; be it forest, plains, mountains, swamps, caves or farms. Toot certainly knows this and it's my bad I didn't say earlier and it's not hard to figure out that the Nine (when I wrote "the twelve" before I actually meant "the nine" which are twelfth level
) saw potential in Toot as a cave-dwelling creature looking after cave life. Does that make sense?
While Toot is praying, Kiera prepares the stuff he requested as follows:
Ball of string, check.
Continual flame, check. BUT it's a medium dagger (a two-handed tool for Toot).
OOC - how would Toot create one? this spell is not on my list of druid spells, or is it?
Scroll tube made of tanned leather, check. (note the size is half Toot's height)
Empty vials, made of hollowed oak, check. (note it's sized for human-sized potions)
Sealing wax, check.
Two small bags (medium belt pouches will do?) with pebbles, check.
Ink, check.
Candy, caltrops, hammer, pickaxe, shovel, spikes, tarp - NOPE.
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