[OoC: Sorry, for some reason I thought Continual Flame was on every Classes list who has full casting. I guess Druids are SOL on making permanent light sources, as usual...
I agree with you about there being druids for every environment. It's just that a druid's spell list kind of suck for caves. They have many more spells that are more suited to forests then underground. Even animal companions kind of suck for the underground. There might be something in the Book Sandstorm. I didn't look because they aren't available for this campaign.]
Toot looks at the dagger and thinks that it is much too large. He wonders if he can break the dagger and use a smaller piece without it losing its enchantment... [hint hint

] The rest of the items looked fine.
After he puts the items in his haversack, Toot looks at Kiera and says,
"What do now?"
The evocation is cast on the tip of the dagger so chipping it off would probably be a solution. Kiera does not have tools for this purpose and while she tries to hide his feelings Toot notices that she doesn't like the idea at all. (OOC - light blade, hardness 10 hp 2 -- or break DC 26)
"I will escort you to the western side of the mound. You submerge and find your path. It should be wide enough for Boo but too narrow for the scrags to navigate easily so they won't follow even if they return. All you have to be concerned about is what awaits inside."
She leads Toot and Boo to the designated place and points down. "Here. Just take a deep breath and swim. No more than a couple dozen feet before you emerge in a dry cave."
(OOC - Toot is not a great swimmer but Boo is. He can cover the distance in no more than four rounds, maybe less. All Toot has to do is hold his breath and hang on tight. With his Constitution score he can hold his breath for 24 rounds unless he performs standard actions.)
Toot examines the tip of the blade and then notices Kiera looking at him. He narrows his eyes a bit then smiles innocently. "This will do just fine..."
He then listens to what she says he must do to get into the cave with growing concern. Swimming was way too much like bathing. Which was something Jermlaine hated doing.
"Why lady not tell Toot about water? Toot could have prepared spells," he states with a hint of anger. Toot normally would have added, 'bitch' or some other colorful word to the end of that statement but decided to bite his lip since he was likely going to break her dagger as soon as she's out of sight. "Why big folk always leave out important details!"
Kiera thinks twice before answering. "It's under the mound in the middle of a moor. Got it? There's another way if you are willing to face the bullettes but it involves destroying their nest and digging through hard rock. Interested?"
Toot can feel the woman's patience fading as if she started to take him more like a thorn in her side but somehow being a pest is what makes the Jermaine comfortable, isn't it?
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[OoC: Yes Jermlaine are considered pests. And Toot has a Charisma of 7 so he isn't suppose to be sweet and lovable. So I hope there will be bonus xp for playing Toot so thoroughly well!

Toot slowly narrows his eyes at Kiera and then replies,
"If such easy thing to jump into water that could have beasts which could eat you then why not you do it? But before you do, shrink self down to tasty morsel size (like Toot) with very little strength to resist current. Then tether self to animal to be dragged along hoping not get attacked because if you attacked, you tethered in water and will likely drown. Also have no spells prepared so can breath under water if attacked so can defend self. Interested??"
"Kiera may be annoyed by Toot but Toot very wise and Toot doesn't just jump into dangerous situations that could shorten Toot's life. Too many of my kind squashed "accidentally" by predigest and careless big folk. If quest important then Toot's assured survival should matter to Kiera! Kiera should have prepared Water Breathing for Toot and Boo."
Toot takes a moment to consider taking the Bullette route. Jermlaine hated bathing so much that fighting the monsters might be preferable. But if he did they would more likely be injured going that way than the uncertainty of drowning. Toot also had the option of turning into an animal adept at swimming. It was looking like having to bathe was going to be the best option. At least there wouldn't be any soap. Blech!!
If Kiera had not already given him the magic items, Toot will hold out hand and curtly say,
When he has all the items she promised, Toot takes out the rope and ties it around his own waist and then around Boo's waist. He will take the time [Take 20] to tie it securely but not tight enough to cause either of them any discomfort or difficulty in swimming. The excess will be wrapped around both of their waists to be extra secure. If the string is like a strong twine that looks like it would be difficult to break with someone Toot's weight being dragged through water then he might use it instead. As it can be cut into smaller pieces so there is less slack.
Once finished, Toot looks up at Kiera and asks,
"Is there anything else Toot needs to know?"
Forgot. The ball of string is ordinary yarn, about 50 to 100 feet as far as Toot can estimate.
[OoC: With a bunch of lookers like us, we should be happy that we have a Bard to be the Face of the group!
And Toot might have promised to do the task but if it comes down to either fulfilling the promise or being eaten by some giant lobster, then 'BYE,' someone else will have to worry about stopping the Undead Apocalypse!

Toot looks at Kiera like she has drool dripping off her chin.
"Has Toot been talking to someone else?" Toot looks around, then says,
"Nope. Toot barely talk about holding breath. Toot can hold breath. See! Toot inhales deeply and then his cheeks balloon out from the sides of his face as he holds his breath. After around ten seconds he blows out the trapped air and says,
"Toot can hold breath! Toot more concerned with being eaten. Or being dragged around underwater by Boo who is much bigger and stronger than Toot. I know sometimes you big folk are as bright as burnt out lantern but how that hard to understand?"
"Oh and before I leave," Toot says to the Unsympathetic, Kiera.
"What can you tell me of the creature who attacked Boo and I? You say brooch cure bad juju but what was curse that made Boo sick? When brooch power done, how get rid of bad juju if it happens again? Spell have name? Can Doodids remove that kind of bad Juju?" While she answers his questions, Toot listens and searches for a branch that can act as a staff.
When Kiera finishes answering his questions, Toot moves gingerly over to the water's edge and sticks a toe into the cold water. Toot frowns and looks back and forth from Boo to Kiera and back. Sighing, Toot climbs up Boo's back until he's clinging to the fur on the scruff of his companion's neck like a Bur, refusing to let go. Toot then makes a kissing noise and rubs the fingertips together of his right hand. Suddenly he feels the magic of his spell take hold and he begins making noises which sounds like a high pitched bear.
"Ok Boo. Keep your head above water for as long as you can and then at the last minute I will tell you to take a deep breath and then we swim under the water to find this entrance into the caves. Got it?" Toot will also give Boo all the information he was given by Kiera. Once Boo indicates he's 'got it', then Toot whimpers,
"Lets go..."
[OoC: Toot cast Speak with Animals. Duration is 7 minutes.]
(06-09-2016, 08:28 AM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]Toot looks at Kiera like she has drool dripping off her chin. "Has Toot been talking to someone else?" Toot looks around, then says, "Nope. Toot barely talk about holding breath. Toot can hold breath. See! Toot inhales deeply and then his cheeks balloon out from the sides of his face as he holds his breath. After around ten seconds he blows out the trapped air and says, "Toot can hold breath! Toot more concerned with being eaten. Or being dragged around underwater by Boo who is much bigger and stronger than Toot. I know sometimes you big folk are as bright as burnt out lantern but how that hard to understand?"
"I still can't get it how being able to breath underwater protects you from being eaten or being abducted by your very own companion. What protects you is to get your butt into the confines of a narrow tunnel before the big hungry scrags come back!"
(06-09-2016, 08:28 AM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]"Oh and before I leave," Toot says to the Unsympathetic, Kiera. "What can you tell me of the creature who attacked Boo and I? You say brooch cure bad juju but what was curse that made Boo sick? When brooch power done, how get rid of bad juju if it happens again? Spell have name? Can Doodids remove that kind of bad Juju?" While she answers his questions, Toot listens and searches for a branch that can act as a staff.
"Evil spirits channel energy from the inner plane of negative energy. Negative means destruction, defiance, death and oblivion. The priestly magic you can invoke twice more is called 'Restoration'. The continuous effect protects you from negative energy but I do not know if it is a spell that has a widely accepted name. I just call it 'Negative Plane Protection'."
(06-09-2016, 08:28 AM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]When Kiera finishes answering his questions, Toot moves gingerly over to the water's edge and sticks a toe into the cold water. Toot frowns and looks back and forth from Boo to Kiera and back. Sighing, Toot climbs up Boo's back until he's clinging to the fur on the scruff of his companion's neck like a Bur, refusing to let go. Toot then makes a kissing noise and rubs the fingertips together of his right hand. Suddenly he feels the magic of his spell take hold and he begins making noises which sounds like a high pitched bear. "Ok Boo. Keep your head above water for as long as you can and then at the last minute I will tell you to take a deep breath and then we swim under the water to find this entrance into the caves. Got it?" Toot will also give Boo all the information he was given by Kiera. Once Boo indicates he's 'got it', then Toot whimpers, "Lets go..."
[OoC: Toot cast Speak with Animals. Duration is 7 minutes.]
OOC: Boo can understand as much as his low int and restricted vocabulary understands. Like, don't try to explain the difference between integral computing and a furnace. what you wrote above is pretty much okay, though Boo probably can't get the concept of "last minute" or even "last moment".
Boo grunts
"got it mate" and Kiera waves goodbye(?) to the jermlaine. As the bear ducks Toot loses most of his vision in the disturbed water. Within no more than half a minute, Boo finds the indicated entrance and swims through with little effort, soon climbing out of the underwater tunnel, up to a dry and dark corridor spanning east. There is a slight turn blocking view from darkvision and a faint, ambient light pulsating with various colours sheds a little bit of illumination on the walls. Not enough to see without darkvision but sufficient to know that there's some kind of light source beyond.
Boo shakes himself, raining droplets of water all around then sniffs to the air.
"Carrion ahead," he tells Toot.
Kiera obviously took her size for granted. She never had to worry about being stepped on or being mistaken for vermin and had Big Folk actively try to exterminate her out of existence. "Toot thinks Toot understands. Boo would never hurt Toot intentionally. But Boo is still an animal. If underwater and we get attacked, Boo might want to defend Toot and fight attacker. Toot could loose grip on Boo in scuffle and be dragged around underwater while Boo fights off whatever attacking. With Toot being so small, predators naturally attack what they believe to be easier and weaker prey. Between Boo and Toot, they would naturally choose to eat Toot. Being underwater, Toot can't tell Boo to ignore Predator and keep swimming and Toot not be able to cast spells to defend self. So Toot be utterly defenseless. Understand?"
After Kiera explains about negative energy, Toot replies, "Master had Restorations spell. But Toot still not powerful enough to summon the energy to cast such powerful spell. Though good to know that Toot eventually be able to cure such bad Juju."
After making the short but disgusting swim through the water, Toot emerges from the water still clinging to Boo's neck. With a huge frown on his face, he tilts his head from side to side to get the water out his ears and then rubs his face into Boo's fur to absorb some of the water off his face. "Yuck!" Toot grumbles. "Toot hate anything close to bathing." He then slides down Boo's back and once he's managed to dry himself off with his blanket, he listens for any noises.
[OoC: Listen 6 for Toot and 4 for Boo]
Boo will use his scent ability to detect anything close by including invisible creatures while they both sneak forward toward the light source beyond.
[OoC: From now on I will state my skill then a / then include Boo's skill. So Hide 15/ 2 is Toot 15 and Boo 2, Move Silently: 3/2 ]