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To clarify; the stomps come from abovehead over the rock, not along the tunnel to the east. by "pretty close" I meant that if they proceed east they will be probably right under the nest.
Boo shuns away from the light at first glance. "Boo feels no evil spirit in cave," he notes in brief grunts, "But light covers all scent."
The bear waits for a final confirmation before moving into the light.
(06-20-2016, 05:53 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]To clarify; the stomps come from abovehead over the rock, not along the tunnel to the east. by "pretty close" I meant that if they proceed east they will be probably right under the nest.
[OoC: I apologize. It's early in the morning and my head's a little fuzzy so I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're saying. You say, "if they proceed east," do you mean if Toot and Boo proceed's east or the creatures above Toot? Do the creatures sound bipedal or quadruped (maybe Know: Nature 13 might help)? Do the stomps sound heavy enough to be coming from something the size of the creatures Toot saw in the nest when Toot was in the forest?
I'm a little confused. I feel like you 'Clarifying' what's happening means I'm missing something important because you purposely paused Toot and Boo going through the portal just to offer additional information. Am I reading too much into this?

OOC - maybe I got you wrong and hence my clarification. I had the impression that you think if Toot proceeds east he walks (or may as well walk) straight into the bullette nest. If you understood it this way then my clarification is valid: Toot is wise enough and well versed in perception underground that he knows the noise does not come from the tunnel but brought along by the rock formation that is the ceiling of the tunnel and likely the ground of the mound.
By "they" I meant Toot and Boo.
About "stomps" Toot can tell at least four pairs of feet; or two quadruped creatures and yes they are definitely heavy enough to be coming from the huge creatures Toot encountered and whom Kiera referred to as bullettes.
About "pausing on purpose"; yes I did because honestly I found Toot's decision to enter the unknown instead of walking along a tunnel surprising. You usually write really good explanations on Toot's careful thinking and I did not get the reasoning this time so I'm caught totally flat-footed and the only explanation I could come up with is that you misunderstood the description of the environs. Would a draft help understanding if we are on the same page?
Will probably send an IC update soon...
[OoC: I chose the portal over the tunnel because it seemed like you wanted me to move the story along. It didn't seem like Kiera was trying very hard to understand Toot's fear of the water and it felt like you were getting annoyed and just wanted me to have Toot just get on with it. When the option of the tunnel or the portal came up, I figured the tunnel would just take him to the entrance in the forest that you originally planned for Toot to take when Toot first started on his Journey. By choosing the Portal it would speed things up and get Toot to where ever you were leading him to quicker. It may have been a little meta-gaming to ignore the Tunnel but like I said, I thought you just wanted me to get back on track and not spend more time (possibly several days IRL) exploring a tunnel that would likely just lead him back to the portal anyways. But if I misread you then I can stretch this out and explore more as Toot would more likely do before jumping into a big scary portal.]
Toot loses his nerve at the last moment and says to Boo, "On second thought, maybe Toot missed Treasure down tunnel. Me think we should go check." Toot once again slides off Boo's back and pulls out his 10' pole. The little druid then carefully begins tapping the floor, walls and ceiling of the tunnel as they move in the direction the stomps are treading.
OOC - so my DM sense was right... Don't care about what your DM wants. Just act in-character and if you miss the big adventure or the cursed treasure; so what?
The tunnel beyond the vault does not arch upward but the natural cavern floor is gradually replaced by bits of worked stone as if those were remnants of a past road. After a hundred feet (featuring two turns), almost the entire floor is cobblestone but the walls are still those of a natural cave. Boo stops occasionally as he follows a faint trace of blood drops. The last section is running straight east and ends in what seems to be the remnans of a wooden gate, deteriorated and pried open. The opening is wide enough for a muscular human to shoulder in but a black bear may need a bit more prying. As much as Toot can see without venturing too close, there's some kind of building in ruins on the other side of the gate.
While peeking cautiously inside Toot hears clanking sounds from the distance, as if someone pounding on a piece of iron. There must be walls and distance separating Toot from the source of the noise. He can also hear people talking but he cannot catch much from the conversation. Maybe it's in common and a deep male voice says something that sounded like "warbow", "by now", or "but how"
As Toot ponders on what to do next he can hear two noises.
One from east (i.e. beyond the gate) sounds like armored steps walking a stone corridor and their chat gets clearer. They talk about "getting some beams".
One from west (i.e. from behind) sounds like buzzing of dozen bumblebees for a few seconds but then dies completely.
It seems maybe the Portal was the better option, Toot thinks to himself. Better the unknown than something that's known to be scary. Toot looks at Boo and whispers, "Lets avoid bee sounds. Toot immune to poison but Boo, not so much. And the stings hurt! Can you smell anyone around Boo?"
[OOC: Scent can detect opponents up to 30' away, adjusted by wind direction and intensity of stench.]
Toot will also be trying to figure out the best way of getting Boo through the gate. He wonders about possibly using his vials of acid or his crowbar.
[OoC: I forgot to ask about something else. Toot memorized Goodberry but I forgot to ask if he found any berries when he was out an about and if he did, can he cast the spell. The spell effects 2d4 berries and they last 1 day per level. ]
OOC - sure he found berries.
The door does not seem to be too heavy for the bear, he can probably push it with his shoulders but there may be some rubble behind the door.
Boo sniffs the air and grumbles briefly on Toot's question. "Men."
Roll for berries: Roll=5 berries]
[OoC: With Toot's,
Know (nature):13 Roll of 31, can he confirm those sounds were in fact Bees?]
Toot considers his options and then says,
"Toot thinks Boo will knock over rubble and alert tin-can men (has tin been invented yet?). So maybe we bring Tin-can men to us. Then they be slowed down by squeezing though hole instead of Boo needing to squeeze if we need to run away. What Boo think?" Toot didn't think Boo would have much of an answer but his bear was a true friend and he liked to consider him in decisions especially when they can actually speak with one another.
"Or maybe Toot explore ahead to see what Tin-can men doing..."
[OoC: Since Toot can speak with all manner of rat including bats, he will always be on the lookout for such creatures.]
Toot definitely thinks those were NOT actual bees. More like artificial noise. (Ooc like static electricity discharge but has Toot ever seen (heard) a Tesla cage in operation?

) I decided to put it this way because it's more like humming and not crackling like natural lightnings do...
Boo thinks the men are busy making noise themselves buy Toot's plan is better.
Toot spots a rat in the rubble, eyeing him curiously.
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