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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Bazzalan scurries off, using mirthful leaps and acrobatics to help avoid any difficult terrain and take short cuts.  He quickly locates some contacts who hopefully point him toward some information sources regarding the Forerunners and their relics.

Charisma Check With Advantage: [1d20+4] = 17+4 = 21, [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5; Welp... didn't need the advantage.
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(01-08-2021, 05:31 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazzalan scurries off, using mirthful leaps and acrobatics to help avoid any difficult terrain and take short cuts.  He quickly locates some contacts who hopefully point him toward some information sources regarding the Forerunners and their relics.

Charisma Check With Advantage: [1d20+4] = 17+4 = 21, [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5; Welp... didn't need the advantage.

Bazzalan touches base with a couple scavengers that he knows that focus on information scraps typically sold to sages and wizards.  While they do not have any specific to the mythical ancient race, but one of them does have a copy of an old collection of registered salvage finds from the old Dockmaster.  The book might have instances of other kinds of relic finds that have been brought back to the Rock that might give you clues as to the kind of things to look for.  The other is able to come up with a mildewed copy of "Tales of the Ancient Spelljammers", which is a collection of stories about ancient spelljammers.  Bazz has heard of the book before, and even knows a couple of the stories from it and saw a copy on the old sage's shelves, but never had a chance to actually read through it.  He knows that this book might have usable hints as to the kind of places and ruins that the Forerunners left behind as well as some of the more notable relics used by heroes, although given the age and that it is a collection of retold stories, the reliability of the information may be far weaker than the salvage log.

The salvage log is priced at 30gp and "Tales" is priced at 50gp, but because they know you (and especially if you offer them a chance to buy any cool stuff you find out there) they are willing to loan you either or both books for 10gp each.
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Well Bazz was just given the three of them 20gp's for extra supplies so Bazzalan will use that to pay for the books.  Then he'll add, "I'm sure the captain will be looking for buyers for the cool stuff we find so I will certainly tell him you're interested.  And please keep on the look out for any other books or scrolls with useful information on this subject.  Obviously we would pay.  But when searching for this info, please do not draw attention to yourselves.  There are lots of unsavory types in this port who would do terrible things to someone just to get their hands on a few coppers!"

Bazz then thanks them for the help and then scurries off back to the ship.
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All of the crew can feel the magical aura of the helm encompass the ship as the sails are unfurled on the mainmast, and all of the tie-downs and equipment are triple-checked.  Bazzalan leaps aboard just as Bill and Royce toss off the last ropes tying the ship to the dock.  Ashheart's mustache flexes at the sight, but it doesn't say anything as it picks up the gangplank and stows it.  Ashheart stands up and casts a quick prestidigitation and a loud bell peals across the ship and out across the dock.  At the sixth toll the Riposte seemed to shudder for a moment and then began to silently drift away from the dock and into the larger envelope around Bral.  Within a few moments, the ship cleared the envelope and started to move into the black of the void.

Ashheart rang the bell four times to indicate that the first meal service would begin soon in the galley as Slick disappeared to start cooking.

[OOC: Melville, if you could give me a Spelljamming (Navigation) check to navigate the route to the shell.  Passing a DC5 check will get the ship to the shell in a twenty days.  A DC10 check will get to the shell in a 15 days. A DC15 check will get to the shell in 12 days.  A DC20+ check will utilize some interesting navigational tricks to actually get there in 9-10 days, far faster than normally possible. Failing the check will plan a 25 day path, which everyone will recognize as longer than normal.]
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(01-08-2021, 05:08 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:

[OOC: The review, as Rupert seems a very thorough person and wanting to make a good showing, will take until just before the ship launches.  Just stating that here to put this conversation in context with what is going on with Bazz and Melville.]

"Stellar", Cash says, "Good job.  The packets should be standard loads, although we want to make sure we can stretch it should we need to make it last.  It is the thing we are least likely to be able to replace if we don't have a decent port.  So I would rather they be packed a little small and have enough, than to repack for a slightly bigger boom and run out quickly.  Thank you for the report.  Once we get clear, maybe this evening sometime, we'll do a single firing test on all three just to make sure all is operational.  We are about ready to sail, so feel free to find a good place to watch the launch, or you can go talk to Bill Bryce to see if there is anything you can do to help with setting the rigging and the like. Slick is our other dedicated weapons crewer, but she has already done her inspection and is up in the crow's nest last I saw."
"AYE AYE! SIR!", and with that Rupert snaps a salute to Cash spins smartly on his heal and marches to Bill Bryce. When he reaches him he stops snaps another salute and says, MASTER CORPORAL GLADESTONE REPORTING FOR DUTY SIR! CASH SAID I SHOULD ASK YOU WHERE YOU NEED HELP WITH THE RIGGING! SIR!"
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(01-08-2021, 10:29 PM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: "AYE AYE! SIR!", and with that Rupert snaps a salute to Cash spins smartly on his heal and marches to Bill Bryce. When he reaches him he stops snaps another salute and says, MASTER CORPORAL GLADESTONE REPORTING FOR DUTY SIR! CASH SAID I SHOULD ASK YOU WHERE YOU NEED HELP WITH THE RIGGING! SIR!"

As Rupert starts speaking, Bill takes a large step back and squints at the Giff.  "What the f-", he begins, reconsiders, and starts over, "First thing, talk quieter or step back from me when talking.  You're too fucking loud for this early in the day."  He rubs his face with his hands, shakes his head and says, "Sails are good, everything else is stable from launch.  If you need something to keep busy, why don't you head to the hold and makes sure everything's still secure.  Or you can see if Slick needs anything from stores for breccy."  He nods to himself as he begins to roll a cigarette, glancing left and right over his shoulders as he does so.  "Yeah, that would be best." he seems to say to himself before making eye contact with Rupert again.  "Yeah, why don't ya go see if she needs help with anything.  Faster we eat the better my head 'ill be."
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Rupert strikes a match he uses for his pipe and offers it to light Bill's cigarette, before taking two steps back and trying to say in a quiter voice, "SORRY SIR, I WILL SEE IF SLICK NED HELP!", he then spin on his heal and marches away with a slightly dejected cast to his massive shoulders.
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Melville begins plotting a course to the shell via the shortest possible route, but avoiding known hazards.
Naviogation [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12

How does my feat assist in this, do I get advantage on the roll or is that only for maintaining heading?  And the times you gave , do they factor in my automatic 10% faster?
Quote:Spelljammer Navigation
• While helming or navigating a spelljamming ship, you know how to make the most of 
celestial bodies and gravity wells in wildspace. You arrive at your destination 10% faster 
when dedicating your time to one of these two activities inside a Sphere.
You have studied the Phlogiston and know all of the known paths between spheres. 
• When helming or navigating in the Phlogiston, you can decide which sphere to travel to 
rather than being at the whim of the currents. Additionally, you may try to forge a new 
path. To do so, make a Wisdom (Survival) check versus a DC determined by the DM 
(based on the distance and difficulty of getting to the new sphere from the chosen 
position). On a success, you create a new known path between two spheres. On a 
failure, there is no telling where your ship will end up.
• You have advantage on ability checks to maintain your heading.
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(01-09-2021, 12:49 AM)Melville Wrote: Melville begins plotting a course to the shell via the shortest possible route, but avoiding known hazards.
Naviogation [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12

How does my feat assist in this, do I get advantage on the roll or is that only for maintaining heading?  And the times you gave , do they factor in my automatic 10% faster?
Quote:Spelljammer Navigation
• While helming or navigating a spelljamming ship, you know how to make the most of 
celestial bodies and gravity wells in wildspace. You arrive at your destination 10% faster 
when dedicating your time to one of these two activities inside a Sphere.
You have studied the Phlogiston and know all of the known paths between spheres. 
• When helming or navigating in the Phlogiston, you can decide which sphere to travel to 
rather than being at the whim of the currents. Additionally, you may try to forge a new 
path. To do so, make a Wisdom (Survival) check versus a DC determined by the DM 
(based on the distance and difficulty of getting to the new sphere from the chosen 
position). On a success, you create a new known path between two spheres. On a 
failure, there is no telling where your ship will end up.
• You have advantage on ability checks to maintain your heading.

[OOC: no, those times did not take into account your feat.  I would say setting a heading counts as "maintaining" it as well, so go ahead and take advantage on that check.  The adjusted times with that 10%  are shown below:
DC10 - 13.5 days
DC15 - 10.5 days (rounded out)
DC20 - 8-9 days (possibly record time for a trip from the rock to the shell)]
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Navigation - advantage [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12 Advantage = a tie
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