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The Experience points have been divided into three parts.  The first part is before finding Forge, the second part is the battle with Unreth and the third part is everything else you had to deal with while fighting Unreth.  It's been a while since I've given out xp and even with help from Piper, Eek and Meek, this was a tough encounter.

The First Part I'm giving 500xp's each.  This would include exploring the first half of the cave and getting yourselves over the river.  This would be for everyone except Forge.

The Second Part includes killing Unreth which added up to almost 750xp's.

Then the Third part is for dealing with falling rocks, floods, sneaking around, thinking of asking Eek and Meek to join you rather than just killing them, etc.  I'm giving you another 500xp's.

Unfortunately Jonath's play was only around until you encountered Unreth so he will only get half xp for parts 2 and 3.

So that means:

1750xp's is awarded to Betimi making her total Experience: 3530 xp's!!  She is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1750xp's is awarded to Selina making her total Experience:  3430 xp's!!  She is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1750xp's is awarded to Nacesh making his total Experience: 2930 xp's!! Dodgy  (I will lend you the 70xp's)  He is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1125xp's is awarded to Jonath making his total Experience: 2805 xp's!!
1750xp's is awarded to Gilley making his total Experience: 2250 xp's!!  He is now 2nd LEVEL!!
1250xp's is awarded to Forge making his total Experience: 1450 xp's!!  He's now 2nd LEVEL!!
(04-28-2017, 04:24 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]1750xp's is awarded to Betimi making her total Experience: 3530 xp's!!  She is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1750xp's is awarded to Selina making her total Experience:  3430 xp's!!  She is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1750xp's is awarded to Nacesh making his total Experience: 2930 xp's!! Dodgy  (I will lend you the 70xp's)  He is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1125xp's is awarded to Jonath making his total Experience: 2805 xp's!!
1750xp's is awarded to Gilley making his total Experience: 2250 xp's!!  He is now 2nd LEVEL!!
1250xp's is awarded to Forge making his total Experience: 1450 xp's!!  He's now 2nd LEVEL!!

It's been a long while since I've given any experience points and I think it's time I do so.  So, you've basically two roleplaying encounters since Unreth.  The first was meeting and negotiating with Simon and the second was meeting the Magistrate and negotiating with the ambassador.  I also am going to give some additional experience for some miscellaneous stuff.

Part 1: 600xp's (Betimi, Selina, Nacesh, and Gilly)
Part 2: 600xp's (Betimi, Selina, Nacesh, Forge, Ningalu and Kee)
Part 3: 600xp's (Betimi, Selina, and Nacesh)
Part 3: 400xp's (Ningalu and Kee)
Part 3: 300xp's (Forge and Gilley)

Betimi: Is awarded 1,800xp's making her new total = 5,330xp's (670xp away from 4th)
Forge: Is awarded 900xp's making his new total = 2,350xp's (650xp away from 3rd)
Gilley: Is awarded 900xp's making his new total = 3,150xp's [LEVEL UP to 3rd LEVEL]
Kee: Is awarded 1000xp's making his new total = 2,000xp's (1,000xp away from 3rd)
Nacesh: Is awarded 1,800xp's making his new total = 4,730xp's (1,270xp away from 4th)
Ningalu: Is awarded 1,000xp's making his new total = 2,000xp's (1,000xp away from 3rd)
Selina: Is awarded 1,800xp's making her new total = 5,230xp's (770xp away from  4th)

FYI: I came up with 600xp's for each part by giving you 20% of the xp needed for a 3rd level character to reach 4th for the role playing encounters.
If you notice any mistakes please let me know.  

Betimi: Is awarded 1,300xp's making her new total = 6,630xp's (3,370xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL! Adding 300xp for Parachute Practice. New Total 6,630xp's (3,070 away from 5th)
Forge: Is awarded 1300xp's making his new total = 3,650xp's (2,350xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Kee: Is awarded 1300xp's making his new total = 3,300xp's (2,700xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!  
Nacesh: Is awarded 1,300xp's making his new total = 6,030xp's (3,970xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL!
Ningalu: Is awarded 1,300xp's making his new total = 3,300xp's (2,700xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Selina: Is awarded 1,300xp's making her new total = 6,530xp's (3,470xp away from 5th)  LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL!

Gilly and Jonath both gain nothing and will likely soon be removed from the group due to inactivity.

I have reached out to Kee's player to see if he is still playing as I noticed his player has posted in another game.
Ningalu started with 2000xp not 1000xp?
""6,530xp's (3,470xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!""

(02-13-2019, 02:03 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ]Ningalu started with 2000xp not 1000xp?

Sorry, I'm confused about what you're trying to say.  My previous posts shows he started with 1000.  He then gained 1000.  And now he has gained 1,300 which puts him at 3,300 doesn't it?  What am I missing?
(02-13-2019, 02:38 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]""6,530xp's (3,470xp away from 4th)  LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!""


Thanks.  Edited post.
I hope this is the correct thread for this. I was thinking about working on our edit of RKV to make it more compatible with a servant of Selune. Would it work if we kept Divine Impetus as the effective capstone of the PrC and just removed the other granted abilities in exchange for full casting levels?
(02-13-2019, 04:01 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-13-2019, 02:03 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ]Ningalu started with 2000xp not 1000xp?

Sorry, I'm confused about what you're trying to say.  My previous posts shows he started with 1000.  He then gained 1000.  And now he has gained 1,300 which puts him at 3,300 doesn't it?  What am I missing?

Ah, I forgot to note that he gained 1000.  So levelled up
(02-13-2019, 05:25 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]I hope this is the correct thread for this.  I was thinking about working on our edit of RKV to make it more compatible with a servant of Selune.  Would it work if we kept Divine Impetus as the effective capstone of the PrC and just removed the other granted abilities in exchange for full casting levels?

I will have to think about this.  You're a few levels off.  I will read up on RKV and get back to you.
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