(01-16-2022, 11:54 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Heavy flail is really good if you want a bit more control to him, which is also why I recommended feats like Stand Still (enemies moving away that provoke AoO have to make a save or not move) and Goad (move action force opponent to make a will save or only attack you).
Falchions, as far as I know, are two-handers. As are the other exotics you mentioned. If you want him to tank up, that will be a bit of a problem. I could see him becoming a real melee monster and her being the tank since she doesn’t do a ton of damage and he certainly can.
EDIT: Actually, I just thought of it. Goad would work disturbingly well in conjunction with Selina's Iron Guard's Glare stance. That tells her opponents "Attack me or take a penalty to your attack bonus" then Tomeal comes in with Goad to FORCE them to attack him, thus taking the -4 penalty.
Extra EDIT: I’ve got plans for Selina’s AC already. Defending armor spikes. She just doesn’t quite have the money for it yet, nor a place to add them.
The Great Scimitar can be used in 1 hand if he got the Exotic Weapon Feat. I think it would be pretty cool imagining Tomeal wielding a giant Scimitar but is 1d8 damage instead of 1d6 damage worth a feat?
As for Goad or Stand Still, I created Tomeal to be whatever the party needs him to be but I honestly thought you guys would be back at the starting city and Tomeal would have served his purpose by now, but here we are.
But then you guys adopted him as part of the group so he's taken a slightly different path. My only issues with those feats is for Goad, he doesn't quite have the AC to be demanding everyone attack him. It's also a mind-affecting feat so it would have been useless in the last two battles the group was in. As for Stand Still it activates with AoO's so to get the most out of the feat he should also also pick up Combat Reflexes. Tomeal has a Dex 14 so that would be 3 AoO per round which isn't bad.
That list was all Two-Handed weapons (I mentioned that in the sentence before) which would be ok if he picked up an animated shield which really is not that expensive (4,000+gp), which of course Selina could do too. Defending Shield spikes are also an option. Though I have seen arguments [possibly in a Sage Advice] where the Defending enchantment only works on weapons you are actually wielding not just holding or wearing. Wielding means [To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease.] If so, Selina would have to be attacking people with the spikes to get the benefit. I'm actually just mentioning this to provoke discussion. If the player doesn't have to actually use the spikes and can just wear/hold them, what's stopping them, because it's so cheap, from getting defending spikes on your armor AND shield AND both spiked gauntlets and whatever other devious ways players could come up with because the bonuses stack with everything. That's fixable by just limiting the defending enhancement to just 1 weapon. But I'm interested in what you players think.
A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword’s enhancement bonus to his AC as a bonus that stacks with all others. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapon’s enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before using the weapon, and the effect to AC lasts until his next turn.
I always went with it must be being wielded. Whioch brings me to a quetstion I had been mulling around.Is there a way top enchant a symbiont? Such as making her throwing scarab symbiont a +1 or +2 symbiont, or if she gets a crawling gauntlet sym,biont, to enchant it to +1?
What about adding weapon crstals?
Spikes do damage while the wearer grapples an opponent. So the weapon is the grapple. I've seen it go either way, and it's the DM's decision of course. But if you're going to insist that she literally must attack with said item, it's not going to work at all and it's back to ye olde drawing board for me. Her AC which is currently at 20, WAY too low for her build and level, can only be enhanced so far. Her armor could get boosted a little (for a fair price), her shield could get boosted and animated (for a fair price), but she's fairly limited in terms of options.
Tomeal has been adopted, as you say, because he was CONSIDERABLY more reliable, both in combat and in the calm spots in-between, than Mardak was. Also, I had a feeling at the time that Selina was going the Leadership route and he could possibly be her Cohort. At 7th level, with Leadership being a possibility, I've gone to a different feat. I don't know if I will take Leadership because she's very heavily feat taxed by being a Cleric, And a Crusader, AND a MKV. So many more needs to address. We'll see in the near future.
small EDIT: Let me put it this way. If Defending spikes are allowed, there will be less of a need for her to pick up Stone Power and she could potentially pick Leadership.
The point of Tomeal using Goad is that he wouldn't need to worry about having as high an AC because Selina is making liberal use of Iron Guard's Glare. The stance applies a -4 penalty to the attack rolls of anyone that does not attack her. Since he's nearby and Goading the same enemy to attack him, that enemy must pass a Will save or it has no choice but to take the -4 penalty and attack Tomeal.
For Stand Still, he only needs multiple AoOs if we plan on wading into combat with multiple enemies. I realize we've already done this a few times when, perhaps, we should not have.
I'm not insisting the weapon must be used. I just saw the opportunity to get the opinion of other players with different experiences. Maybe one of you had a new idea. But I will be allowing one item to be enhanced.
(01-16-2022, 06:23 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]I always went with it must be being wielded. Whioch brings me to a quetstion I had been mulling around.Is there a way top enchant a symbiont? Such as making her throwing scarab symbiont a +1 or +2 symbiont, or if she gets a crawling gauntlet sym,biont, to enchant it to +1?
What about adding weapon crstals?
You might be in the perfect world to add some bonuses to your Symbionts. They remake creature with not only metal but with body parts. If you find a body part you like on another creature, you can take it to one of these remakers and they can give it that power or ability. So if you wanted it to have a better AC, find a scaly creature you like and add the scales to the Symbionts. Want darkvision? Find a creature with it, rip their eyes out and give yourself Darkvision. As for actually enchanting, I'm not sure. I'd have to look around or create something.
Selina is now even more disgusted by this place.
About wielding the Great Scimitar one-handed? You tell me if using a feat to get an average of 1 extra point of damage is really worth it.
(01-17-2022, 12:19 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not insisting the weapon must be used. I just saw the opportunity to get the opinion of other players with different experiences. Maybe one of you had a new idea. But I will be allowing one item to be enhanced.
The Greatcleaver ought to be added to that large weapon list as well.
(01-17-2022, 09:30 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ] (01-17-2022, 12:19 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not insisting the weapon must be used. I just saw the opportunity to get the opinion of other players with different experiences. Maybe one of you had a new idea. But I will be allowing one item to be enhanced.
The Greatcleaver ought to be added to that large weapon list as well.
The Cactacae Greatcleaver is a great weapon! Doing 2d8; 20/x3; 10' reach. And as you know, Cactacae can use a regular Greatcleaver in one hand and can upsize it to Large to do 3d8 damage! It's something for Tomeal to keep in mind especially if he ever gets enlarge cast permanently on him.