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Racing up the gangplank at the last second, even as the ship begins to lift from the ground Garlen sprints for the ships gunnery station and straps himself in as soon as Tiktuk vacates the seat. 

"Thanks for the cover, I got this from here."

[Starship Gunnery 4D [4d6] = 14]
Nova puts the ship in high gear to get as far away from those TIE's and Death Star. The Imperial Pilots do the same with their ships. They easily close the gap to medium range. (They are basically engines with a seat! :p )

Garlen fires at the incoming fighters, hitting the lead ship. (You get an extra 2d6 from the targeting controls on the cannons.) The cannons take a huge chunk out of the side panel that was hit, but the TIE keeps going. damage [4d6] = 8, hull [2d6] = 7
(One thing I forgot with the roll was to subtract 1d damage for medium range. Probably doesn't matter much with that roll, though.)

(Because the rules don't really cover combat Juryrigging, I have to come up with something a little different. I don't think combat will last long enough for it to take effect. So for something quick like this, you have to keep working every round for the bonus. The bonus takes effect the next round. Roll the bonus separately and hope it's not a 1.)

Tiktuk works hard to give the ship a speed boost to get them out of there.

Round 2

The TIE's keep pressing to close the range even further. As they get close, they open fire on the ship!
(One evasion roll will suffice)
Rahullu sits at the shields station as he angels the shield full power to the rear, having done this before (one or two times) he hopes he will be quick enought to even out the shields should it be neseecary. he is sweatng or at least the wookie equvivalent of sweating and thinking this might actually be It! curse my inability with spacestuff, better get some traininng asap i we live thought this. but then again we might not something seems to have gone wrong wilth the shields.
In his comlink"aaaaahnr huuguughghg aaaaahnr wrrhwrwwhw uughghhhgh huurh aaahnruh uughguughhhghghghhhgh wuuh uggguh hnnnhrrhhh" anyone who speak wookie thats Galen and Nova can tell he is clearly distressed.

occ1: Mechanical:[ 2d6] = 3 shields

Better not get hit Bandit one, having problem with the shileds...

occ2:  who is at prearing for the jump to hyperspace? Jendu seems absent is he paralyzed by fear or is he in the co pilots chair MIB?
Round Two action:

Galen again targets the lead TIE fighter.

Starship Gunnery 4D [4d6] = 17 + Fire control 2D [2d6] = 2
Laser Cannon Damage 4D [4d6] = 16

Nova felt the Star Destroyer bearing down upon them, and she knew that this first swarm of starfighters would be only the beginning.

She heard Rahullu say something about the deflector shields, but her mind had already flashed back to her brief time on Jedha, a mission she still considered to be the highlight of her Imperial academic career. On the pilgrimage moon, so many were searching — trying to find their way in life — as Nova herself had been, before she found her cause... before Nova found the rebellion.

It was then that she remembered the mantra of the kind, blind monk she had met in the Holy City.
Nova spoke his words aloud. As she calculated their jump coordinates, she began to feel focused... and calm.
And she flew through a maze of enemy fire like she never had before.

“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.”

I use the Force (Point)!

Astrogation 4Dx2 = 8D -2D multi-action [6d6] = 23 = 25
Speed - Starship Piloting [10d6] = 29 (6Dx2 = 12D -2D multi action = 10D) Starship Speed Code [2d6] = 11 = 40
Evade - Starship Piloting [10d6] = 50 (6Dx2 = 12D -2D multi action = 10D)
Tiktuk continues trying to boost the performance on the sublight drive.

[5d6] = 18 Boosting Ships Speed
Not knowing what to do Rahullu looks hard at the shields control panel then flips a few switches hoping he remberd it correctly this time. Thinkinghere goes as he flips the last switch

occ: Mechanical: [2d6] = 4
Nova takes hold of the ship like never before and pulls some crazy manuevers out of her behind, opening up the gap between them and most of the fighters. One fighter manages to stay close to the freighter. Garlen fires the laser cannons, blasting off chunks of TIE. The TIE pilot holds the fighter together and lines up for a shot. Green lasers make a path towards the freighter, hitting where it was a split second ago as Nova barrels out of the way and into hyperspace.

(Everyone add a character point to your sheet for gameplay so far. You have a few hours of downtime before reaching the Corporate Sector. I'll give you guys a little time to gulp in some air and let the blood pressure even out before starting the next chapter.)
As Rahullu notices Novas wild manovers, he thinks i guess she heard me after all. Then hearing the hyperspaceenginee going on he goes up to the cocpit while speaking into his comlink"aaaaahnr huuguughghg uughguughhhghghghhhgh raaaaaahhgh huurh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huuguughghg wrrhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh wrrhwrwwhw aarrragghuuhw aaahnruh huuguughghg uugggh aaaaahnr uuh"and looks at Nova sayning " uughghhhgh aaaaahnr huuguughghg uughguughhhghghghhhgh raaaaaahhgh he put one of his large hands on her shoulder huurh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huuguughghg wrrhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh wrrhwrwwhw aarrragghuuhw aaahnruh huuguughghg uugggh aaaaahnr uuh raaaaaahhgh aarrragghuuhw"


In his comlink: This is bandit two, shall we all gather for debreif in the comonroom?

To Nova: Thats was some fancy flighing Nova another narow escape, well done, he put one of his large hands on her shoulder Also you did good in the firefight im proud to fight beside you and yes you think you could spare a few moments later to show me how the shields are angeld again? I think i did something wrong again, and you know what happens when im frustated and the controll panel is a little less solid as the walls.
Once the glowing blue vortex of hyperspace had enveloped them, Nova exhaled slowly and let go of the flight controls.
By the skin of their teeth. Nova smiled. Same as always.

That smile turned into a full blown grin as Rahullu lumbered up to the cockpit. "Thank you, Rahullu!"
Nova acted out drawing a pistol and firing it a few times, before pretending to blow smoke off of her fingertip. "I try."

"You did pretty great yourself!" She patted the giant Wookiee hand on her shoulder, with her own comparatively tiny one.
Then she playfully flexed both biceps. "I thought you were gonna hoist the whole spaceport over our heads down there."

She looked around for Jendu, suddenly worried, and said, "Yeah, we should go over angling the deflectors."
Then she held up her fists in a boxing pose, "And maybe make sure the senator stays alive long enough to convince that Jedi to join us?"

With that, Nova activated the comm. "Bravo, Bandits! Well done, everyone."
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