With Torin's approval Portho identifies the scroll as the wizard spell Haste.
Unfortunately, his bits and pieces from colourful knowledge don't extend to dwarven stone portals.
OOC - I'm in a training in this week, mabe I will answer more slowly.
Portho asks to see the scroll that Torin was unable to identify.
"It is likely arcane, and I can cast a spell to aid me in Reading Magic."
[OoC assuming Torin allows him to look at the scroll he will cast read magic on it]
- Okay.
"Interesting that when I suggest resting so I might regain my magic, you reject the idea, and yet you wish to readjust your spells and require a much longer rest to do so that is fine.."
Portho makes no attempt to mask his annoyance at his new companion's brusque attitude and manners.
- You are right. Let's examine yours part of this dungeon. Maybe we can find something interesting there. Please lead me there.
"I think this door should be the focus of our attenrtions rather than the pantry shelf. Likely it simply summons food, or used to.."
Portho goes through the illusion again and takes several long minutes examining the doorway and dwarven runes.
- This was the reason while I want to take a rest now. But you convinced me we can continue the searching.
"The only room in the section that I came from that had any overt features was up a set of stairs. There was a door that had one of those gargoyle faces on the wall next to it, With a keyhole in it's mouth. The other doors I came through I closed behind me deliberately to trap two large spiders that tried to eat me. If we can get those doors reopened we will have to slay the spiders. the spiders ate my companions, so I am not opposed to that idea, but I felt overmatched trying to slay them myself."
(04-26-2016, 12:24 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]"The only room in the section that I came from that had any overt features was up a set of stairs. There was a door that had one of those gargoyle faces on the wall next to it, With a keyhole in it's mouth."
- Let's go there and check it. Maybe there are something hidden thing which you didn't find it.
I had got an adamantine key which I put into the left keyhole. As I turned the key effortlessly the gargoyle's mouth snapped shut and the left door opened. I didn't try to turn the key again or to remove it. I want to finished this examine with this stone door before I try to remove / turn it.
(04-26-2016, 12:24 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]"The other doors I came through I closed behind me deliberately to trap two large spiders that tried to eat me. If we can get those doors reopened we will have to slay the spiders. the spiders ate my companions, so I am not opposed to that idea, but I felt overmatched trying to slay them myself."
- Yeah. This will be a good exercise for me.
So, what's the next action the duo will take?
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Portho will lead Torin back to the room with Pearl's cocooned body. There he shows Torin the door and the gargoyle relief with a keyhole in its mouth.
Torin examines theses rooms thereafter he tries to find a way to open the closed door which leads to the spiders.
The door upstairs and the gargoyle head with yawning mouth next to it look pretty much the same as the three doors that lead to the large hall, one of which still holds Torin's key.
The doors behind which Portho trapped the spiders can be operated by pressure buttons on the right side of each; Portho used them to close the doors so assumably they will open the doors as well.
(05-02-2016, 06:48 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]The doors behind which Portho trapped the spiders can be operated by pressure buttons on the right side of each; Portho used them to close the doors so assumably they will open the doors as well.
[OoC oh my mistake. for some reason I was thinking they were stuck closed.]
Portho informs Torin that the spiders are seperated. So they'd only have to face one at a time. He will ready his sword and shield and prepare to assist Torin when the door opens.
[OoC I m assuming my Invisibility is long gone but since we haven't done that much the Sculpt Sound still has me silenced?]