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OOC - See first two OOC answers in Rusty Rat Tavern since they may be interesting campaign-wide for everyone.

Yes, the medallion of the priestly remains is the holy symbol of Mystra but it has no magical powers.

Torin can't identify the subrace let alone the clan of the late dwarven cleric.

Torin recognises one of the spells; it's a cleric scroll of Aid (OOC - 35). The other, however, is quite obscure for him. (OOC - 21)
He buried the skeleton with the medalion.

Torin uses his Comprehend Language spell and heals his wound. (CLW: 9) 
He tries to activate the pantry shelf (say the word: pantry, put something in it, ...) 
OOC - maybe Portho can use his UMD skill. 

OOC - Does Torin know anything about the stone door (ooc know checks: arcana:20 history:16 planes:20 religion:17)?

- I need to change my spells,  I want to examine this door.  So we can have a longer rest now or I can show you the way out of here.

OOC - How much time it will take until dawn?

(Some interesting conversation, trying their's oaths, ...)

Some hours later before he goes to "sleep" :
- Give me your waterskin I will refill it. - he casts a create water spell. 

OOC - If you (Portho, DM) don't want to do anything important then we can jump to next morning.
The pantry shelf apparently does not react to speaking its name aloud.
What would Torin put on the shelf?
(04-21-2016, 10:30 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]The pantry shelf apparently does not react to speaking its name aloud.
What would Torin put on the shelf?

A rock, a copper coin, a piece of ration (in this order).
Torin notices no effect with either.
He continues with a drop of water, a piece of composted food from the heaps.
Still no luck, even though all of these fit on the shelf at the same time leaving space for more.
Torin gets out everything from the shelf and tries a whole package ration.
Nothing happens but the shelf seems to be large enough to hold five days worth of iron rations, measured by dwarven standards.
Portho asks to see the scroll that Torin was unable to identify.

"It is likely arcane, and I can cast a spell to aid me in Reading Magic."

[OoC assuming Torin allows him to look at the scroll he will cast read magic on it]

"Interesting that when I suggest resting so I might regain my magic, you reject the idea, and yet you wish to readjust your spells and require a much longer rest to do so that is fine.."

Portho makes no attempt to mask his annoyance at his new companion's brusque attitude and manners.

"I think this door should be the focus of our attenrtions rather than the pantry shelf. Likely it simply summons food, or used to.."

Portho goes through the illusion again and takes several long minutes examining the doorway and dwarven runes.

[Roll20.. rolling d20+7+2 Bardic knowledge (5)+7+2= 14 on stone door + runes, rolling d20+7 knowledge:History (7)+7= 14 on stone door + runes]

After that he sits and talks to Torin as well as mumbling to himself, pondering anything he can recall from his knowledge of the years before the Time of Troubles of any tales of such an odditry of a dwarven priest of Mystra, maybe some Waterdhavian rumors, maybe ssomething more concrete.

[rolling d20+7+2 Bardic knowledge (7)+7+2= 16; rolling d20+7 knowledge:History (10)+7= 17 on dwarven priests of Mystra]
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