Hearing the police are so close, Johnny decides to erase the video evidence of them using their powers. He wasn't too concerned about the eye-witnesses. They were so caught up in the commotion it was doubtful any of them would have the same description of the group or what powers were used. The people most effected and closest to the students when they used their powers could hardly string a handful of words together or seemed to be ranting lunatics. In other words, not credible witnesses.
[OoC: I'm having trouble with the dice rolling site, The Unseen Servant.]
[OoC: Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I got home in the morning and my PC suddenly had a blue screen and was taking forever to reboot. So I ended up going to bed because, work. And last night was incredibly busy. A combination of Tuesday being a normally busier night and lazy staff before me leaving me a ton of extra work.

Jack zaps one of the food trays and blasts it almost in half. The rest of the plastic on the tray was softened so he is able to tear it apart and lift it off the crying woman's lap. She looks at you expectantly while other people call out for help.
Malcolm mentally lifts the hysterically screaming woman and he is shocked when he realizes why she is in such distress. Lifting her also drags another man that was sitting beside her from his seat who appears to have somehow merged with the woman. The fusion has left them with one fused leg (his right and her left), a torso merged at their sides, the man's right arm cannot be seen but her left sticking out of his chest. He appears to be unconscious while she continues to cry out in terror and pain.
Samba easily scoops the child up and takes him to safety.
Gedeon was taken shocked by the man's attack and was unable to retaliate right away. He
bounces her head off [Yellow: 1pt from a kill result!] whatever is close by, which happens to be the edge of the train shell Gedeon just cut him from. The cut is deep [Typical 6] and
threatened to stun her but she easily shakes off the effects [Succeeded with a Red Endurance result].
Roslyn calls out to Jack for help with Sebastian while Katrina helps more of the survivors.
Interface tries to
link with the cameras but fails.
The police pull into the parking lot and begin crowd control.
"Okay Miss," He smiles
"Safe exit here," Jack points. Upon hearing Aurums' mind words. Jack looks to the others whom are trapped and hopes that he can be fast. Not only fast but the fastest he can be.
~I must get the people out of the train Ros and there's too many!! I must try to save them, I hope you understand...I'm sorry~
Jack with all his power tries to get them all out at once.
Agility Feat to hit
Carefully Malcom uses his power to carry the conjoined-man and woman out, realizing they will not fit on a stretcher he sets them down on the train platform.
Johnny's brows knit together as he tries harder to
connect to the surveillance systems.
"Well, well, this is a little more difficult than expected!!"
[OoC: Using Karma this time as shown by the +5 added integrated into the roll.]
Once Johnny connects, he copies the video footage of the incident into his phone and then deletes the rest of the stored video of their involvement during the event up to the point that they leave.
[OoC: A fork lightning Power stunt would require you to establish (meaning do it 10 times) a power stunt for an attack with 2 forks, then 3 forks, etc. Just like Nightcrawler had to do with multi-porting and Cyclops had to do for his bank shots. So the answer to your question is two at -2cs damage if you succeed in your power stunt.]
Malcolm lifts the woman/man out of the train and places them on the platform. [You could have probably put them on a gurney. Two people have been know to lay together on one.]
Interface finally connects to the surveillance systems of the train station. He downloads the vid to his phone and then erases all the video.
After talking to a couple of people, the police begin to approach the platform.
[OOC: I already made an attack roll (rolled a 14 needed 57 karma to get a 'bullseye') And I spent 100 karma for the power stunt for an attack with 2 forks. Is there any other karma that I need? Or another attack roll?]
[OoC does Samba see the approaching police through the invisible train?]
Aware that he has not done anything to draw outward attention directly to himself, but that his companion may not be so lucky, Malcom quickly tugs on Professor McCoy's arm and points at the police.
"I could distract them with some falling debris, but there are too many people, someone would get hurt. I suggest you get everyone rounded up quick."
[OoC: As with ALL power stunts, the first time you do them you have to make a RED feat roll. Just paying 100 karma is not enough. So you need to make the roll and I would suggest saying you are using karma because you need a 95. You always state you are using karma by adding +5 (Adults add +10) to your dice roll. If you didn't add +5 to your roll, you can't go back and add it later. Then you must make two agility feats (basic range attacks). In this case I will say you do need bullseyes because the trays are small and holding the people but normally you would just need green agility feats.
So you still need to make a RED Power feat to do the power stunt and one more bullseye.]
Samba does see the police coming. [Everyone must make a green Intuition feat to see them coming. No Karma allowed]
Beast will look down at Malcolm and reply, "You are right, we must finish helping these people. Use your telekinesis to push as many gurneys as possible from here to the shelter of the building. [I believe you can lower your Telekinesis to Poor to move 4 gurneys or 5 gurneys (feeble) with a Green feat roll.]
Dazzler will be mentally telling the students to be careful of visible displays of power.