When you approach the train cars (One fully effected car and half of another), you see green smoke still smoldering from the ground in a perfect circle. Metal and glass is twisted with limbs of people merged with the machine. There are faint moans emanating from the cars which turn to screams once the people inside begin to take in what was actually going on around them. Suddenly, two knife-like slices of stone tear up from the ground where the dome of energy cut the car in two. The two stones lean away from each other, pushing the two cars apart. On the other undamaged side is a familiar, young, dark haired, girl...
The ground responds to her steps by creating stairs for her to safely let herself and others out of the mangled train car.
Interfaces powers work like intended. The front of the train pulls away to safety and the message is sent to Beast and Malcolm...
Jack manages to pull a bystander away from the wreckage...
Beast tells Malcolm to stay close, then scoops the boy up into his arms and bounds toward where the accident occurred. Landing upon the roof of the station with Malcolm, they get a good view of what is going on. In the chaos, some people are screaming and running away while others are frozen with fear, wondering what happened to their loved ones.
"Okay sir, go over there. You will safe there." He tries to calm the man down then goes to help another person or a bunch of people out of there. "See that man!!" He points "Follow him out of here!!!" Then he sees one of his friends.
"Hey Kat!!" He says to catch her notice.
As the wreckage gets split open like an eggs, letting the petite girl out as the earth builds stairs to meet her feet, she pauses and begins ushering people from inside the train out and down the new stairs. She seems younger than the other girls, but given what just happened, and the red light pouring out of her eyes, she seems quite powerful at the moment. Also, despite the terrible train accident that she was just in, she looks oddly perfect. Not a scratch on her, not a hair out of place. It's practically unnatural. That and the red light in her eyes tends to make people shy away from her a bit, despite her adorableness, but it isn't like they have much choice. They need a way out, and she's providing one.
While helping people down the stairs, she finds it difficult to see very far in the green mist. She does spot Jack zipping past and calling for her, and yells for him. "Jack! There's some people who probably need stretchers. And... ummm... Some of them melded with the metal. I don't know what to do with them!"
Gedeon tries lifting her voice above the noise, but quickly gives up and just uses the mindlink. ~Any cutting will have to be done from inside the train, to avoid hitting the trapped passengers. I'm going in!~ With that, she heads up the new stairs made the the smaller elementalist, nodding at Katrina in passing as liquid metal starts trickling down her arms and forming into wicked blades.
Soon, there is a loud pop, like an aluminum can getting punctured. Near one gruesome sight of a still-living head sticking out of the train, a new bladed metal projection starts cutting around the person the head belongs to so they can be moved.
"Okay Okay...People need stretchers. And people melded with the train...alright...wait whaaaa? Nevermind, no time for Jacks brain not workingness. They need help too...somehow." His words go through the mindlink as well. "Ros, I found Kat and she's helping and so is Gedeon. She's going to cut the train around them to let the people escape. There is also a green fog around...Might be the cause of stuff happening."
Samba gets an idea how to aid some of the worst off victims, and runs into the train car.
"Hold still niño" she says as she moves up beside a small boy whose arm and shoulder have merged with the glass and steel of the wall of the train where he'd been looking out the window.
Drawing on her reserves, she focuses as much heat as she can to emit from the tip of her index finger, and begins using it as a cutting torch, at the same time cooling the heat everywhere except the exact point of cutting to keep him from being burnt.
Cutting torch power stunt.. Heat emission Ex16 [1d100] = 66 = green feat + 29 karma for Red feat + 100 for Power Stunt = 129 karma]
"We need to get down there, I can help from here, but I'll be even better up close where we can see through that fog"
Through the mindlink Graffiti calls out,
~This might help you guys...~ She
concentrates and the color begins to drain out of the shell of the train until it becomes as transparent as glass.
~Now you will be able to see through to make sure you won't accidentally hit someone on the inside.~ Graffiti will then begin to yell at people to move away from the area.
[OoC: My intent to use karma was shown in my roll with the base (+5) onto the d100 roll. I ended up needing 19 points of karma.
I think it might be good if we all create a Karma pool together.]
[OoC would Heat Emission Ex16 generate an EX16 strength cutting torch, or would it be higher CS due to dropping the range to 0?]
[OoC: Sorry for not posting for the last couple of days. The issue is hard to explain. Some real life stuff is going on like my sister had a heart attack. Thankfully it wasn't a massive attack but it's still worrying and I've had some trouble focusing. Also sometimes it's a lot easier GMing D&D than it is for Marvel. Anyways, I will stop babbling.]
As you are helping people escape, you can hear distant sirens getting closer. As Gedeon heads for the stairs, Graffiti reaches out her hand and turns the metal shell of the train into transparent aluminum. The transparency only effects the outside of the aluminum. When Gedeon cuts into it she can see the colored metal on the inside. [I hope that makes sense. Like cutting into an invisible pinata. Invisible on the outside but cut into it and you see all the candy on the inside.] The greenish fog is starting to dissipate which allows you to evacuate the passengers more quickly.
Both Gedeon and Samba work on removing their respective trapped person from their entrapment. [This will take another round] The man whose head is caught is babbling incoherently while the boy cries hysterically.
Beast jumps down off the roof with Malcolm.
Alison orders anyone not doing anything to escort people to safety until we can safely get to the people on the inside. Most of you recognize one of the people trying to evacuate. It's your classmate, Sebastian (Reaver). Strangely he doesn't seem to take much of an interest in any of you as he tries to escape. Then Roslyn remembers what the Professor said, George was suppose to be coming today not Sebastian...
[OoC: From this side of the train, you can still see the following...
- Gedeon trying to release the guy whose head is trapped. Now the Aluminum is clear she can either be on the inside or outside of the train. You choose.
- Samba using a cutting torch to remove a child.
- People running away from the train.
- Sebastian running away.
- A woman on the inside of the train screaming hysterically.
- Three people; one middle aged man and two teens brawling.
- Several people stuck in their seats. They are fighting with their seatbelts to escape but for some reason they can't get away.]
Villar I can't find any rules on that kind of power stunt. I thought maybe Cyclops might have something written about how his power works when he does something similar but of course it doesn't.
So, since you are limiting your heat to pretty much touch/ a few inches I will give you a +1cs to damage and +2cs when just using it to cut through stuff. Fair?]
[OoC: If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. I'm not perfect. Please let me know and I will edit this post or make sure to include it in my next post. Thanks.]