"Deep Purple is great. Yep Iron maiden. Wow you know a lot for a little dude" He kids. "So what magic set are you gonna buy from. May I suggest the newest one. I forget which one it is...oh wait, it's 'Khans of Tarkir'. Seems like a good set."
(November 2014-ish)
"I was thing Lorwyn or Planar Chaos and Future Sight."
[OoC: cuz it's 2007 not 2014]
Johnny was not really listening to the conversations going on around him. Instead he was thinking about the woman he loves and what was happening with her and Demi. His attention sharpens when Roslyn enters the room. Johnny was about to interrupt the conversations and ask her how she was feeling but then she talks about the trip and runs off without so much of a glance in his direction.
"Excuse me," Johnny says while standing up. "I guess I should go get my jacket. It's likely to be pretty chilli out there." He then jogs upstairs, makes a couple of quick phone calls, grabs his jacket and returns to the group. "I'm going to go stand out on the porch," Johnny says while putting on his jacket and straightening the cuffs. "I need some fresh air." He then exits the room.
(OOC: I think it was clarified that it was 2014, I could be wrong though)
[OoC: Just like in the comics, the year in the game is not really important. Yes it might cause some inconsistencies but just go with it. I really don't want to be referencing facts and events from 2007 in a game that takes forever to get through even a month. At that rate you might never get to 2008.

When everyone arrives, Alison smiles and says, "Well then lets get going!" She gestures for you all to go outside, picks up Johnny, and then leads you all to a black Limo-van.
Standing outside the Van is what appears to be a big hairy blue ape sporting a chauffeur's cap and has a wide toothy fanged grin on his furry face.
"Welcome students to Beast's fantastical automotive chauffeur service," the huge furry man say while taking a deep bow.
"I hope your travels with us today will be as exciting as they are uneventful!"
Aurum had come back down before Johnny, and when he comes down, then abruptly goes outside, her her head snaps toward him. She looks surprised and dismayed for a moment. Then she looks up at the ceiling, her expression thoughtful, though her hands clench. A moment later, she takes a deep breath and forces her hands to relax again. She does not follow him, instead waiting with the others.
When everyone is ready, she leaves with the group, smiling at Johnny when they run into him as if nothing happened and reaching for his hand so they can walk to the van together hand-in-hand.
"Yeah those are all good sets man." He was going to go on about all of his other favorite things -which would probably be all about his girl Lisa- but was interrupted in agood way by Ms HawtyMchawtness Blaire. Though being part of a school and stuff kinda remnds Jack to try and school his mind and to not dwell on things that were said. Jack heads out with Malcolm and the rest of them.
"Don't worry about Mr McCoy, he's an okay and fun loving guy and one of the bestest teachers here. He's just a big Teddy bear, though don't say that to his face."
Teddy bear... ummm yeah... ok. W..whatever that m..mea.."
His voice trails off when he sees who Jack was talking about.
Uh.. hello M..mister McCoy.
Without much of anything else to say, Jack decides to get a seat before a good seat is lost.
Malcom hands Jack back his iPod and digs his own out to listen to on what he guesses might be a long ride.
Some Black-eyed Peas should be good.