Welcome to RPGAddicts!
Looking to run a campaign here at RPAddicts?
If you are looking to DM/GM a game here, this is the forum you want to start in. Open up a topic with your campaign information and ideas. The thread will act as a form of Looking for Players so that you can gauge the interest for your game amongst the players. We would like any game requesting a forum to have at least three dedicated players.
Useful Information when looking for interest:
1) Present what system you will be using and your character creation guidelines:
- The Rules System (for example: d20 or Storyteller)
- Character Creation Rules (Allowed resource books, point buy system for stats, races allowed)
- House Rules
- Posting Schedule and Expectations
3) Use the forums and private messages to talk about ideas and get organised.
Starting your campaign:
When you have rallied at least three players, you may post the following information in the Forum Request Thread:
1) Category: Game system and applicable Setting or Version
2) The Title
3) A brief Description of your campaign (200 characters or less is ideal)
4) Please post using your DM Account
Sub-forums: After 90 days of continuous in-character play, your campaign will be eligible for up to three sub-forums to further organize threads.
-- Please include a Warning/Attention/Announcement Sticky Thread in game which are of Mature or otherwise categorized as R-Rated content.
NO EXPLICIT Sexual content is to be allowed in open public forums. There is a place for that, but it is not on the public forums.