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Missing Caravan
Jonath advances, sticking close to the cave wall and bringing himself opposite of Tomeal. Taking advantage of the desperate kobold's attempts to protect itself on both flanks, Jonath waits until it is distracted by Tomeal then darts in with a series of quick jabs. The first one catches it right in the throat, and while the second misses, the first hits solidly enough and in such a vulnerable area the second would likely have been pointless anyway.
5' step to D5, flurry on C4. He's flanked by me and Tomeal, so I ge the +2 attack and sneak attack if I hit.
Att1:[1d20+6] = 18+6 = 24; Att2:[1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10
US dam:[1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5; SA dam:[1d6] = 1
One hit for 6 damage.
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(01-12-2016, 07:01 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: ((*grumbles at Betimi for blocking her and preventing a good hit because she could have just moved up behind Nacesh to throw that spear*  So, fine!  Do I at least keep the rolls?))

Selina moves up to the kobold and swings her Morningstar at it.
[OoC actually no  Nacesh would have given the kobold cover then vs the thrown spear   and I 'could' have hit 2 kobolds at once if the dice weren't so  crappy] 
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(01-13-2016, 12:36 AM)Betimi Wrote:
(01-12-2016, 07:01 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: ((*grumbles at Betimi for blocking her and preventing a good hit because she could have just moved up behind Nacesh to throw that spear*  So, fine!  Do I at least keep the rolls?))

Selina moves up to the kobold and swings her Morningstar at it.
[OoC actually no  Nacesh would have given the kobold cover then vs the thrown spear   and I 'could' have hit 2 kobolds at once if the dice weren't so  crappy] 

Actually, instead of moving up beside Nacesh, Betimi could have stayed where she was and thrown her spear at the Kobold at K7.  Betimi would have gotten a clear shot and also left the way open for Selina to charge.  Not that I'm trying to instigate a cat fight or anything...  Angel  Grabs the popcorn...  Tongue

Posting shortly...
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(01-13-2016, 06:27 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(01-13-2016, 12:36 AM)Betimi Wrote:
(01-12-2016, 07:01 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: ((*grumbles at Betimi for blocking her and preventing a good hit because she could have just moved up behind Nacesh to throw that spear*  So, fine!  Do I at least keep the rolls?))

Selina moves up to the kobold and swings her Morningstar at it.
[OoC actually no  Nacesh would have given the kobold cover then vs the thrown spear   and I 'could' have hit 2 kobolds at once if the dice weren't so  crappy] 

Actually, instead of moving up beside Nacesh, Betimi could have stayed where she was and thrown her spear at the Kobold at K7.  Betimi would have gotten a clear shot and also left the way open for Selina to charge.  Not that I'm trying to instigate a cat fight or anything...  Angel  Grabs the popcorn...  Tongue

Posting shortly...
[OoC  range increment penalties... akso never expected Selina to charge into melee, she's never been a melee character so far..  oh well..  also I just realized I forgot to include my +1 insight bonus on attack rolls from Pact Augmentation.. not that it would have made a difference]
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[OoC: @Selina, you can keep your roll but you missed.  Kobold's AC is 15.  You rolled a 15 with the +2 for the charge.  Without the +2 your total is 13.  Sad  Sorry. ]

Selina moves up to the Kobold and swings with her morning star.  The Kobold ducks which narrowly allows him to dodge her attack.  He sticks his tongue out at her and hisses hysterically.

New round...

Jonath moves 5' and a with a grizzly crunch, jabs another Kobold in the nose.  Blood explodes from the critters broken, caved-in, snout.  He teeters then falls flat on his back.

The Kobolds still had a slight numbers advantage and with their Gnomish hatred clouding their judgement, they still decide to stay in the fight.  The critter that Mardak struck has no where to move to to avoid being attacked so it decides to remove its enemies flank advantage.  He moves 5' to the east [standing over the unconscious body of the kobold that Jonath just knocked out ]and stabs for his most hated enemy... the gnome!  He misses Jonath terribly, making his little kobold body shake with anger as he yaps, "Gnooommmee!"  The sorcerer was about to leave but he just has to get in that last strike.  So he takes a 5' step south and then it points a claw at Jonath, summoning another bolt of force that slams the gnome in the center of his chest! [5 damage!  Sad Jonath is now down to 3 hit points!]  He cackles with glee!!

On the other side [K7] moves to [J8].  It drops its sling [Free action] and pulls out his spear [Part of a move action] and tries to stab Nacesh but nearly pokes his own eye out. [succeeded on fumble check.]  Then [K8] moves to [K7].  It also drops its sling [Free action] and pulls out a spear [Part of a move action] and tries to stab Selina but he misses too.  The other two fire bullets at Nacesh [Receiving -8 to hit for firing into melee and firing through their buddies.]  They both missed.  

[FYI, I actually only applied -4 to their attacks because at the time of the roll I forgot about the firing into melee penalties, but they rolled so badly I didn't bother rolling again.]

Angered that the sorcerer once again attacked Jonath, whom he now considers a friend, Tomeal presses the attack [move 5' south]!  With a mighty swing of his club, he pounds the Kobold into the ground like a tent peg! [9 damage!]

Nacesh then tries to cast a spell defensively but failed.  The Kobold takes his AoO but Nacesh manages to avoid the critters attack.  The sorcerer then once again extends his hand and calls out, "Incendio!"  To which a small cone of flame erupts from his palm. [OMG I rolled a 1 for damage!   Confused  They all take 1 damage even with a successful save through.]

***It's now Betimi, Mardak and Selina's turns.  Then Jonath starts the round***

[Image: New%20Oshar%20mine1d_zps53ze0hmu.jpg]

Jonath: 14 (Grey) [ Damage: 3/18]
Kobolds: 14 (Green) [Damage taken: 3, 7, [15] / 3, 2, 3, 3]
Tomeal: 13 (Orange)
Nacesh: 12 (Red)
Betimi: 11(Purple) [Damage: 17/19]
Mardak: 10 (Black)
Selina: 6 (Blue)
Monster-in-a-box: 2
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Realizing she will be ineffectual in melee having thrown her spear, and Tomreal currently using her back-up cudgel Betimi weighs her options, then takes a 5' step backwards [to H7] and uses a move action to pick up a rock off the tunnel floor. [if she can find one roughly fist sized.]

She then hurls the rock at the kobold in front of Nacesh [J8], missing widely. Then using the magic of Leraje she guides the rock to then ricochet off the rock wall into the kobold facing Selina [K9]. The rock feebly bounces off the kobolds chest as if it was thrown by a todder.

Betimi snarls in frustration and fury.

[Thrown rock [1d20+5] = 2+5 = 7]
[Thrown rock Ricochet [1d20+5] = 4+5 = 9]

[OoC omg these rolls are brutal. I should be mopping the floor with these guys, instead Ilook like a child throwing a tantrum lol]
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Looking at the little shit in front of him, he decides to take a swing at the kobold but misses by a large margin.  'These lil' fuckers need some shit kickins'

Attack roll
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Selina gives the kobold in front of her a shocked look that just screams 'How dare you!'

"You point that thing someplace else!"

She swings her shield to knock the spear away, the momentum bringing her weapon arm coiled around herself.  She unfurls, using the power of the motion to unleash a vicious upswing...

Attack: [1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22, Damage: [1d8+1] = 8+1 = 9
Attack: [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9, Damage: [1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5

...and nearly uncorks the kobold's head from his shoulders. She finishes her swing, bringing her shield back around in front of her and glares at the remaining kobolds.
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Jonath was hurting now - one more hit and he would likely drop. Still, there was a kobold in front of him that seemed intent on finishing him off despite the odds against it, so he wouldn't back down now. Still, he did take up a more defensive form, being careful not to leave himself open to attacks. His first swing was tentative and only meant to draw the kobold in, and it worked. As Jonath dodged the expected thrust, he moved in and cuffed the kobold in the ear. Not the most solid hit he'd ever landed, but the creature was already wounded, so it may be enough to take him out of the fight. As it reeled from the blow, Jonath darted back a few feet, just in case.

Flurry, fighting defensivley, so -4 attack, +3 AC (due toi 5 ranks of Tumble), bringing my AC to 21 for the next round. 5' step to C6 after the attack.
Att1:[1d20] = 3; Att2:[1d20] = 16
Dam:[1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2
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[OoC: I am sorry if this gets a little complicated at the end.  The Kobolds are within 30' of Nacesh so keep that in mind if you plan to chase and then gun them down with range weapons.  I will open the area up once more players can look down the south tunnel.]

Without her stick ermmm... cudgel, Betimi decides to use stones to break her opponent's bones.   Wink  But after hurling the stone at the Kobold and missing, she realizes that apparently like words, stones didn't hurt him either.  Big Grin  [Sorry, I'm tired and in a weird mood!  Tongue ]

Mardak attempts to strike the last Kobold in front of him but the critter nimbly dodges the attack.  

Selina finally gets cross and bashes the Kobold in the head with a devastating blow.  He just manages to avoid instant death but he's still knocked senseless and crumbles under her morning star.

Meanwhile on the other side of the cave, Jonath carefully moves in for a quick jab and then tumbles back five feet.  For a few seconds, the Kobold stares at the gnome with unfocused eyes and then crumbles into a heap on top of the comrade he was standing over.

Almost dead and being outnumbered, the rest of the Kobolds decide it's best if they run!  Three of them manage to escape around the corner of the south passage [N6] without harm [withdrawing allows the first 5' to be moved without AoO] but when the Kobold at [J9] runs, Selina has a chance to strike him.  She swings her morning star but the dim light messes with her eyes causing her to miss. [Miss chance is 20% and Selina rolled an 8.]  Sad  He follows the other Kobolds down the south tunnel.

Not knowing what happened to the others, Tomeal runs to [D3] and calls back to Mardak and Jonath, "I think we might need some light over here!"  Then finishes his run at [I 3] between Betimi and Selina.  "What's happening," he asks the two women and the sorcerer.

[Nacesh is missing 3 of his Cantrips so I will assume he has: Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Light and Mage hand]

Nacesh casts a light spell on the tip of his spear and then moves to [N4].  The Kobolds ran [Double move] down the hallway so the light finds them in its dimly lit area at [around O10] around 30' away from him. [Betimi's darkvision will allow her to see him clearly if she moves to the south tunnel.]

[FYI: Map has been updated.  Remember everyone who has normal vision can only see up to the red line.  Persons with Darkvision can see anything in their area.  Just keep in mind where your character is and what they could realistically see.  For example, obviously Jonath can't see that the track goes all the way to the east and Betimi can't see anything going on in the room that Jonath is located.  I'm going to leave open the areas you've already explored.

The pink dots are light sources.  The Green lines are an indication of which direction the Kobolds ran.  Unless someone comes up with a light source, Betimi will be the only one who can pursue them.  The small green dots are dead/ unconscious kobolds.]

***Betimi, Mardak, and Selina's turn.  Then Jonath restarts the round if he wants to.***

[Image: Mine1_zpsvvxdbwyn.jpg]

Jonath: 14 (Grey) [ Damage: 3/18]
Kobolds: 14 (Green) [Damage taken: 5, 7, [15] / 3, 11, 3, 3]
Tomeal: 13 (Orange)
Nacesh: 12 (Red)
Betimi: 11(Purple) [Damage: 17/19]
Mardak: 10 (Black)
Selina: 6 (Blue)
Monster-in-a-box: 2
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